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View Full Version : Tubing install tips

03-14-2015, 08:46 PM
I haven't messed with making syrup since I was a kid and as it has turned out my short attention span has caught up with me again. My father used tubing the last 3-4 years that he made syrup but I dont remember what we did to keep lines tight. I've tapped about 35 trees and keeping the lines tight so the sap will flow properly has been an issue. I have mostly 12- 18" drops with everything teed together zigzagging through my woods. Its all on a fairly steep side hill. Some spots have a fair amount of pitch and others are minimal but everything is running downhill. Right now I have everything wired around the trees in various configurations and I'd rather not do this to my trees. There has to be a better way. I have looked through several threads but they may as well be written in Spanish because I understand pretty much none of the lingo. I have a couple runs one has a dozen taps the other has seventeen then I have a couple spots with 2-3 trees linked together. I've been making changes almost daily and I'm finally getting my lines to empty pretty good. A couple days ago one run was almost completely full of sap and frozen solid. Long winded I know but I could use some input and maybe some pics of a proper set up if anyone has time. Thanks

03-15-2015, 11:03 AM
watch kruger norton 3/16 video on you tube

03-15-2015, 03:17 PM
OK thanks.