View Full Version : Defoamer allergens

03-20-2015, 10:31 PM
I have used known allergen producing defoamer (butter/dairy) products for our household use in confections that have been consumed by family member known to be sensitive to these products.
The family member knowingly consumed the products with no realized reaction. ( you set out a pan full of maple candied pecans and tell someone not to eat them because butter was used as a defoamer)
You ma y be saying "simply why would one take the chance". I am not striving to discount the dangers of potential allergens but simply hoping to hear more of real life:emb:
Thanks for your response.

03-20-2015, 10:58 PM
Thin your family how ever you want... but dont put that kind of stuff on the market. You dont realize how dangerous it is until you are the one with the life threatening alergic reaction.
The first 28 years of my life I was alergy free... now any contact with penicillin sets things in motion.

There are people with similar reactions to dairy as well. This is why we now need to register with FDA. For the ability to recall tainted products.
The risk isnt worth the couple dollars you save.

Now with that said, most people that are "sensitive" to dairy , have an adverse tolerance to lactose... not an alergy to milk.

03-21-2015, 07:55 AM
Thin your family how ever you want... but dont put that kind of stuff on the market. You dont realize how dangerous it is until you are the one with the life threatening alergic reaction.
The first 28 years of my life I was alergy free... now any contact with penicillin sets things in motion.

There are people with similar reactions to dairy as well. This is why we now need to register with FDA. For the ability to recall tainted products.
The risk isnt worth the couple dollars you save.

Now with that said, most people that are "sensitive" to dairy , have an adverse tolerance to lactose... not an alergy to milk.

Well said MD.

My future daughter in law has 15 allergies currently and soy is far more difficult to steer around than is her lactose issue. So or defoamer use has been nearly curtailed. It is only used when totally necessary and we use canola.

There are many factors that producers need to look at when becoming complient with Regulations and defoamers, lead and zinc contamination are a few major ones. I am socked as to how many old galvanized buckets are out there, and the number of pets in sugar houses is also concerning for those that realize or have witnessed a severe allergic reaction.

To watch a loved one suffer and digress until medications take affect is a helpless feeling that I pray does not happen again.

There is a huge diference between a sensitivity to... and an allergic reaction. While one can be a rash the other is pain that causes awaking from a nap screaming to not being able to breath adequately.