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View Full Version : How Low Can Someone Go?

Bruce L
03-20-2015, 04:36 PM
My Father got a call from his life-long friend last night, he taps about 80 buckets to show his grandchildren how to make syrup, enjoys making a little syrup for himself. Sometime during the night some low-life stole 28 buckets,lids and spiles from the trees in front of his driveway along the road, turns out another sugarmaker down the road also lost some buckets. I guess buckets for scrap metal might get you a "fix"? My son asked me today if we were gong to put our buckets up at the road, I did tap them today but hopefully these low lifes aren't in there when I am going into the bush, my rifle might not agree with their vehicle, but then I would be charged instead of them. Also if I were to catch them they would probably come back and ruin the pans or burn the sugarhouse down, as they have nothing better to do and wouldn't want to work for anything like the rest of us do.

brass maple
03-20-2015, 04:54 PM
Sorry to hear about the loss of your stuff. Hopefully karma will pay them back. It's best to keep your head like you said, no sense going to jail. Leave the rifle home and bring a camera. Grand kids can't help make syrup when you aren't there. Keep you head up and make lots of syrup.


John c
03-20-2015, 04:55 PM
Very frustrating indeed!

buckeye gold
03-20-2015, 04:56 PM
It is sad what thugs will do. My family quit sugaring in the 90s when some punks burnt down the shack. They were mad because they got run off from the property for riding 4 wheelers through the lines. My cousin just didn't have the heart to rebuild and none of his kids wanted to sugar. I missed the syrup so that is why I started my hobby operation in 2008. From my father to my cousins they had around 20 years invested and it was all gone in one night.

03-20-2015, 05:42 PM
Had the same problems, not just with maple related stuff, also other farm equipment and products; this year I put a trail camera on my vacuum system that is off of a road away from the main farm, I'm not worried about them stealing the tank as it is almost too heavy to move with a backhoe but more worried about the vacuum pump, releaser, moisture trap and vandals… We have tried it all, best thing to do is either to just scare them away and verbally teach them a lesson (but always be prepared for the worst) or use a camera like brass said and also get their names, license plate, and call the cops if you can (not that they will do much about it in such a small case). Best of luck.

KV Sappers
03-20-2015, 08:16 PM
There certainly are a ton of low life's in our world. Hopefully their due karma will come soon.

03-21-2015, 11:20 AM
That's pretty darn low. You know, being new to this I was wondering about theft when I discovered how much all this equipment costs...even new buckets with lids are expensive. Trail cams definitely a good idea. I've had a problem with low lifes dumping all kinds of junk on my property along the road where they throw it over a steep bank and take off. I put up a sign that said "Smile For The Camera". There wasn't one, but it's worked pretty well. Just an idea. ;)

maple flats
03-21-2015, 11:37 AM
Don't think your tank is totally safe either. A couple of years ago, some tanks were cut up presumably for scrap and stolen. As others have said, some people have nothing better to do. My guess is that we, the tax payers even pay for their food, housing and cell phone too.

03-21-2015, 01:39 PM
That sucks for sure. Just a thought, how bout using plastic buckets near the road? Dont think plastic brings too much at the scrapyard these days.

Flat Lander Sugaring
03-21-2015, 04:47 PM
canadians can have guns? sniper them shoot the engine and then run hide the rifle what are they going to say, umm mr mounted officer i was stealing these buckets when some one shot my engine block.
I most likely have my SKS with me in the woods and a pistol you never know when you might be attacked by a coydog or mountain lion or druggy

03-21-2015, 04:59 PM
That sucks for sure. Just a thought, how bout using plastic buckets near the road? Dont think plastic brings too much at the scrapyard these days.

Couldn't say for sure, but I have a feeling if they stole the buckets, lids and spiles, they stole them to tap with, not for scrap.
Or maybe to sell on ebay, there's stuff like that on there. Nothing is safe these days it seems.

03-23-2015, 05:26 PM
I am so sorry about this, BruceL, and everyone else who's experienced senseless vandalism from their neighbourhood assholes. Karma will get them. And she's a bitch.

03-23-2015, 06:24 PM
canadians can have guns? sniper them shoot the engine and then run hide the rifle what are they going to say, umm mr mounted officer i was stealing these buckets

Lol...we can have all the guns we want and our police aren't mounted. We also don't live in igloos and play hockey 24/7. Ok, eh?

Btw.....very crappy about stolen buckets. Had my chainsaw stolen out of my shop a couple months ago. I figure it was some local teenage kids. Would love to catch them with it!

Flat Lander Sugaring
03-24-2015, 05:04 AM
Lol...we can have all the guns we want and our police aren't mounted. We also don't live in igloos and play hockey 24/7. Ok, eh?

Ok Cool, but the hockey thing I just dont believe that:lol:

03-24-2015, 07:38 AM
that sucks that some of your buckets where stolen seems like nothing is safe from the dirt bags now a days and we the tax payers help them stay alive!! my family farm has had lots stolen from it ive caught 3 punks myself and they had been charged to the fullest 1 even had to pay $5500 back to the farm for chopping out 2 radiators from a old IH wheel loader and international tractor truck. he and his lawyer couldn`t believe the price tag of the replacements , but the judge told him pay up or go to jail and still pay!!! that was justice for sure from the repayment money we install a few cameras i key areas and got lots of plate numbers run and a few trespassed even due to there past history. the world can be a f---ed up place fore sure, but i won`t take there crap. i would watch craigslist and ebay even just your local area. when scrap would go missing the first places i would call where the scrapyards in my area believe or not ive got 3 batterys and 5 alcoa big rig rims back that way bring the gun along for the real wild animals and the camera for the thiefs and vandals

03-24-2015, 08:15 AM
Saturday afternoon I ad a leak start...it was 70 feet of the lower road...some dum a$$ shot my sap ladder with a shot gun and hit all the risers but one. Some went straight thru. We got that fixed just to find two spouts were pulled off. Pulled a plug and dumped the line and let sap rinse it out incase somebody put something in there.

I agree Flats...bad enough we buy everything for them and then they have to steal and damage what is paying their way...WTF!

I guess I have to buy another couple game cams for down there now.

Igloo...I should have built one of them this season...probable cheaper to heat than my brick house this winter. The wife was eyeing the sugar house wood last week.:D