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View Full Version : Shurflo Manifold AND a bonus feature !!

03-10-2015, 11:52 AM
I sure hope I can explain this so people can understand.

I wanted a manifold so my sap could drain when the pump was not running, manifold was the answer. 10978

I then thought that if a add another TAP to the manifold I could turn off that Tap to stop all flow from the mainline10979.

The reason I want to shut off intake from mainline is: If I close the mainline tap, leave open the two taps that are side by side (original build), the pump will suck from my collection tank and I can fill my barrel I use to transfer sap back to the house. I just need to point the drain hose into my portable sleigh barrel. No more bending over into my collection barrel with pails to fill my sleigh barrel.

So, with the manifold, (under $20.00), I now have a drain under pressure (pump running), a drain for when the pump is not running and a pump to fill my sleigh transfer barrel.

Hope that is understandable, if not please ask me. Cheap handy item that I feel I am going to enjoy.

Good luck everyone.


03-10-2015, 04:31 PM
Here is the manifold connected to my mainline.

I just have to connect the two rear fittings, (pipes), One line will connect into pump intake and the other line will empty mainline into collection barrel when pump is turned off.

Pump getting attached next day above freezing. Small amounts of sap dripping from the manifold today.


03-11-2015, 07:34 AM
Awesome setup Terry. How's the Shurflo working.

03-11-2015, 08:03 AM
nice job Terry. let us know how it works.

03-12-2015, 06:48 AM
I played around yesterday with the pump installed and found one more benefit to the manifold. I can totally drain the pump and intake line at night when it is going to freeze. I leave my pump outside on site , so that is very helpful.

I did try the feature of pumping from collection tank into portable sleigh tank and that works great too. The pump will pump upwards to my sleigh tank on level ground, collection tank is much lower than sleigh tank.

I had to insert a piece of thin pipe (stint), into my clear tubing to stiffen it up, I was using a clear piece about 8" long, 8" was too much-too flexible, as the vacuum pressure was imploding the clear tubing, great vacuum I guess.

I think all adjustments are complete, just need warmer weather now to see it all in action.

Very happy with the inexpensive manifold.
