View Full Version : 2nd year going well

Tree Milker 56
03-20-2015, 07:17 PM
Last year was my trial first year - 10 taps - boiling in a pot over a fire pit - got about a quart of good syrup, then another quart of "learning" syrup, some was bad, had some crystalize, plus season ended early due to a new 6lb daughter arrival.

22 Taps this year, stacked block evaporator, 2 steam pans, 6" stack, even bought a hydrometer, cup and finishing filter. Boiled 17 gallons down, and then finished it inside today, ended up with 1 pint + 10 oz, best tasting I have made yet!. Evaporator did about 2-3 GPH so not too bad for some free bocks, and my silver maples!