View Full Version : Removing label glue

Cedar Eater
03-24-2015, 01:19 PM
I learned today how to get that really nasty gummy stuff off bottles and jars when you peel an old label off. I didn't want to use isopropyl alcohol on a plastic syrup bottle so I tried some things recommended on google searches. A paste made from vegetable oil and baking soda works fine, as does peanut butter, but the easiest was Murphy's Oil Soap, which seems to just be dish washing detergent mixed with vegetable oil and something lemony which probably isn't required. Smear it on, let it sit for five minutes, and the gummy stuff washes right off. I cleaned the gum from a plastic syrup jug and from a quart mason jar.

03-29-2015, 11:26 AM
WD40 will remove it easily