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View Full Version : Minimum Height/Trees for 3/16?

03-22-2015, 06:49 AM
Hi....I have a slope that's about 35 feet high and I have at least 12-15 maples (maybe more) on it......would this be enough to set up some 3/16 gravity lines? I cannot motorize the transport of the sap buckets back and forth and I'm getting up there in years to hump 5 gallon buckets up and down.

03-22-2015, 06:55 AM
I did a few 3/16ths runs of 4 or 5 taps with about 30 foot drop total from top to bottom. I know it's not exactly what they call for in the study but it still seems to be outproducing my 5/16 on the same slope.