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View Full Version : 3/16 tubers in MN or WI?

03-19-2015, 11:04 PM
I'd like to take a look-see at a 3/16 natural vacuum setup.
I'm on buckets currently, but have 80 acres of mature sugars & reds in Bayfield county Wisconsin.
Anyone between the Twin Cities & Ashland have 3/16 setup willing to give a greenhorn a tour?

03-20-2015, 01:33 PM
Was wondering the same thing near the twin cities.

03-20-2015, 02:21 PM
Presumably you have good slope where you're thinking of using 3/16" tubing?

03-20-2015, 02:41 PM
All of the hillsides I can tap have a minimum of 150 feet difference in elevation from top to bottom. Most of which could drop an additional 50 feet if you took it out to the road instead of the edge of the woods and field. Another question I had is this practical on a large scale say 10-15k taps.

03-20-2015, 03:24 PM
I can't quantify my slope at the moment, I'm going to look into it this summer.
There are areas that drop in to creek beds perhaps twenty to thirty feet over a distance of one hundred yards.
Everyone keeps talking about drop, but I'm interested in where distance (ie - more tube surface area) causes diminished returns.
Over the course of my eighty acres, I know I'll have greater than thirty feet of drop... but at what distance is there too much tube to overcome? My gut tells me that you can't have a quarter mile & thirty feet of drop and expect high vacuum.

03-20-2015, 03:30 PM
Ah I wasn't worried so much about that as I'm in bluff country so steep drops.

03-20-2015, 04:02 PM
The distance doesn't apparently have an effect on the flow. Only my second year with it, But I'm pulling 27 and 30 inches on two lines. The third I don't have a gauge on. Free vacuum, why not!