View Full Version : Tapped in Hopkinton

03-11-2015, 08:56 PM
I actually got my first taps in Sunday, but have been too crazy busy to post anything. Next year, I'm not modifying anything. I want to have a normal winter where all I have to do is charge my drill! Too many new projects before the season!

I've got 130 on tubing and this weekend I'll get onto the buckets. Couple of properties fell through, so looks like I'll only be around 160-170 this year.

Decent run on Tuesday, but things pretty much shut off today. It only got down to 37 last night and it hit 55 here today. Can you believe that? The first run is stopped by a heat spell? Things look really good the rest of the way though.

Fired up the new Patrick Phaneuf 2x6 tonight and put 100 gallons in just to try everything out. It's a beautiful thing. I took it easy just to get the hang of things and it still ripped through the sap. I'm trying out some new firing times and techniques and things went well. Sap going in was at 3%.

Good luck to everyone!


03-15-2015, 08:29 AM
Finally got a good run the last eighteen hours or so. Should have @ 250 gallons or more to boil down today. Let the fun begin..