View Full Version : WNY Outlook

Urban Sugarmaker
03-24-2015, 07:30 AM
I wanted to get some western NY producer's opinion on how much longer the season will go. Looks like a couple good days this week and into next week but my concern is the buds. Many other types of trees have buds that are starting to swell and I can't imagine the maples are far behind. What are you all thinking at this point?

03-24-2015, 07:50 AM
My season is done. I pulled my taps Sunday after a total of 130 gallons of sap and 2.75 gallons of finished syrup. Wife is pregnant and due any day now.... I guess I'm in a special situation, however. :)

03-24-2015, 08:58 AM
Congrats mudr, that's a great reason to pull taps! Here in Allegany Co there's no sign that we're near the end yet. Red maple buds are big, but they have been like that for weeks.

03-24-2015, 09:11 AM
Here in the Bristol Hills it looks like a couple more weeks if the weather stays right. Still plenty of snow in the woods to keep this cool. Pulled ice from buckets and tested sap . 25 gallons of 4% from 12 trees.


03-24-2015, 10:31 AM
I am in Allegany County as well and have made more than half of last years total so far. The next 2 weeks are looking very promising. My yard trees are making 3.5% last we tested. Still making very light syrup too.

03-24-2015, 11:05 AM
Seems to be a lot of maplers in Allegany and wyoming countying on here. Not too many from Genesee, especially northern genesee like myself.

Shaggy acres
03-24-2015, 01:07 PM
Geneseo here,

Last year I was shutting down this week but this year it looks like we still have a couple weeks to go. Late nights and long weekends!

03-24-2015, 04:55 PM
Last year my last boil was April 8th, and I could have gone a few days longer. This year is shaping up the same way, I expect to go another couple weeks or more at least as long as the weather doesn't turn too warm. My woods is still mostly snow covered.

03-24-2015, 08:12 PM
Here in Bennington NY the season is just starting.I have boiled 4 times so far.Still have a foot and a half in my woods.The bases of the trees are still not opened up. I do hang 128 buckets between home and Alden that I gather after work,and they will shut down first. If we don't have a week in the high sixties we will make syrup well into april. I believe the trees still are partially froze keeping the sugar % down, the next two days should get the sap pumping. The reds are always looking large even in mid-winter.When you start hearing peepers than you should be worrying. Best of luck to all of you western NY's. If your out shanty hopping this weekend I'll be open for Maple Weekend,stop in and say Hey.Sudzy's Purely Maple

03-25-2015, 07:59 AM
I am in Allegany County as well and have made more than half of last years total so far. The next 2 weeks are looking very promising. My yard trees are making 3.5% last we tested. Still making very light syrup too.

Though farther north (Monroe County), I'm pretty much in the same situation as Waynehere. Right about half of last year's volume at this point, still light syrup, sugar content increasing (42:1 average over 3 boils). Looking forward to another run today & tomorrow.

Urban Sugarmaker
03-25-2015, 08:22 AM
Though farther north (Monroe County), I'm pretty much in the same situation as Waynehere. Right about half of last year's volume at this point, still light syrup, sugar content increasing (42:1 average over 3 boils). Looking forward to another run today & tomorrow.

Hoping for the same. I have not made any light though. It's all been medium but that could be my technique more than anything else.