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View Full Version : 3/16 - zig zag vs long drops

03-18-2015, 06:00 AM
I am installing 3/16 line this week and have questions about configuration.

1. Is is better to zig zag around staggered trees or go straight between the trees and make longer drop lines. Up to 5 foot drops?

2. Would it be more efficient to run a 5/16 line to pick up all the trees that are close to the mainline, instead picking up the trees at the bottom of 3/16 lines?

Any input or opinions are appreciated.

03-18-2015, 06:11 AM
We have done it both ways, up to 15-20 foot drops in some cases. It doesn't seem to effect the vacuum in the line either way. It would definitely be more efficient to use 5/16 for trees that are really close to the main, because 3/16 isnt the best at straight gravity flow. Remember to try to get at least 30 feet of vertical drop below your last tap for most effective grav/vac. Also, we have found that 10-15 per lateral is really the best. More than that sap cant flow fast enough, less than that doesn't fill the line enough to make vac. Hope this helps. Best of Luck.

03-18-2015, 06:45 AM
A bonus of one zig zagged line, is the ability to pull hard and keep good tension as you curl the tubing around each tree.