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View Full Version : Ball popping out on CV1?

Sunday Rock Maple
03-10-2015, 01:51 PM
The ball popped out of a large percentage (maybe half) of the CV1's that I put in this morning. This is our fourth year with them and we have about 1,900 of 3,000 in for this year and I've never seen this problem before. Sometimes it pops before the tap is seated but mostly it's on the last hit (you can tell when it seats by the sound and feel). We're using white nylon hammers and so it isn't like we are striking the fingers and causing the issue ourselves. I'm hoping we just got a few bad bags and it'll go away. Anyone have this problem? I tried to search but didn't have much luck -- most threads seem to be on the CV2.

03-10-2015, 03:59 PM
We've had it happen to us too. This year's CV's seemed better than last year's but it still happened on occasion.

03-10-2015, 05:29 PM
I put in about 600 this year and didn't have any of them pop out. I use the little compact 8 ounce claw hammer from Harbor Freight.

03-10-2015, 09:48 PM
Maybe you have some of the original ones that were on clearance? They had an issue with the fingers that held the ball breaking off.

03-11-2015, 05:39 AM
I've had some break off at the stem or break when I put the stubby in. Have a lite weight plastic hammer also. Used these since 2010 and this is the first time had any problems. Never had the ck. ball come out.

03-11-2015, 06:17 PM
I've been using the clearance CVs right along. And I've broken 4 total. I think the secret is not to follow the directions. I put the stubbie and CV together then hammer the whole setup in the tree. I also don't have any stubbies fall out this way.

Sunday Rock Maple
03-11-2015, 09:22 PM
Maybe you have some of the original ones that were on clearance? They had an issue with the fingers that held the ball breaking off.

That sounds possible, I hadn't heard of this issue before but it seems to be what's in a given bag. I can't find any date or lot code at all and I bought through a dealer so I can't say anything about a clearance. I guess I need to think this through before deciding what to buy next year, perhaps this technology (or the manufacturing process) isn't robust enough for the long haul.

03-12-2015, 01:04 AM
Are these new or are you using them for multiple years?

Thompson's Tree Farm
03-12-2015, 04:42 AM
[QUOTE=Sunday Rock Maple;272032]That sounds possible, I hadn't heard of this issue before but it seems to be what's in a given bag. I can't find any date or lot code at all and I bought through a dealer so I can't say anything about a clearance. I guess I need to think this through before deciding what to buy next year, perhaps this technology (or the manufacturing process) isn't robust enough for the long haul.[/QUOTE

I'm cheap. I bought the older ones. They have a big orange 2009 sticker on the bags. Have over 7000 of them in and only had one ball (that I noticed) pop out.

Sunday Rock Maple
03-12-2015, 08:34 PM
[Quote=I'm cheap. I bought the older ones. They have a big orange 2009 sticker on the bags. Have over 7000 of them in and only had one ball (that I noticed) pop out.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I've seen that sticker in past years -- we never had a problem with them either. I'm guessing we've used about 11,000 over the past fours years to date and have only seen the problem on the last 1,500 or so (but again no date or lot code with these bags so I don't know where or when they came from).

red maples
03-13-2015, 06:42 AM
When ever there is anything new I wait a few years for them to work out the bugs and test them then I will start using them. There were some issues with those first run CV's and stubbies with sharp edges damaging the fingers inside the adapter. the second round ones have stilghty rounded inside edge and don't damage the fingers. I think they either stiffened up the finger or lengthened the tips a little to hold the ball in better.

03-13-2015, 07:36 AM
I've been using CV1 since they came out and have never had a problem except for last year had some crack when tapping stubby in
This years batch no problem I've never seen the ball come out ever

03-13-2015, 08:34 AM
4th year on CV 1 and have never broke one, nor had the ball pop out. I did have a few broken fingers the first year, til I realized how delicate those fingers are. Now, I insert the stubby very carefully and havn't had a problem since.

03-13-2015, 08:42 AM
same here, no issues