View Full Version : Hello from Wisconsin

03-23-2015, 04:11 PM
Hello everyone, I am in North Central Wisconsin, I have been kicking around getting back into syrup for a couple years and have decided next spring I am jumping back in. I haven't done it for years, I used to help my grandpa and I have some left over supplies, 7/16 taps and bag holders, to get started again small scale. I have around 6 acres of high hardwood and my cousin has 12 next to me and another neighbor has 5ish, which if I wanted to I could probably tap all of it. But going to start small and see where it goes. I need to build an arch and pan as the old one my grandpa had walked off. I have been doing a lot of reading online mainly on this site about the newer technologies, who knows maybe in a couple years I will go to a line setup once I get a handle of how that all works. Looking forward to some good information.

Run Forest Run!
03-23-2015, 04:16 PM
But going to start small and see where it goes.

Oh we can tell you right now where it's going to go! :lol: Start small? That's what we all say at first.

Welcome to the forum blucoondawg!

Cedar Eater
03-23-2015, 04:39 PM
Hi blucoondawg. We planned to start small, too, with just one tap. This is our first year and we somehow ended up with 15 maples tapped and a plan to try making birch syrup when the maple run is over. I should be cutting next year's firewood for the house, but instead I'm having fun. :lol: Welcome and good luck on that "starting small".

03-23-2015, 05:03 PM
I should have enough taps to do 30 or so on bags that's around what we always did, but I'm sure I will be up over 100 asap, I generally have to go big with everything I do for some reason lol

03-23-2015, 05:31 PM
Welcome blucoondawg and welcome back to sugaring! Starting small...you can try to stay small but I bet within a few years you'll have all 23ish acres tapped! Have fun and hope you get enough to make some syrup this year :-)

BC Birch Tapper
03-25-2015, 10:26 PM
there are lots of threads that talk of birch syrup production. Note that it is very different than maple, & typically flows after maple & has a lower sugar content. Best of luck.