View Full Version : Finished my first batch last night

Cedar Eater
03-12-2015, 09:39 PM
It was just a test batch, boiled down from our first two gallons of sap just to make sure we're prepared for larger batches. The yield was just over 4 Oz., but I can't say for sure whether we got real close to 67 Brix. I had some this morning with my oatmeal and a little more this evening with some Canadian whiskey, because, I don't know, something about Canada and maple leaves, plus I suspect my French-Canadian ancestors had the maple syrup gene and the whiskey gene. Anyway, I impressed myself by doing what probably billions of other people have done. :lol:

Run Forest Run!
03-12-2015, 09:45 PM
Congratulations Cedar Eater! It sure sounds like you are having fun. :)

03-13-2015, 07:08 AM
No not billions! If it was easy every one would do it! Enjoy!

Burnt sap
03-13-2015, 11:45 AM
Gonna try my hand at Maple Moonshine. But whiskey sounds good too.

Cedar Eater
03-13-2015, 01:08 PM
Gonna try my hand at Maple Moonshine. But whiskey sounds good too.

The whiskey was very good with the maple syrup in it, but it was just cheap whiskey we normally use for making whiskey sours. Maple syrup apparently fixes cheap liquor. :D

03-13-2015, 01:23 PM
The whiskey was very good with the maple syrup in it, but it was just cheap whiskey we normally use for making whiskey sours. Maple syrup apparently fixes cheap liquor. :D

that does sound good should help the deep snow pains

but its good this way also bottled yesterday morn what 11059i had for lunch