View Full Version : Syrup in flue pan?

03-20-2015, 07:47 AM
This is my first year of boiling concentrate. I am ROing to 6-8%. Would it be possible to make syrup in the flue pan by mistake? The syrup pan seems to be dumping at a very high rate and the flow from the flue pan to the syrup pan has a lot of color to it. I love how fast I'm drawing off syrup, but it would be a disaster to start to get finished syrup in the flue pan I would think. Last night I boiled about 600 gallons that was not ROed, and the syrup draw slowed down towards the end, so I think the flue sap is getting diluted some. I ended up making 29 gallons of syrup in about 2 1/2 hours. Would it be a good idea to occasionally run raw sap through the rig so as not to sweeten the flue pan too much? My outfit is a 3x10 with a 3X3 syrup pan. I also have a 3x7 steam-away on it.

03-20-2015, 08:10 AM
I would consider running regular sap and not running the RO a huge waste of time. I have never made syrup in the flue and think it's impossible as long as you have a constant gradient

03-20-2015, 08:59 AM
Thanks for the reply. I know the next time I fire the draws will be much slower from running raw sap. What do you do when you only have a little sap- not enough to bank enough permeate to do a complete rinse and wash for your RO, but you don't want your sap to sit? I like to have about 500 gallons of sap to run my evaporator so it heats up and gets into a good consistent draw rhythm. I also need enough to account for cooling down of wood fire so levels don't get too low from residual heat.