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View Full Version : Shurflo. Sap sitting in lines at times, not always.

03-14-2015, 08:40 PM
I have been playing with my new Shurflo for about 2 hrs. total.

Poor sap flows in my area, maybe tomorrow it will let loose.

When I let the pump rest (off), then turn it on, it pulls sap just fine, any sap I see in any line gets sucked up and through the pump. Then things quiet down and no sap comes out the back end into collection pipe. I see no sap in any lines.

Now is the tricky part, after I turn the pump on and it pulls all sap in the lines, if I leave the pump running, after awhile I can see sap in a single line or drop and the pump wont pull it unless I shut pump off and reboot. Not all sap sits in the lines, just one line or drop.

I am hoping this is due to sap not running properly yet. I feel and hope that when the trees open up all should flow well but don't know. I do have decent vacuum and it holds too, pump off and pull a far tap and I hear the air suck and release.

It is not always the same line that will let sap sit just before the saddle or at tap sap sits at the Tee, but flows great when I reboot pump, its just confusing.

Do I need to let pump run for a long time for all to work proper ? I have run the pump maybe longest time yet is 15 mins, only because sap isn't really running here. Tomorrow it will be full on sap time. Perfect forecast.

Does any of this make sense?



03-14-2015, 10:42 PM
Terry no worries.

When the vacuum is established in the tubing the sap will come. On poor days it will run slow if at all. On good days it will run steady.

What you are seeing is the lines getting some sap in them and the pump is pulling it right out as the pump is able to suck it from zero vacuum point to the pump.

Turn her on and walk away...it will run and be just fine.

Sap will get stuck in the drops as the tree is like a dead end. I found a y is able to get the sap into the line better, especially when the lines are fairly or nearly full and flowing. Venturi affect I figure.

03-15-2015, 07:18 AM
Hi Ben:

That's great to hear.

Today will be the test, 8a.m. and just about to go above freezing.

Forecast is perfect today calling for 6C or 42.8F, full sun, no wind, absolute best conditions. My trees have been waking up for the last week or so, giving some sap, ready to burst I hope.

I sure hope the pump performs.


03-15-2015, 07:21 AM
Good luck!!

I hope it gets warm enough today for me to troubleshoot mine.

03-15-2015, 08:54 AM
What you are seeing is exactly what I see. If saps not flowing then sap will sit in the lines or move very slowly. Even when sap is flowing well it starts, stops, speeds up and slows down. I don't usually get a constant steady flow but it definitely flows. I'm getting at least double the sap when it's running as opposed to just gravity alone. What you need to be more concerned with is vacume level. My gauge at the end of my line reads 15"-20" depending on how well sap is flowing and if there is vacume the sap will come. I couldn't be happier with the performance of these pumps! They are working too well for me right now. My RO is down and I am getting more sap then I can handle!