View Full Version : Hot or cold water for an acid wash?

Justin Turco
03-12-2015, 08:01 PM
I have a 125 GPH leader Springtech Mini Elite R/O.

I guess I never really thought about it before, but do I use hot or cold water for my Hydranautics PVD-1 membrane for the acid wash and subsequent soak? (I do use 115 degree water for my normal wash.) For today I used cold permeate and will let it soak for a couple of days. Well.....that is unless the sap runs tomorrow, but I'm not sure that it will.

Last year at this time my sap was 3%. Today it was 1.5%!


03-12-2015, 09:24 PM
This is taken from the manual for my Elite 500 Springtech:

The acid wash is a very important process to keep your membrane clean. It helps getting
rid of the biofilm and bacteria that develop when there are hotter periods in the season.
To be efficient, the Osmo acid soaking has to last at least 8 hours. It can go on without
damaging the membrane for up to four weeks. The acid wash is carried out following the
soap wash mode.

03-13-2015, 07:08 PM
I have a Springtech 350: When doing the acid wash I run the RO temp up to 115 Degrees...same as temp as with a soap wash.