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View Full Version : dominnion and grim semi-stiff. Any good?

03-28-2015, 09:15 AM
I have used lapierre semi rigid on two of my bushs equaling 6000 taps and have had terrible luck with it in the last few yrs. first it started with a bad batch of tees which they sent me new ones, then it went to the pipe turning brittle so they claimed it was a bad run of pipe. Just got to a point where im tired of replacing yr old pipe with new pipe. so I was wondering if dominion and grimms semi-stiff 86x pipe was being used and if ppl liked or hated it.

Walling's Maple Syrup
03-28-2015, 12:33 PM
I have not used the 86x, but have used a lot of the 81ul(semi-stiff) for drops. I use the 60xl(stiff) for laterals. Have never had an issue with either. Holds fittings well and the semi stiff stays flexible year after year.

03-28-2015, 06:03 PM
The 3/16 I bought from D&G. Is 831x blue nice stuff easy to work with I only installed a little so far next year the rest bought 2000 ' and fitting ,Shaun was great help

03-28-2015, 07:46 PM
I like the D&G tube more and more. Not sure what stuff I got but it holds up nice and tight and is easy to work with. I Use same semi rigid for laterals and drops.