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View Full Version : Stove pipe question

03-13-2015, 07:03 PM
Hello everyone,
I am new here and have really enjoyed all of the information this site has to offer. this is my first year tapping trees and I'm starting small with 10 red maples I have on my property. I am building a small evaporator on the cheap with an old file cabinet, bed frame, and some cement board I have laying around. My question is on the stove pipe. I have some unused heating ducting laying around and I am wondering if this would be okay to use. Is this stuff galvanized and does that pose a danger? It will be used strictly outside and I'm just looking to get through this years batch. I am trying to not spend a lot of money to keep my wife happy. I have attached a couple of pictures of my build so far so you can idea of the size.

Thanks for any input.1106511066

03-13-2015, 07:09 PM
Thin wall and won't last long, but I could get a season out of it. I worked construction and I had a ready supply of it and used it for years, new every year, and never bought a piece. Now that I have to buy it I buy stove pipe.

03-13-2015, 07:12 PM
What he said, it should get you through one or two seasons. Especially if you are only boiling 10 taps worth. Nice build using some materials you had laying around.

Cedar Eater
03-13-2015, 08:07 PM
If you take it down at the end of the season, rinse it out with a garden hose, dry it, and store it in a dry place, you might get years of use out of it. And you'll be able to point out to your wife how cost conscious you are being. ;) If you leave it out in the weather, it might not be there next season.

03-13-2015, 08:11 PM
I'm on my third year and they only cost $10!

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Zucker Lager
03-13-2015, 10:40 PM
I'm also a "Use what you got" kind of guy but when it comes to galvanized I tend to cringe a little because early in my carrier I got zink poisoning from welding in an enclosed space on galvanized pipe. Its not too toxic until you get it really hot then the vapor that comes off can make you very sick. Trust me very sick. Jay

Check out this link: http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zinc_toxicity

03-13-2015, 11:20 PM
You may have more of an issue with the lead in the paint than in the galvanizing. Keep good air flow and you should be fine.

I got a new stainless steel transition for my evap today made up. the old one got some water down the pipe this week from the roof and it froze and damaged the transition. New one was done in a few hours and it was around $100. Looks great..far better than my old galv. one.

I totally understand on the cheap with the wife. LOL Most of use have those loving partners that like the income but hate the expense end of this business.

Funny how that works...but she comes to the bush and helps often now days.

Good Luck!


03-14-2015, 09:28 AM
on my sixth year with the cheap lets see how it works system just do a few test boils with water and stay up wind until the pipe has that darker gray color