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View Full Version : another barrel evap.

brass maple
03-16-2015, 11:02 PM
Well almost finished the barrel build. Just need to brick it. Hope I didn't miss to many runs because i Haven't tapped yet. Didn't see any sense in tapping till I finished the evaporator.will take care of that tomorrow If all goes as planned.

03-17-2015, 08:35 PM
What does it look like with the pan on it? and how is the evaporation rate?

brass maple
03-17-2015, 10:24 PM
Still a little work left on it. Will post pics when I get it done. just a flat pan and it's made of galvanized steal. It's an old one that some one gave me. Trying to work out a new one made of ss. Don't plan on selling any syrup, it's for personal use and am ok with that. The barrel stove I built from scratch, only thing bought was cement board, bolts, and welding wire. The rest was things collected over the years.

As far as evaporation rate I'm not expecting a whole lot. Pan Is 18" x 36". I'm hoping for 4 gallons/ hr but do have air under fire so hopefully will do better
