View Full Version : First Boil

02-26-2004, 06:43 AM
I got the pans sugared last night. I have a few questions.

First, I have a 3 sectioned sugar pan (D&G) and the back section of the syrup pan would boil. The middle one started and the front one would not boil no matter how hot the fire was. Is that normal?

Also is the back pan 2 sections boil extremely hard but not much in the rest. Is that normal?

Is this something that hooking up my blower would help with. I plan to wire it tonight. Thanks


02-26-2004, 09:59 AM
Chris...Is the section that would not boil in your syrup pan closest to the fireing door? The fire under the front pan is heading for the stack so the heat is not as intense at the doors. The blower will definately help just be careful,things get hot and change fast. Hate to see ya spoil a pan 2nd run out the gate.Same with the back pan the blower will greatly increse the heat spread across that also.


02-26-2004, 12:43 PM
Yes, the syrup pan is closest to the fire door. If I can not get it boiling how will I know when to draw off. I was about 5 degrees short of the boiling point last night.


02-26-2004, 01:31 PM
Chris... if you haven't already make sure you calibrate the thermometer. If your in doubt pull a sample and check it with the hydrometer,if both say it is syrup you are good to go.If it boiling in the syrup pan and not frothing you have to keep the steam rolling. In time the syrup will make it's way to the draw off.


02-26-2004, 03:54 PM
That sounds like one heck of a draft you have going there. Is that a raised flue? If so, I would check and seehow close you have built up the bottom of the arch to your back pans and haw far forward it is. Also if you are burning shorter wood than your fire box allows try keeping the wood close to the doors. It sounds like the air is coming in and pulling the fire back too far. Either slow your draft down or change the air flow under the wood. Your front pan should at least boil. I would also check the middle and back pans for syrup, it doesn't sound like your front pan was doing much at all.