View Full Version : Different Trees Different Days Running -- how to know if a tap is dry?

03-10-2015, 08:20 AM
2nd year newbie question. Last year single tapped three trees. This year tapped the same three trees, plus 3 additional trees, once of which is double-tapped. Taps were put in about 10 days ago when it looked like the weather might break, which didn't happen until a few days ago.

Of the 7 taps, only 2 have begun to run... and granted very little so far. My question is does the size of the tree (diameter) impact when the tree will begin to run. I'm thinking the larger diameter tree will take longer to thaw out and therefore may need more days in the 40s to begin to run. Is that thinking accurate? Are there other reasons I might have dry taps that I should consider?

One other factor, is I let my son drill the holes and tap in the spiles -- he did it last year, too -- some of the holes are at a steeper angle than they should be (I know there is discussion about 90 in versus a 10 degree incline.) If they are at a steeper angle, is it possible that my "tapped" drill length/depth is not long enough to hit where it needs to? We did see clean, pale shavings when the bit was removed.

For what its worth, I'm snowshoeing to the trees, they are probably in 3-4' of snow. The three new trees range from roughly 24"-30" diameters. The three trees I did last year are smaller -- the "best" runner last year, a sugar, is only 12-13".

Thanks for your help.

photos are 2 of the 3 new trees


03-10-2015, 08:32 AM
Larger does take longer to thaw and will be the later to start and usually the last to stop.

Relax and let the tree thaw. I had 42 and bright sun and the trees I was working were not letting anything down. I am hoping that by the weekend things my start here in southwestern VT.

Good thing is the snow is settling and it is getting easier to move in the bush.

03-14-2015, 09:52 AM
I'm a newbie also, but I've found that my trees that still have the trunks covered in snow are producing very little. Those with no snow around the trunk and the ground are flowing well. I'm guessing it involves the actual thawing of the tree.

03-14-2015, 10:02 AM
I've had trees not give a drop, and others you'd think they were going to bleed to death. No real rhyme or reason, just trees acting like women!

03-15-2015, 10:12 AM
My trunks are still surrounded with snow, though they are getting the beginnings of open space.one tap still flowing, not heavily though - yesterday under 1/2gal and that included the prior day's slim pickings. One or two other taps may have started, again just drips. Waiting to see what happens. A neighbor down the road taps, I believe it is four trees with 8 taps,running on tubes into 2 probably 10 gal containers. Past the hous yesterday and saw that one of the containers has been swapped out for new. Maybe I should "borrow" their sap. ;)

Just wanting to see what it brings.