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03-04-2020, 08:14 PM
I have around 90-100g from 67 on 5/16 lines. That’s Tuesday and today. Not bad considering the weather was not ideal at all. Glad your trees are flowing mark.

03-05-2020, 07:03 AM
You fellas are certainly outperforming me... 165 taps 450L over 2 days... =1.4L or .36Gal/tap/day These are on a little 12v pump, 3/4" mainline with 3/16" laterals... I checked around last night and my system is pretty tight.... Just need the trees to wake up a little better yet, I guess..
I also have 25 taps on some big old roadside trees on 3/16 gravity.... they produced .88Gal/ tap yesterday...
Fingers Crossed... gonna fire up the RO this weekend and see what happens. Supposed to go from 0 to +4 this afternoon (after being down to -7 last night) Could be a decent afternoon.

03-05-2020, 07:29 PM
Wmick hope it picks up for you. This start for me is exceptional. My 80 taps / bucket combs yielded 2.475 L per tap in exactly 24 hours. Pretty solid!

03-06-2020, 08:11 AM
My taps right now are averaging 3.75 liters each in 24 hours. Not bad so far. First boil last weekend was Grade A Golden. The picture attached shows the amber colour of my 2019 syrup on the left and my first batch of 2020 syrup.

03-06-2020, 10:24 AM
Wmick hope it picks up for you. This start for me is exceptional. My 80 taps / bucket combs yielded 2.475 L per tap in exactly 24 hours. Pretty solid!
Hope so too..... I increased my taps by about 75% this year (good thing) Because based on performance so far and the forecast, I could very likely end up with less sap than last year.
My wife says Id make a terrible farmer.... Driving myself nuts, watching the forecast.

Speaking of which.... 0 deg right now... Thats the high for today... Very cold tonight and back up to 0 deg tomorrow... Sunday should be a Hum-Dinger.... with a high of +9... :cool:

03-06-2020, 01:33 PM
I'm close to thamesford just east of London. Time between collecting was just over 24 hours. I'm swimming in sap.

03-06-2020, 01:59 PM
I'm close to thamesford just east of London. Time between collecting was just over 24 hours. I'm swimming in sap.

Living in The Sunny South...:D

cat tech
03-06-2020, 10:58 PM
Been fighting with cold weather, frozen totes / lines / broken pumps. Gathered just shy of 1000l of sap but unfortunately most of it is locked up tight in ice . Looking up weather forecasts is driving me nuts come on Mother Nature I want to try out the new hobby sized ro unit .

03-09-2020, 10:07 AM
I was a little shocked that Sunday was not a better running day for me, getting so warm.. Up to about +9, I think...(going to 13 today) Couple hundred Litres off 165 taps... bringing me to about 1100 total. Its not just me.... The neighborhood roadside buckets didn't seem to have a great day either.... Couple warm nights to come and then back to some decent ones, according to the forecast... We'll keep the batteries charged and the pump running... and see what happens.

cat tech
03-09-2020, 07:44 PM
I have to agree with you, I was expecting Sunday to swamp us in sap . Do you check your sap sugar % ??? Although it didn’t run crazy hard this past weekend the sap we collected was fantastic 3-3.25 % sugar wooohooo .

03-10-2020, 06:44 AM
I checked it last night... reading 2.4... (2.7 from a few road side trees.) Had another 150L in the tote last night.... Not bad, I guess, considering it didn't freeze at night.. My little 12v vac pump will still be running all night as it didn't freeze again... Calling for -5 tonight.
Lots of rain this morning.. Creeks are coming up quick. This will make for a muddy mess hauling sap around the bush. Insane hobby...

Just looking back at last years temperatures, out of curiosity... On this day, 2019 we had just our first positive temperature day... coming out of a deep freeze.... The season was just starting... (Although there was a short teaser back in February as well)


cat tech
03-10-2020, 08:24 PM
most of are trees are on road sides or fence rows and still had snow packed all around the base of the trees . Looks like the rain today has fixed that problem. Fingers crossed with a good rain and some nice looking sap weather coming up for the next week we might get a couple good gusher days . I did finally get to fire up my 3x 400gpd ro unit I made up and have to say I’m impressed 10 hour run time and push out almost 300 l of water from what sap we had.

03-11-2020, 06:28 AM
I had one of my better days yesterday with 250 L.... and this after a previous warm day and night... Starting to wonder about this freeze-thaw theory??

03-16-2020, 07:46 AM
Finally a good freeze. First good one for me since Friday March 6. Had a small freeze on Tuesday the 10th with a very small run. Very light morning freeze on the 14th resulting in nothing and a light freeze on the 15th. Frustrating year. Lots of rain and too warm. More rain to come 4 days this week. Next freeze is Tuesday and then again Friday. Hopefully the trees still wanna run.

03-16-2020, 09:45 PM
Not seeing much in my bush this season but was starting to drip by around 12-1 this afternoon. Been a slow year so far for me at least.

03-17-2020, 06:43 AM
Unfortunately I don't keep very good records from year to year for comparisons.... and I keep changing things up... But I think I have about the same sap now, as I did all last season, but with 65% more taps... Forecast shows some freezing nights over the coming weekend... but that.s about it for the year, I think ?? Hope you get another good run yet..

03-17-2020, 01:31 PM
Just received a text from my Dad, checking our sap-tote.... Best day so far, for us, by far.. 600L since I was there at 6pm yesterday.... on 165 taps...

03-18-2020, 09:14 AM
Disappointing run on Monday. Thought it was a good freeze. Was freezing around dark on Sunday. Was -4 Monday morning. Friend said that it was only -1 at 4:30 when he went to work. Maybe that was why it didn't run much. Got to at least +8. My good shanty, drinking bucket tree only ran 5 inches in a 13 litre blue bucket and that was by Tuesday morning. Definitely some trees or certain sides of trees have slowed way down. Oldest buckets were 20 days old and newest 9. Didn't matter where in the bush you were. All new 5/16 blue eco spiles and new 5/16 Lapierre clear straight disposable spiles which I use on lines and buckets. Also new Embee 7/16 to 5/16 reducer spiles I use on drop lines into buckets.

I let everything run over night and gathered Tuesday. +13 tomorrow and +16 on Friday. Oh joy!

03-21-2020, 06:59 PM
Finally got caught up boiling Thursday night, collected a bit yesterday, almost nothing today. Tomorrow looks like another dry day, but next week looks ok, maybe a few days the following week as well.

2x6 Waterloo pan on an antique Piette & Fils arch

2019 - 60 buckets, 85L of syrup, 2x4 pan outside
2020 - 100 buckets, 80L of syrup, 2x6 pan in a Redi Rack Shack
2021 - proper sugar shack and and RO maybe...

03-23-2020, 08:53 AM
So what are the rest of you folks up to? Anyone shut down? Anyone still collecting?
I boiled up pretty much everything I had for sap on the weekend. Approx 500L in the bush yet.... Sap might run again this afternoon... and tomorrow?? but according to the forecast, that about it for night freezing, here...

03-23-2020, 06:18 PM
Gathering whatever is out there tomorrow. Yeah it might be done

03-23-2020, 07:06 PM
I’m hoping for a few more runs, we have snow on the ground again, so it looks promising, although the 14 day forecast doesn’t.....

03-24-2020, 04:47 AM
Had a small run yesterday will be headed out to collect and boil soon. Could get a bit of a run today as temps climb back up after last night but the long term is not looking great for me area either. Keep our fingers crossed that we will get a few more runs for 2020

03-24-2020, 08:49 AM
1st year with a RO for me... I am very pleased with its performance.... Almost too good... Boiled down about 1000 L of 10% concentrate on the weekend... Maybe 7 hours on Saturday and a couple hours on Sunday..... No 24 hour shifts and got a good sleep each night, which is great... but I just didn't quite get my fill of the sugar shack, yet.. I typically "move in" there for a few days at a time.... Guessing we'll have one more boil this year, but it will be quick if I run it through the RO. I guess I will need to tap more trees next year...:rolleyes:

PS - I didn't even get to help with the bottling this year, so far..... Which is typically my job... Both of my boys are home from work, due to Covid shutdowns.... They helped my wife clean the bottling all up before I got home from work, yesterday...

03-24-2020, 09:53 AM
So yesterday’s total was 80g ish for my 120 taps. That’s .67gpt. We needed a few more degrees of heat. Today things have unfrozen early and looks like it might be a good day if they continue all day to run. I’ll post how today was as I transferred all my sap storages at around 6 am

03-25-2020, 02:52 PM
Well I collected about 100g from yesterday till around 12 this afternoon. I’ll take it

03-25-2020, 09:03 PM
decent flow today, but looks slow until maybe friday, or next tuesday, then looks OK for a few days......fingers crossed!

03-26-2020, 07:12 AM
Forecast here doesn't show anything below zero for over a week.... and then only down to -1. Anyone seeing signs of budding? With a full week of positive temperatures on the way,....?
RO'd 800L last night... I'm noticing the sap getting darker... Hope I'm wrong, but I fear this weekend may be the end of it for me...... Hope there's a decent jag of sap flow between today and tomorrow.

cat tech
03-26-2020, 08:08 PM
Very strange hobby I have to admit , 3 days of perfect sap weather-1/-2 at night plus 5 ish during the day and very little sap flow . Started to think that maybe my holes were getting old and starting to dry out. To test that idea I drilled a few new holes and hung a couple pails just to test , nope fresh holes still had next to no sap . Ohhh well maybe tomorrow.

03-26-2020, 08:48 PM
I am getting yellowish sap from a few buckets, but most is still clear. Strangely, I have a couple trees that have two buckets each, one producing clear, the other yellow...

Nothing below zero in the 14 day forecast now, we may be done for this year.

03-26-2020, 10:48 PM
Well lads and ladies my season is done. For whatever reason it started off great and finished horribly but....I’m happy. I love making and sharing syrup. I these parts I’m known as the maple man. Godspeed.


03-27-2020, 09:21 AM
The weekend freezes gave me around 1100 Imperial gallons of sap. Some trees have either quit, slowed way down or a few gave me overflowing buckets. Sap is not clear for the most part. Making really yummy Very Dark syrup. So we gathered Tuesday and Wednesday, well some of the crazy trees still want to run in the heat with no freezes. Almost 16 yesterday. That's the hottest I've been in the shanty this year. Going to gather the dribbles today. Shanty drinking tree is not so clear anymore, but really sweet to drink! No more freezes in sight.

03-31-2020, 03:18 PM
Is it over? Wednesday and Thursday nights are both forecast to dip to freezing, but today's buckets had some clear, some cloudy, some yellow, orange, pink and almost greenish sap, and lots of moths....plus I noticed that the birch sap was running. Does the sap ever run clear again with colder weather after this starts, or are we all finished for 2020?

Sugarmaker Dave
03-31-2020, 03:20 PM
Looks like the season is done. Located North Oliphant and did final boil 675 litres of sap and 16 litres of dark amber.
Ran some drop lines and single/double buckets - total taps 135.
Overall season 2112 litres of sap and 42 litres of syrup.

04-01-2020, 08:31 AM
I collected for the last time, on Friday and boiled on Saturday... Trees had pretty much shut down... and sap was getting cloudy...
The attached photo shows how our last boiling day started out... Full tote of permeate and part tote of concentrate flipped on its way to the shack... Narrow wheel-based dump trailer fell into a rut on one side.... Totes slid to the side and flipped it... Nobody hurt. Lost some permeate, but not a drop of concentrate lost... Quite a start to the day.

Certainly wasn't the best year for yield for me. I'm glad I increased my taps this year. to 165 on a 12v diaphragm pump system and 25 on 3/16 gravity..
Started out at about 2.5% and ended off at 1.5%
Just over 100L of syrup produced.

In review, a few of my changes and successes for this season were...
1. Got RO system working... Been daydreaming about this for a couple years... Now I can remove 75%-80% of the water in less than 1/2 the time I can boil at.
2. Dropped my syrup pan by 1.5" and put a second float box between the pans.... This worked well... Less problems with syrup level dropping in the syrup pan... Going to raise my Flue Pan for next year, giving just a little more head pressure to the float box.
3. Increased fitting, valve and tubing sizes throughout my evaporator system... No more problems with flow restrictions.
4. Installed a 3/4" mainline in the bush, rather than several 3/16" runs.... This will accommodate further runs with more taps... Better vacuum levels upstream.. and I will spend less money, replacing small lines each year.
5. Put 6" of drainage stone on top of the mud, inside and around the shack... Much nicer working conditions for boiling.
6. Put a Tecumseh engine on a bale elevator for firewood processing... (which we hardly need now, with the RO working)
7. Added 1" of ceramic blanket insulation behind firebrick and in door or arch. (can actually stand beside the arch without melting my jeans)
8. Changed syrup pan flow to enter at front, lateral dividers and draw at rear... This works great... (and the only configuration I hadn't tried yet.)
9. At end of season boil, I kept the fire going while I chased the sap in the pans out with pure permeate. Had never tried this before... Other years, I would basically just shut down while I had a bit of sap left in the tank... and drain the pans afterwards to finish boiling on a propane cooker... This year, while feeding permeate in the back end, I actually drew off a couple gallons of finished syrup from my draw off, after I started introducing permeate..... and after shutting down, my syrup pan and float box had 55% concentrate to drain.. and the flue pan had 16%... Maybe everyone does it this way ?? If not, it works pretty good.

Big Thanks for all the helpful advice from everyone here... (Especially on the RO front, this year).....
And I wish everyone and their families health and happiness, as we endure this Covid situation.

02-09-2021, 07:39 AM
Hmm... Last Post in this thread for 2020 and first one for 2021.

We are in a bit of a deep freeze here right now... (-16C / 3F) Hard to imagine sap flowing.... and I haven't started to prepare..
I better get at it... Wont be long.
Hope everyone is surviving the Covid Lockdown... No Doubt looking forward to spending some time outdoors in the bush..


02-09-2021, 11:24 AM
by the looks of the long range we might not be tapping until March this year. But never trust the weatherman, i will be almost 100% ready to go this weekend. Last year we gathered 380 gallons of Sap on Feb 23 .

02-09-2021, 03:02 PM
We often plan to start tapping on Family Day long weekend but that won't be happening this year! The only sap that'll be running will be off the end of your nose! Not a lot of snow in the bush but it's been a cold 2021 so far so I'm assuming the frost will be fairly deep. Time to start thinking about getting ready...

02-17-2021, 07:38 PM
Well we've decided to tap in next Monday which is about average for us. Of course all the snow we've had this week is going to make our manual collection MUCH more difficult! On plus side, the long range forecast appears to be very favourable for sap collection.

02-21-2021, 03:59 PM
Howdy all y’all!

I debated tapping tomorrow but based on the forecast I will most likely tap next weekend.

My syrup last year was the best tasting ever! Hope everyone is safe and healthy.
Personally, I can’t wait to fire up the evaporator.

02-21-2021, 07:59 PM
Is it over? Wednesday and Thursday nights are both forecast to dip to freezing, but today's buckets had some clear, some cloudy, some yellow, orange, pink and almost greenish sap, and lots of moths....plus I noticed that the birch sap was running. Does the sap ever run clear again with colder weather after this starts, or are we all finished for 2020?

Where in Campbellville are you?

02-22-2021, 06:54 PM
Smokeshow, I sent you a PM.

So, +4 on Tuesday, +5 on Wednesday......then above freezing on the weekend again in the forecast - should I be tapping already???
Who has tapped already?

02-23-2021, 08:13 AM
havent yet but looks like will be this weekend.

02-23-2021, 12:31 PM
I started laying out lines yesterday and will be putting some taps in today. I’m sure I’ll have a drip 💧 happy sapping

02-24-2021, 07:11 PM
Tapped my trees 4 days ago just started dripping today with plus 6 temp. Weekend looks promising I am super new to this but with our real cold winter will take a bit for trees to get moving and thawed out from what I read?

02-24-2021, 07:42 PM
Yup it will be slow for me with these cold temps and knee high snow in the bush. I set up and tapped 2 lines so far 30 taps. Slow slow drip today but it all goes on the ground the first day for me. Although my lines were cleaned at the end of last season I still like to let them flush through a bit. We still have some cold day ahead so it’s going to be a bit in my area. Trying to hit the heavy flows with nice fresh tap holes this year as I’ve kinda tapped a bit early in the past. I still consider myself new after 5 years. Lol

Sugarmaker Dave
02-24-2021, 08:07 PM
Finished tapping this past Friday. Tough work with knee deep snow in the bush. Doubled my taps from last year to 300 this year. Heading north this weekend and hoping to see something in the buckets. And like Hkb82 I too will be dumping the first bit.

02-24-2021, 09:11 PM
Finished tapping this past Friday. Tough work with knee deep snow in the bush. Doubled my taps from last year to 300 this year. Heading north this weekend and hoping to see something in the buckets. And like Hkb82 I too will be dumping the first bit.

Being a novice, what's the purpose of dumping the first bit, and how much are we talking about?

Sugarmaker Dave
02-24-2021, 10:06 PM
The end of last season I pump isopropyl alcohol into my taps and lines to disinfect. As mush as i drained most of it out when i tapped this season there will still be some residual. When the sap first flows it will flush the rest out which is why I will dump the first sap. Not talking a whole bunch here.

Run Forest Run!
02-24-2021, 10:07 PM
Being a novice, what's the purpose of dumping the first bit, and how much are we talking about?

Hi! Those fellows are dumping the first bit because they use that first sap to flush their lines. That will not likely apply to someone like you who I assume doesn't run miles of tubing in your operation. :) Have a great season!

02-25-2021, 07:11 AM
I have been procrastinating a bit.... Not looking forward to the deep snow.. I will get out on the weekend... Never worked in snowshoes before, but I may this year. 3/4" mainline on Shurflow with about 125 taps last year. Bought supplies to double it. We'll see how it goes. Recently read the Vermont study on early tapping, where they found that early tapping did not have a significant effect on overall year's yield... This is settling my anxiety about not being tapped yet..:). Forecast shows a couple mild days coming up, but basically only an average of about +2 for the next week or two. I think it will all work out.

02-25-2021, 11:18 AM
I put my 20 taps in on Tuesday when it went up to 8C. Haven't seen much in the bags, so you're ok so far.

Bruce L
02-25-2021, 11:28 AM
Hi! Those fellows are dumping the first bit because they use that first sap to flush their lines. That will not likely apply to someone like you who I assume doesn't run miles of tubing in your operation. :) Have a great season!
Hi Karen,great to see you back! Hoping you have a great season. Haven’t tapped anything here yet,my better half under the weather with diverticulitis,hopefully may start tapping this weekend to clean out the lines. Don’t expect much for a while,lots of snow keeping the roots cold

Run Forest Run!
02-25-2021, 11:55 AM
Hi Bruce. :) I only had a two week season last year due to Covid restrictions cutting off my access to propane. I couldn't be bothered setting up the wood evaporator, so just packed it in.

I'm hoping for a great season this year, despite the continued issues with lockdowns.

02-25-2021, 12:51 PM
Hi Bruce. :) I only had a two week season last year due to Covid restrictions cutting off my access to propane. I couldn't be bothered setting up the wood evaporator, so just packed it in.

I'm hoping for a great season this year, despite the continued issues with lockdowns.

Heya Karen! Greetings from Eastern Ontario! So glad to see you back this season and ready to rock! :-)

02-25-2021, 01:27 PM
Yup like sugarmaker Dave said it’s to flush out anything left behind from last seasons cleanings. If your running buckets or bags just start collecting. Nice to see everybody is coming alive as we are getting closer to the flows. Hope you all have been doing good wile this covid mess runs ramped lol

02-26-2021, 04:22 PM
Tapped today. 90 taps, 90 buckets and she was flowing! Used my old school mouth to test the sugar and jumpin Jesus was it sweet!

Good luck to all.

02-26-2021, 05:33 PM
I ran another 40 on gravity lines today. Steady flow after 2pm. Again those 40 back to the ground but you can bet I was collecting of the lines I did the other day. We will see in the am how it was. I think I might go for 150 taps this year now that I’ve got my hands on some ke

02-26-2021, 05:35 PM
Sorry Kent bottles. They were pretty hard to get for me at least this year.

Sugarmaker Dave
02-26-2021, 06:42 PM
Sweet - glad to hear you scored some bottles! For sure go for the 150 taps!

02-27-2021, 11:25 AM
Sweet - glad to hear you scored some bottles! For sure go for the 150 taps!

I like the way you think

Sugarmaker Dave
03-01-2021, 07:53 AM
I've got a few hundred gallons of sap in my buckets/tanks - but with cooler temps moving in this week - will put off collection and boil until next week when + temps return.

03-01-2021, 11:32 AM
Finally got into the bush this weekend... The snow was tough to work in. Got my 200ft main up and 125ish taps on 3/16 tapped... Trees were producing a little bit... I let that run to the ground, to flush out my lines.
Hung another 300ft main and marked trees for it. Should be able to get another 100+ taps or so.
Bigger producers around this neck of the woods, were getting tanks etc set up, Saturday.... Not everyone is tapped yet though. One fella got all the roadside buckets tapped on my road, Saturday... Some have an inch in them and some are empty as of Monday AM.
With the exception of Wednesday +4, it looks like we will be at freezing temps till next Monday. I think my timing is pretty good, this year.

03-02-2021, 08:34 PM
Just received 10 of the Sapmeister tip n dump bag system for my red maples up my lane. Tapped the trees today seems like a cool system anyone else use these before? Not sure about bags hope they hold out in this windy Bruce county lol

03-03-2021, 05:31 PM
Well collected my first bit this morning. Prob around 65-75g gal plus another 20 or so at the shack. Finished hanging and tapping the last of my gravity lines so they could flush with today’s run. Much better working in the bush today. Sap was running good so I’ll prob collect again in the am. start my first boil tomorrow. Looks like a few slow cold days coming up. Time to plan my new lines thanks for the push Dave lol.

Sugarmaker Dave
03-04-2021, 09:02 AM
Was hoping to be up to the cottage/sugar shack yesterday but with the change in weather and some cool stuff - decided to put off until Sunday and plan to stay the week. Weather looks good with warmer days and cool nights. Pleased to hear the sap has been running despite cooler temps - I might be pleasantly surprised with what waits for me in the bush when I arrive.
Harold - like they say go big or go home!

03-04-2021, 11:01 AM
I'm in eastern Ontario and i tapped a couple of trees last week..they've been running but not well.
I'm hoping the best runs start after the 14th when the time changes but it looks like l might have to tap next week!

03-04-2021, 11:17 AM
we started tapping last thursday. So far gathered about 950 gallons off 345 taps. Looks like it might freeze up again until monday.

03-06-2021, 06:00 PM
Good call on holding off Dave. Been pretty cold the past few days Monday looks to be the restart. We had a few day with decent temps though so depending on the last time you were up ya might just be in for that surprise.

03-08-2021, 06:54 AM
Today's the day...!! (for me)
Finished tapping and setting up over the weekend... Did not get a chance to test my shurflow pumps because everything was froze stiff... but they are set up to turn on at about +3.5 degrees... Which should be around noon today. (I set it a little warmer than usual for the first run, just to ensure everything was thawed before they try to start) .... I'll be at work, but Dad will swing by and see what's happening this afternoon and report. Have about 200 taps on shurflow and 30 on a roadside gravity line.... Fingers crossed.

Temp here has gone from -18 to +8 in about 12 hours.... Unreal...

Just got the report from the bush... One of my 3/4" mainlines is running some sap, but not great... The new one with 70 taps seems to be dry. (gauge is showing about 10inhg running dry)... I suspect the trees are just taking their time thawing out.... The first line has some roadside trees on it, that get more sun... That's my theory anyway... Only other thing would be a big gaping hole in my mainline where the sap is pouring onto the ground.:lol:

03-08-2021, 06:55 PM
Well was running today but not as good as I was hoping. Expecting the same tomorrow. Think it’s time to try vac pumpkins get things jumping. I’ll be adding more taps this week that’s for sure. I’m ready to be swimming in it.

03-09-2021, 08:22 PM
Tapped on the weekend, first collection was this afternoon - 620L from 137 buckets, not a bad start!

03-10-2021, 07:14 PM
How have the rest of you SW Ont folks done this week,? I've had a few leak problem to contend with... But aside from that I'm still finding the trees a little stingy. Only about 2.5 Litres per tap since Monday...

03-10-2021, 08:08 PM
Was a bit slower today, 2.85 L/ bucket average. After 2 days collecting I have just over 1000L from 137 taps

Canada Maple
03-10-2021, 09:40 PM
I am in the Barrie area and was surprised at how little sap ran over the past few days. Only about 6 litres per bucket over the 3 days and lower amounts on 3/16 lines. I always believe that a rainy day with low pressure will allow the sap to flow best. Let's hope tomorrow things turn around.

03-12-2021, 07:01 PM
It’s been dismal for me so far. 835 total Litres collected on 90 buckets is not ideal.

03-12-2021, 07:39 PM
Yes, it has not been great. We have about 1100 L so far using 84 buckets. That's since Feb 24. Looking good for next week, hope the forecast holds!!

03-13-2021, 07:36 AM
So how much trouble will that insane warmth have caused? Any or will trees go immediately back to producing when these cool nights show back up?

03-13-2021, 04:19 PM
Should not cause any issues as it was only warm for a short period. Problem with prolonged warm stretches is they promote bacterial growth and tree healing so the tap holes can start to seal off and reduce sap flow. One hot day should not have much impact.

03-14-2021, 10:52 AM
Things started to drip a bit yesterday afternoon but nothing crazy. Natural gravity lines were real slow drip but the vac lines produced ok. I let the pump run till midnight and it was still flowing when I shut it off. Loving my new shurflo setup wish I did it a few years back lol.

03-14-2021, 02:21 PM
Hi! First post - just wanted to stop lurking and thank everyone for the inspiration. Collected about a half gallon of sap from a sugar maple on my front lawn in a few years back, and surfed this site to figure out what to do with it. Boiled it down on the stove and it was superb.

Moved to Paris area now, but all I have is oak, hickory and box elders. Planting lots of sugar maples for the next generations, but also tried tapping one of the box elders yesterday just for fun. About a half gallon per day from one hand carved staghorn sumac spile. Starting small, but, if I can make friends with the guy down the road who already has a acres of sugar maples, maybe I can expand... ;)

03-15-2021, 10:41 AM
I had good flow on Sunday. Collected 350 litres off of my 90 buckets. As of Saturday morning they were empty.

03-15-2021, 07:30 PM
Nothing really today on the Bruce for me. This week is looking good so hopefully it stays like that. Been a real disappointing season for me so far.

03-15-2021, 10:06 PM
Next 5-6 days look promising in Grey county but man after that shows a week above freezing night and day man I haven’t had much luck with the sap this year hoping this week I can get a decent amount

03-16-2021, 07:03 AM
Next 5-6 days look promising in Grey county but man after that shows a week above freezing night and day man I haven’t had much luck with the sap this year hoping this week I can get a decent amount

I feel your pain... Fingers crossed for a great run this week. Good Luck

03-16-2021, 11:45 AM
I'd like to give mother nature a good talking to, to be mindful of all the farmer's, for all the seasons. Lol.

I consider my trees to run poorly. I have a lot of soft maple, probably 60% at least. So far they have given me 4040 USG/3363 IMP. gallons/15271 litres since March 1st off of a little over 2500 taps. Still boiling. Made 137 litres so far.

We had good runs on the 3rd. Also on the 9th and 10th on nights that weren't supposed to freeze, but did.

I agree the 2 week looks stupid after Saturday night. Low double digits and no freezing for a week

03-16-2021, 12:00 PM
[QUOTE=argohauler;394002]I'd like to give mother nature a good talking to, to be mindful of all the farmer's, for all the seasons. Lol.

I consider my trees to run poorly. I have a lot of soft maple, probably 60% at least. So far they have given me 4040 USG/3363 IMP. gallons/15271 liters since March 1st off of a little over 2500 taps. Still boiling. Made 137 liters so far.

Wow that doesn't seem like much sap for 2500 taps. We have collected 2500 USG on 425 taps. Lucky though we have hard maples. I know that helps with sugar content but maybe sap flow as well. I never trust the long range anyway. It has been changing constantly.

maple flats
03-16-2021, 12:32 PM
Hi! First post - just wanted to stop lurking and thank everyone for the inspiration. Collected about a half gallon of sap from a sugar maple on my front lawn in a few years back, and surfed this site to figure out what to do with it. Boiled it down on the stove and it was superb.

Moved to Paris area now, but all I have is oak, hickory and box elders. Planting lots of sugar maples for the next generations, but also tried tapping one of the box elders yesterday just for fun. About a half gallon per day from one hand carved staghorn sumac spile. Starting small, but, if I can make friends with the guy down the road who already has a acres of sugar maples, maybe I can expand... ;)
Box Elders are a maple ( also called Manitoba maples or ash leaf maples among other names) and will make maple syrup. Back about 45 years ago, I had 1 sugar maple with 3 taps, and up to 7 taps in box elders. That made excellent maple syrup. Back then we didn't even boil it until near syrup density. We just had 2 large pots on the wood stove in our living room and it slowly evaporated but never a boil. Then as we thought it was getting close We combined it into 1 pot and finished it on the gas fired kitchen stove. If you try that, be sure you keep some windows open to get the steam out. We kept 2 partially open, one each side of the wood stove, for the kitchen boiling, we opened another in the kitchen. We did it well enough that the wall paper never came loose.

03-16-2021, 01:50 PM
Yeah, I don't know why exactly because there are hard maple that are under performers as well. My guess is the soil, mostly sandy with a bit of clay, swampy bush we have. Go up the road 5 miles towards Cayuga to my cousins, with the clay and ravine cricks and it's like night and day how they run compared to mine. Same with friends near Clanbrassil

03-16-2021, 06:58 PM
Im around 1900L collected so far this season since tapping on the 6th. Missed a couple days it ran in Feb. I'm up to 150 buckets now, so 1/3 to 1/4 of what I would hope to collect in a "typical" season. Doesn't look great after Sunday, but it wouldn't be the first time the weatherman is wrong! Here's hoping for a few more weeks of cold nights!

03-17-2021, 08:53 AM
Quite disappointed so far, but I wont give up hope yet... about 1500L of sap from about 200 taps.... Ran it through the RO to 10%. I don't have enough to think about firing up my little 2x6 yet.... Might get a decent run this week, yet.... and if trees don't start to bud, it looks like the week after next could have a couple cool nights. Finger crossed.

03-17-2021, 03:17 PM
Past two days things have been pretty good in my bush. Hoping to get past the warm spell and maybe catch that cold snap in the week after. I think I had a drip all night. Ran my pump till 3am temps were at about freezing. Maybe I could have run it all night as I don’t think it for much colder and the sap was still flowing. Fired it back on at 9am and going strong at -25inHg.

03-18-2021, 06:37 AM
Surprised that for not freezing the night before, that they had enough power to carry on till around 6 pm when they were noticeably slower. Good run I guess. Some trees are just getting going I noticed from the last gathering. Disappointed in some that only had 4" in a 3 gallon bucket for 2 days of running.

My friend that is helping me, his son in law tapped the trees around his house. In the morning his buckets were mostly over flowing. Did an errand and a few hours later some of his buckets were half full again. Mine have never done that ever.

03-18-2021, 07:18 PM
Today was my best day so far this season, 633L on 150 buckets. Sadly many were overflowing by the time I got out to collect after work. Yet some only had a few inches. 4.22L per tap on average

03-19-2021, 01:58 PM
Getting a great run today on the Bruce for me.

03-19-2021, 10:10 PM
It’s been good for me as well as of late. I’ve collected more sap in the last 7 days than in the previous 2 weeks. Tomorrow and Sunday should be gangbusters! Sitting on about 500 litres right now and expect to get another 800 L or so over the next 2 days. All off of 90 buckets.

Sunday will be awesome.

03-21-2021, 08:01 PM
Everything had some dripping going on but nothing crazy for me. Thought it might have been a better run today but them are the breaks. Hope the trees can make it through the next couple days and might get a last run or two with next weeks kinda cold weather.

03-22-2021, 08:13 AM
Pretty good run over the weekend here...
Would have had a bit more, but had a freeze-bust problem..... My little pvc manifold on shureflow at the bush, busted the screen filter sediment bowl in half and blew the end out of a 3/4" pvc pipe cap.... This happened at only about -4 degrees... Weird????... I've been using these things for 3 or 4 years at much colder temps, without any freeze damage..

Going to freeze tonight, so might get another decent run tomorrow... Soft maples are budding here, and its going to be hot this week... Not sure how things will look by the weekend when its supposed to get cold again...

03-25-2021, 07:37 AM
Vacuum pump was the only thing that put any sap in the tank over the weekend. Warm weather has likely ended my season very short of my goal this year. I’m thinking if I pull my taps and lines then you guys might get a few more runs. That’s my kinda luck and If I leave em in then it’s probably over lol. I’ll be finishing and bottle the last batch today so I guess we will see. I’ll be lucky if I can hit the 60L of syrup from 160 taps. Was shooting for 100L this season.

Sugarmaker Dave
03-25-2021, 04:55 PM
Vacuum pump was the only thing that put any sap in the tank over the weekend. Warm weather has likely ended my season very short of my goal this year. I’m thinking if I pull my taps and lines then you guys might get a few more runs. That’s my kinda luck and If I leave em in then it’s probably over lol. I’ll be finishing and bottle the last batch today so I guess we will see. I’ll be lucky if I can hit the 60L of syrup from 160 taps. Was shooting for 100L this season.
So rough calculation each of you taps produced 15L which when i compare to mine - mine produced 8.5L. You were almost double my output - which speaks to your vacuum as being the way to go.
I ended my season with 63L from 300 taps. Was expecting to hit at least 100L of syrup.
Already planning how to improve my output for next season and looking at going with some sort of vacuum setup and going deeper into the bush where some bigger maples live.

03-27-2021, 09:26 AM
To really make things interesting for ya only about 50 of my 160 are on the vac lines. You can bet that’s changing for next year. Also 15-20 of my last taps were only out for the last little bit of I guess our run this year.

03-27-2021, 08:10 PM
Ended the season with 63 litres of Syrup off of my 90 buckets. It was a strange season but all in all I’m happy considering I harvested 65% of my sap in 3 days.

03-30-2021, 09:03 AM
Still collecting some sap here..... No buds on my trees yet, and I really want to boil some more... Big Flow yesterday afternoon, but the Sugar is way down at 1.4% though... Glad I'm not in the "business"....
Couple more freezes this week... Going to stick it out to the end and see what we get.

03-30-2021, 03:08 PM
We were very similar, got total of 54l off our 84 buckets. We normally average about 1.2l/ bucket!

04-11-2021, 05:55 PM
Finished bottling today - ended up with 110L from 137 taps = 0.8L/tap. Normally over 1.0

Glad I left my buckets up after the heat wave, as we got a couple more runs.

My very last batch wasn't "bad", the sap was still sweet although it had a tiny bit of cloudiness, hadn't turned sour, but the last batch has very little maple flavour - its sweet but tastes more like toffee or caramel than maple. My kids say its "not maple syrup".

Two new things this year that really worked out well - first my firewood - I switched to using tote cages to store and move wood I split through the year with the tractor forks - this is a real time and back saver!

I also jumped into a homemade RO similar to what others have built on this site, and I have to say that it was a complete game changer. I didn't run it real hard, around 50% recovery at 120 psig = HALF the wood & HALF the boiling time vs a bit of membrane system flushing and the occasional caustic clean. I normally run out of wood before I am done, and find myself looking for standing dead or scrounging pallets, and with this year's short season + the RO, I have enough wood for next year already (I cut wood this winter before going down the RO path....).

Nothing left to do now except label the bottles! Hope you all have a great spring!

04-11-2021, 07:13 PM
Next year check the sap sugar of your trees half way through the season. Sometimes the small trees' sugar is low
by then and they bring your total sugar down...and you end up with lengthy boils and dark syrup.
My large trees had good sugar right 'til the end. I never collected the sap from the small trees the last few boils and
continued to make amber syrup in short boils.

02-11-2022, 02:31 PM
Well I hope everybody is doing well. Wondering thoughts about this upcoming season. Was a cold start to the winter but temps look to be on the warmer side of things for the mid to end of February in my area. I’m getting the itch

02-11-2022, 03:30 PM
Yes, plan to put in taps on Feb 20, hope I'm not jumping the gun!

02-11-2022, 03:57 PM
This 10 day forecast didn't look that great for Milton.

https://i.ibb.co/FBFBhnh/Screenshot-2022-02-11-165541.png (https://ibb.co/nDFDwRw)

02-11-2022, 06:56 PM
Yes, but starting on 21st they're showing swings from plus daytime highs to nighttime lows so I suspect (hope!) the sap will start running!

02-14-2022, 06:20 PM
I think if going to start running my lines this week/weekend. Might not drill but would be nice to get the lines up. With last year being short and crummy one for me I don’t want to be missing the first good runs of the season. Jumping up atleast another 100 taps

Sugarmaker Dave
02-15-2022, 08:57 PM
Started tapping today and plan to have done by Thursday - 300 taps. On the taps done today there was a bit of sap dripping from the drilled holes despite temps around -5 C in the bush.

02-16-2022, 09:56 AM
Tapped 20 trees this morning. Nothing flowing.

Sugarmaker Dave
02-16-2022, 08:52 PM
300 taps completed today. Off grid vacuum in place and running. Vacuum is set to turn off at 34 degrees and figure pump will be running well into the night with plus temps. Sap was flowing but plan to dump the first batch as it is flushing the lines. Today was a good day to work out the kinks.

02-17-2022, 10:17 AM
300 taps completed today. Off grid vacuum in place and running. Vacuum is set to turn off at 34 degrees and figure pump will be running well into the night with plus temps. Sap was flowing but plan to dump the first batch as it is flushing the lines. Today was a good day to work out the kinks. Question - why set it to turn off when the sap will still be running? Ours are set to turn off at 31 F, on at 34 F.

Sugarmaker Dave
02-17-2022, 04:21 PM
Good question. I initially followed the quick setup instructions which was the basic one temp to turn on and off. Once I get a chance to look closely at the instructions I will reprogram my controller to turn off and on as your’s currently does.
Thanks for your question.

02-18-2022, 07:32 AM
Anyone get any freezing rain damage yesterday? Doesn't seem to be much accumulation here. Stupid weather we're getting. Just thaws, not freezing at night. Another thaw here Sunday thru Tuesday.

02-18-2022, 08:00 AM
It changed from rain to ice pellets to snow pretty quickly here so not much damage.

I did get 33l of weak sap (1.4brix) from my 16 bags (4 had blown off the trees) for the day it was warm.

02-18-2022, 05:50 PM
It changed from rain to ice pellets to snow pretty quickly here so not much damage.

I did get 33l of weak sap (1.4brix) from my 16 bags (4 had blown off the trees) for the day it was warm.

It always amazes me how different the weather is 170 miles away. It is total winter here and will be for several more weeks.

Happy to here you were able to get some sap. Collecting sap was never a thought when I lived in Milton.

Sugarmaker Dave
02-28-2022, 08:58 AM
Finally looks like temps are warming for a couple of days this weekend. Hopefully enough to get things flowing.

02-28-2022, 09:15 AM
put in about 150 on gravity yesterday and 75 buckets. That's about 1/2 done.

03-03-2022, 07:34 PM
I’m tapping on Saturday, hopefully just in time this year!

03-03-2022, 07:55 PM
I’m tapping on Saturday, hopefully just in time this year!

Sunday for you looks like it could be a big day!

Sugarmaker Dave
03-04-2022, 04:35 PM
Was in the bush today and my solar vacuum was pulling some sap. Looking forward to tomorrow and Sunday!

03-05-2022, 08:47 AM
I’ve got around 2/3rds of my taps in but still some work to do looks like a good weekend and upcoming forecast. Kids hockey is slowing me down a bit but should be all good to go but the boil by Sunday or mon.

03-05-2022, 04:01 PM
Pulled alot of tubing out of the snow.
Still cannot figure how high to leave the tubing at the end of the season so the deers stop snapping it
Hoping to get tapping tomorrow and finish Monday if weather helps......
Looks like our first run in PS may be Wed or Thurs

Sugarmaker Dave
03-05-2022, 06:19 PM
Spent the day in the bush tweaking things. Still trying to dial in my solar vacuum setups and having trouble getting a good vacuum. On my one setup i am showing 10 inches of mercury with the gauge close to my shurflo 4008. On my second setup i can only get to 2-3 inches of mercury with gauge close to pump. Checked taps and found i had to re-seat with a couple of hammer taps but unable to find any obvious leaks. Could the low reading on my gauges be the result of the sap not flowing all that well?

03-06-2022, 06:02 PM
Hung 153 buckets yesterday.
Gathered 450L today, good start to 2022, not a crazy flow but steady all day.
Tapped from the snowmobile, first gathering was by snowmobile and sleigh, second gathering by ATV and trailer, never lost all the snow in 1 day before!!

03-07-2022, 07:33 PM
Dave Even if the sap lines freeze up on mine they will still put-20/-25 inches at the pumps. Do you run a recirculating line? if not that could be your prob at the one pump. Your getting air locked. Even the pump running at -10 I think is either air locked or getting to much air/gas from leaks. This year I actually had a leak I just couldn’t find until I was right at ear level with the tap. I do most my lines from a short ladder to gain height. Turned out it was the tree itself having a hollow centre. The recirculating line from the holding tank on a needle valve is the key to controlling the vacuum.

Sugarmaker Dave
03-08-2022, 09:16 PM
Thanks Harold. Will plumb in a recirc line with needle valve this weekend. I will keep you posted on the results

03-10-2022, 08:13 PM
Ran great today, I had many overflowing buckets, and averaged 4L per tap in 24 hrs.
Running the RO now to make room for more sap tomorrow, time to fire up the evaporator tomorrow!

Sugarmaker Dave
03-12-2022, 05:09 PM
Boiled 600 L today that was collected a few days ago. Will do a final boil tomorrow. Had a challenge with it being so cold that the sap tank line into the evaporator was freezing. Nothing an electric blanket couldn’t sort out. Next week is looking good for some sap running.

03-12-2022, 06:45 PM
I needed this cold pause to regroup, fix a couple of things in my setup, and get ready for the flood. I have a couple frozen inches in all my buckets waiting for next weeks thaw, have RO’d most of what I collected this week, will sweeten the pan and boil down what I have tomorrow, and consider putting up a few more buckets....just a couple, or ten, or......

03-16-2022, 07:57 PM
Good run yesterday and even better today, averaged 5.1L per tap.
Still running now, and no freezing temps overnight in the forecast until Sunday or Monday night, so we may be done for a few days,after gathering tomorrow?

Sugarmaker Dave
03-17-2022, 05:10 PM
Gathered 550 L yesterday and another 280 L today. Been doing a slow boil today and will bottle tomorrow

03-17-2022, 09:10 PM
Collected close to 500l yesterday and another 300l today. Vac lines ran 24/7 since last freeze but slowing now. Puddles are ice if over so maybe cold enough for another decent run tomorrow. Still out boiling snd I’ll be back at it tomorrow. After a couple alterations to my boiling method I’ve managed to stay at around 13-15gph.

How did the recirculating line work for ya Dave?

Sugarmaker Dave
03-18-2022, 10:25 PM
Hey Harold - the recirc lines worked great which allowed me to identify a couple of leaks easier on both my mainlines and improve the vacuum close to 20”. Thanks for the tip!

03-19-2022, 06:56 PM
That’s wicked always glad to help others.

Sugarmaker Dave
03-19-2022, 07:36 PM
So how’s everyone’s collection going so far? Can’t say I have been run off my feet. My gravity is not doing much of anything and wonder if the those trees still need to thaw. My vacuum - which I have 2 setups has produced the majority of the sap but that said I am not doing back flips over the amounts. I know things are a little late this year so I will wait patiently.

03-19-2022, 09:58 PM
Yup that sounds like my season so far also. Not much from gravity but vac lines seem to be just ok so far. This week looks like a good one in the area for us.

Sugarmaker Dave
03-20-2022, 02:34 PM
So I’ve got a 5/16” recirculating line with a needle valve - is it best to have the needle valve wide open or only open slightly to restrict the flow through the recirculating line?

03-20-2022, 08:13 PM
I run it just high enough to get good vac usually -25. I find the heavier flows you can pretty much close it but when running slow more flow is needed. Kind find the sweet spot each time. That’s just what Ive found.

03-22-2022, 06:23 PM
Last Thursday was THE day so far this year. Been super busy at work, and flow was good on Tuesday and Wednesday, but Thursday was the flood, many buckets were overflowing, both 2 and 3 gallon buckets. I averaged 6L or 1.6 gallons per tap. Tubing systems must really shine compared to buckets on these kind of days.

It was nice that the warm weather gave us a break from gathering to run the RO and evaporate all weekend to catch up!

So far I have collected about as much sap this year as I did all of last season....this coming weekend and next week look good so far

Sugarmaker Dave
03-25-2022, 06:27 PM
This past week was good! Despite my one pump being down most of the week still managed to fill my 185 gallon tanks. Pulled 900L out today and ran through RO.
Will not get through all I’ve collected this weekend but will hold over until next weekend. Colder temps coming in for the weekend and a bit of a warmup next week. Fingers crossed I get similar amounts in tanks.

Sugarmaker Dave
04-01-2022, 07:44 AM
Planning to head north this weekend - anything happening in the bush?

04-01-2022, 12:04 PM
Yesterday was a really good day and today the lines are running also. Clear sap 2.2 brix this am.

04-01-2022, 01:48 PM
Same here, collected 600L last night, and 740L in the first round today.....looks like a good weekend, and then after Monday next week its anybody's guess

Sugarmaker Dave
04-03-2022, 09:38 PM
Good weekend as well. Collected 1900L.

04-04-2022, 07:38 PM
Been a long, strong run, I’ve collected just over 3500L in the last 5 days, and lost a bunch to bucket overflow.....

Sugarmaker Dave
04-05-2022, 08:21 AM
Wow 3500L - that's quite the run Willen!
Here's a question for everyone - how long will sap last before it spoils? I am a weekend boiler and with the sap running as strong as it is - my chances of boiling everything in the bush are slim. Which means I would hold the leftover sap to following weekend. How do you know when the sap is gone bad? Is it because it is cloudy and has a smell to it?

04-05-2022, 07:19 PM
It has continued today with another 600L. However the sugar is dropping, down to 1.8 in today’s gathering, so I think I will pick up whatever runs tomorrow and call it a season.

As far as how long sap stays good, I think it depends on temps, maybe sunlight during storage, how clean your collection and storage equipment is, and how close to budding your trees are. I made some really weird syrup at the end of last year that we finished, tasted, debated, but ended up not bottling. Early season and cold temps, I’ve kept sap for a week no problem. The later in the season the shorter the window, but I am certainly no expert.

I have collected late season sap that is cloudy, with a yellowish to greenish colour, that boiled into perfectly normal tasting syrup.

Sugarmaker Dave
04-08-2022, 06:01 PM
Hi Harold - sent you a personal message earlier but not sure you saw. I am getting close to calling my season and I still have 300+ gallons in the bush that i won’t be able to boil. Would you like?

11-29-2022, 09:27 AM
Getting a early jump this year new set of pans and gotta customize the arch to fit the extra length. plus a few changes to the shack. Upgraded from a 2x4 flat pan to a 2x4 drop flue and 2x2 divided finishing pans up front. I use to be in the refractory business and still have a few friends that are so was able to get some top grade insulation and brick. I think a new shack is in the picture for next year. Something tells me I’ve outgrown my existing sugar shack.

12-16-2022, 04:39 PM
Hi All,
As the title mentions I'm a new member to the Trader Forum and am hoping that somehow I can be a small help to someone along the way as you all have been to me.
I've been reading and using your shared knowledge in an effort to learn and hopefully over time improve my sugaring experience (albeit Walnut syrup rather than Maple) over the next few seasons.

As I figure out the forum I'll certainly be posting pic's and related information on what I work with and such.

Cheers all.
Southern Ontario (Scotland)

01-12-2023, 10:46 AM
What a crazy winter we are having. Can’t remember the last time I had grass showing this late into the winter. I sure hope we get some cold weather that sticks around a bit so the sugar season isn’t a busy also. Part of me feels like I should be running my lines well the other thinks don’t jinx it. Lol

Welcome to the site trends. I’ve never tried walnut syrup but you got me curious. Look forward to seeing your posts about it.

Sugarmaker Dave
01-13-2023, 07:42 PM
Any idea what this weather does for our season? Will it be short with a milder winter?

01-13-2023, 08:37 PM
Lots of winter still to come.

01-18-2023, 06:25 PM
Well I tapped one Walnut tree today as a test. This tree is about 200' up at the top of the lot with a drop of probably 40' down hill. My plan is to see how much I collect over say 24 or 48 hours just with natural vacuum then hook up my beer cooler (new build) Surflo vacuum setup and see if a get any significant increase in sap. Being Walnut I don't expect any great accumulation over a couple of days.
My hope is the vacuum system will pull about 50% more sap. Time will tell.

01-22-2023, 08:03 AM
Well that plan didn't work well. We got 1 gal in 48hrs then the line froze.
Try again net week maybe.

01-22-2023, 10:26 AM
Since December 15, there was a possible 15 days sap could have flowed in the Brampton area solely based on overnight below freezing temperatures and above freezing daylight temperatures. Likely 10 may have only been decent flow days. So 10 days out of 37 days, mid winter, does not make for a compelling reason to go all in on tapping.

I did this more for me thinking if I lived down in Southern Ontario like I used to, would I have tapped. The answer would be no, other than if I have some extra taps I wanted to use, for some mid winter fun.

01-22-2023, 07:29 PM
I have a question, don't walnut trees usually run later than the maple trees?

01-22-2023, 07:31 PM
Trends. Not being familiar with walnut tapping, don't walnut trees usually run later than maple trees?

01-22-2023, 09:34 PM
Pdiamond I am so new to tapping and sugaring that I really can't answer your question.I've heard the same statement from the local CDL dealer so last years plan was to watch a local Maple operation when they tapped in but they didn't tap at all so I'm still a bit in the dark.
I did start Mar 1st last year and ran thru to April 8/9 ish.

The tap on 1 tree earlier this week was to a test for a couple of things related to how a mechanical vacuum system setpoint system works and to whether it produced more sap than natural vacuum but the lines froze and spoiled that plan.

Thanks for the question

01-31-2023, 06:43 PM
It will still be too cold to tap up north, but just wondering if you are tempted to tap down south in a week or so?


01-31-2023, 10:18 PM
Based on what I see I don't think I will be tapping for a few weeks yet.
Looks a bit early


02-01-2023, 08:10 PM
Should I be tapping already? Just looked at the 14 day forecast for my area, between Guelph and Milton, and 10 of the next 14 days have above freezing days!?

02-02-2023, 05:57 AM
Should I be tapping already? Just looked at the 14 day forecast for my area, between Guelph and Milton, and 10 of the next 14 days have above freezing days!?

Not my business and I am still a rookie, asking the question more to learn, but starting Sunday in the location I looked at there were 12 consecutive days and counting with possible flow.

My rookie derrière would go all in. This is where I would bow to more experienced south western Ontario sugar makers. It is early, but it has been a totally different winter.


02-06-2023, 09:11 AM
It’s really a tough call. I haven’t seen anybody else around me tapping yet but maybe some of the bigger operations have started. Feels early to me but I’m sure thinking about it. I’m gonna hang the lines and do as much pre season as I can then make the call. Family day weekend I think is the earliest I’ve ever put taps in and that winter was one like this one is also. Maybe not as crappy. I will test the sugar content before I put them all in.

02-06-2023, 09:28 AM
It’s really a tough call. I haven’t seen anybody else around me tapping yet but maybe some of the bigger operations have started. Feels early to me but I’m sure thinking about it. I’m gonna hang the lines and do as much pre season as I can then make the call. Family day weekend I think is the earliest I’ve ever put taps in and that winter was one like this one is also. Maybe not as crappy. I will test the sugar content before I put them all in.

You are sort of north southwestern Ontario and I can see why it is tempting. My weather will be similar to yours, not quite as warm, but I would sure like to see the weather after Feb 20. If it stayed cold for 10 days after the 20th, then the answer would likely be no, if it rose above freezing again during that time period the answer might be yes.

I still have to set up my stack which I hope to do by this weekend. If next week’s warm spell is still forecasted and they forecast some above freezing temps after the 20th, which I should be able to see by Sunday, I might start tapping in a week’s time.

South Bruce Peninsula

Sugarmaker Dave
02-07-2023, 07:23 AM
Pretty much ready to go but will wait until the end of the month and tap the last week of February.

I have updated my vacuum pumps to the Shurflow 4048's and have added a remote sap monitoring system to my 2 vacuum pumps.

The idea behind using the RSMS - my trees are located at my cottage 3 hours away. With the remote sap monitoring system, I am able to text the controller and it will tell me the temperature, if my pumps are running, how long they have been running, vacuum and even tank level.

I purchased the RSMS units from Mountain Maple in Princeton MA.

Here is the link to their site www.mountainmaplefarm.com

02-07-2023, 09:39 AM
That’s pretty sweet. I live on the same property as my sugar shack and still would like this lol. Raining today. I want to get my lines out well the snow is still around to keep things clean. Prob try and have everything suspended and ready by the end of this week if I can. Test boil my new set up and watch the forecasts. I won’t be drilling till family day at the earliest. I’ve got a bunch of maples I don’t run on lines as they are to spread out but I may tap a few on pails to see what the flows and sugar content La are. More of a test and learning thing then actual collection.

02-10-2023, 04:59 PM
Well, I’ve never tapped in February, but tomorrow is going to change that. Seems crazy early, but the weather looks like some good runs, and lots of folks south and west of here are getting some good flow, so it begins!

02-11-2023, 05:47 PM
Sap was running today, not fast, but every hole was wet by the time I had a spigot in. Very weird to have mud on tapping day. Especially in Feb. I think all our snow will be gone in the next few days

02-11-2023, 06:43 PM
Sap was running today, not fast, but every hole was wet by the time I had a spigot in. Very weird to have mud on tapping day. Especially in Feb. I think all our snow will be gone in the next few days

It looks like your next three days should have great flow. Campbellville is a beautiful area, I used to live in Milton for a number of years.

02-12-2023, 10:04 PM
You’re right, today was a gusher. Overflowing 2 gallon buckets on the first day. I’m not ready for this!

02-13-2023, 04:50 PM
Tapped on the 8th in the Niagara region. 6800L in so far.

02-13-2023, 05:48 PM
First gathering today. Had to do it twice actually. 166 taps, many overflowing buckets, 1200L. On days like today, I think a lot about tubing systems, and how much more sap I would have collected.....as it is i averaged 7.2L per tap, or 1.9 gallons per tap.

02-13-2023, 06:31 PM
First gathering today. Had to do it twice actually. 166 taps, many overflowing buckets, 1200L. On days like today, I think a lot about tubing systems, and how much more sap I would have collected.....as it is i averaged 7.2L per tap, or 1.9 gallons per tap.


I am jealous, I have flow, but just dripping, I think over 3 great weather days my 90+ taps have produce only about 40 to 60 L total. Tomorrow hopefully it will be better. Lots and lots of snow here and that might be the difference.

02-16-2023, 07:14 AM
Yesterday was my third day in a row of overflowing buckets! It didn't freeze Tuesday night, so the run was long, but slowing down. Im over 3300L/870gallons collected in the last three days.
The guy beside me is on tubing, and has collected about twice as much per tap, which I guess is the benefit of vacuum and no overflow losses.
An early, fast and strange start to the season, thats for sure!

Looks like it will stop tomorow, re-start on the weekend for a few days, and then perhaps return to Feb temps, and no runs until March. I have never tapped for the "early run", so I hope my spigot holes wont "dry out" and that things continue in March.

Does anyone have experience with losing later production with such a large pause (1-2 weeks?). Does the tree start to heal? Or is it just the inside of the hole starting to dry out?

02-16-2023, 11:04 AM
Sounds like you’ve got some boiling to do. Great collection numbers for an early year start. Im by no means a professional and I’m sure someone with some more knowledge can chime in with better info but I can say that A bunch of years back I put out half my taps early to catch the first runs. Come March they definitely were not running at the same speed as the ones I did in the normal end of Feb beginning of March. So many variables that could change things but I think it was from them being 3 weeks older holes.

02-22-2023, 05:57 AM
Looks like we have a break in the action for at least two weeks, and it is welcome. Yesterday was another day of overflowing buckets!
In the last week, I’ve collected over 5000L, which is over half of what I collected all last season. Finished 80L so far, and I’m not done boiling down yet.
Now I’ll have time to fine tune my new DIY cold sap float box, make some RO system upgrades, shuffle around the totes, clean the pan, and get ready for round two in March. I might actually be ready for it by then!

02-22-2023, 08:26 AM
I've probably collected over 400L from my 19 bags. That's close to half of the normal year, depending on the year. Might decide to pull the taps early. We still have a bunch of bottles from last year.

02-23-2023, 11:44 AM
Got all my current lines run and tight sloped and ready to drill. I have a pretty easy to access 30-50 more trees I could run lines to buy waiting to see what this year brings. Got all my storage cleaned and ready. Sugar shack is cleaned up and stocked with wood. I just need the sapping weather to return and I’m in business. Looking at the weather I’m probably gonna start Monday after this cold snap provided the 14 day forecast isn’t showing another week of below freezing temps. Might just be another week still.

Sugarmaker Dave
02-24-2023, 06:45 PM
Going to tap my trees tomorrow and get things all set for when the weather turns. Interestingly i was looking at pics from last season and my first boil was March 12th and looking ahead at this years 14 day forecast - I may be able to start boiling around the same time as last year - fingers crossed.

Sugarmaker Dave
02-26-2023, 03:39 PM
Trees tapped, tanks in place and vacuum pumps at the ready for when temps climb above zero. Weather forecast this morning was showing plus 4 Tuesday and Wednesday but a quick check now shows those days to be only plus 2 and plus 1. Was hoping for a warmup this week so I could flush the lines and dump the first run.

02-27-2023, 08:38 AM
The 14 day forecast isn’t looking great atm but you just never know what might happen. I find it changes almost hourly some days. I kinda trust a day or two in advance but anything after that is just a guess. I’m gonna be tapping this week also. I don’t want to miss the next set of runs. I also let a bunch just drain out the first run to clean out anything that might have been left behind after the end of last seasons cleaning plus over summer months. I kinda have a feeling it’s gonna get warm and then stay warm this year or be a short sapping season. Mainly because I bought a new set of pans this year lol. That how my luck goes. Another reason is the lack of snow in the bush and the fact that this has been a warm winter for around me at least. I’m usually tapping in two feet of snow and this year it’s three inches at best. Couple weeks ago the bush was bare.
With enough taps I’ll get the sap. Is what I’m going with for this year. I’m ready to put in another 100 trees if needed so bring it on. The upgrade in pans was more about efficiency then production amounts so hopefully I won’t need that extra 100

Sugarmaker Dave
03-01-2023, 02:05 PM
Just checked in with my remote sap monitoring systems and it is showing both pumps are running with vacuum ranging between 17 to 24 inches and temperatures of 38F.
There looks to be some sap running because my one tank is registering 2% full.
Weekend weather for South Bruce Peninsula is now showing +4 to +5

03-02-2023, 05:56 PM
Started putting the taps in today. What a beautiful day to be in the bush. Was calling for overcast and +1. It was full sun from about 1pm on. Felt like +10 although it wasn’t. Things were running ok but wasn’t warm enough to really get them flowing. Was perfect to give them a pre season flush. Got 3 lines to finish tomorrow and then it’s collection time. Hopefully maybe first boil Sunday or Monday. Gonna take more sap for me this year to start up this new rig.

03-04-2023, 06:27 PM
Things ran pretty ok today nothing crazy but ok. Actually tested @ 3% from the tree. That’s the highest I’ve seen my trees produce. It may have been I just didn’t check it at other high times but I can’t say I’ve ever had 3% before the ro in the past. I also have only been testing it since I started using an ro. Best I saw last year was 2.5%.
I was able to get enough sap through the lines to flush them out so I was able to collect from about 12:30-1pm on today. I’ll collect the back bush tomorrow but I might have close to enough to do a boil if we get another decent run tomorrow. Looking to have around 200-300gal before I start to boil.

03-07-2023, 06:35 PM
Good runs each of the last three days, averaging at 4.5L/1.2 G per bucket each day.
Today was the surprise, as it didn’t get much above freezing, but the trees in the sun sure produced.
I’m already at 80% of the most sap I’ve ever collected in a season, and we are only 2 days after the earliest I have ever tapped, until this year.
Nice to have the ground/snow freezing up after all that snow and slush and mud underneath on the weekend. Got everything stuck gathering sap!

Sugarmaker Dave
03-08-2023, 07:52 PM
Collected approx 1200 litres of sap today and ran through RO. Starting boiling at 2:30 pm today and boiled to 5:00pm and called it for the day. Will pickup where I left off tomorrow,
Despite temps around 0 degrees today - sun was shinning and sap was flowing. Hoping to collect another 800-1000 litres tomorrow.

03-10-2023, 01:23 PM
Did my first boil of the year on Monday. New pans and evaporator worked fantastic. Had a hard boil going right to the back. Was my first boil on it so plays it safe and ran it at 2 inches deep for most the day. Without a sap pre heater I wasn’t sure how that first divided section in my flue pan would boil but it boiled pretty good till maybe 10-12 inches from the float box entrance.
Running the sap collected this week through the ro last night and today and will be boiling again tomorrow. 2023 now officially feels like it’s started for me and it sure tastes sweet

Sugarmaker Dave
03-10-2023, 07:35 PM
Finished with some light amber today. First time using the CDL vacuum filter and was pleased with the results.

03-11-2023, 08:05 AM
Great labels and name.

Sugarmaker Dave
03-11-2023, 12:52 PM
Thanks! PURE BS (Pure Bennett Maple Syrup). We have some fun with it.

03-13-2023, 12:35 PM
Nice little break for me to be able to clean pans and tanks in prep for our next runs. Think I’m gonna do some bulk 20l/5g jugs this year so I can bottle when I'm almost out of a size or have a request for a larger size kinda thing. Every year I seem to run out of one size first and not always the same size. I have had years I run outa 500ml bottles and some people just don’t want the bigger size. Other years I run outa the 1l or 4l jugs and people ask for a deal on buying 2x500ml bottles. I’ll do it but some people don’t ask and just don’t want the 500ml price. I have a retail store at my business and it just shows better with multiple sizes also. I don’t mind having to reheat and bottle during the year. No clue on what I want to use for bulk storage. I love the ss kegs but not the price lol.

03-16-2023, 05:41 PM
Things were running today pretty good with the sunshine. Not gonna drop below freezing so pumps will probably run all night.

03-16-2023, 06:24 PM
Good run here as well, collected 850L and left the frozen sap in the buckets. Looks like it will run all night, and likely need two gatherings tomorrow. I’ve now collected as much so far this year as I ever have in an entire season, and we are just getting into the “normal” season. Next week looks really good.

Sugarmaker Dave
03-16-2023, 07:28 PM
Same here. Sap running well this aft. Pulled 500L out of the bush and ran through RO.

03-19-2023, 08:24 AM
Just finished another boil yesterday. Boiled 300g down in 8.5hrs. I wasn’t able to run it all through the ro so some first few head tanks were concentrated sap and then I was back to pure sap. Could really tell the times between draw off change as I moved to the unconcentrated sap. Hopefully next boil I’ll be able to run all concentrated sap and see what this 2x6 can do. This week is looking like a good one for weather.

Sugarmaker Dave
03-20-2023, 08:25 AM
weather looks decent this week so will be heading north to the cottage for a week of boiling. Currently have 600L sitting in concentrate tank and 2 tanks in bush are showing to be approx 50% but anticipate both tanks to be close to 100% when I arrive tomorrow.

03-20-2023, 01:31 PM
Pretty good flow today. Still pretty windy but sunny for the most part. Both my pumps were running strong by 10am I’m sure your storage will be full. Happy boiling

03-20-2023, 08:36 PM
Sugar sand seems high this year for me. I’ve seen others talking about it also. Nothing the filters don’t catch but just more then I usually get. Bottled some of the lightest syrup I’ve ever made tonight. Looks great and tastes great but I do prefer my dark. I can always make dark but I can’t always make light so keep it coming. Be nice to have more then just one grade this year on the shelves. So glad I pulled the trigger on the new set of pans. Much more enjoyable to operate and so much more efficient.

03-21-2023, 08:19 AM
The earlier syrup was much clearer than the latest syrup using the same processes. Not sure why. If I let it drip through my vacuum filter it's a little better, but once the vacuum goes on, it's cloudy again.

03-21-2023, 01:45 PM
Are you using filter aid/Diatomaceous earth with your vacuum filter?

03-21-2023, 03:07 PM
I tried using DE once with the vacuum filter but I was probably using the wrong type of DE and wasn't successful.

Sugarmaker Dave
03-21-2023, 07:50 PM
First year using DE with my vacuum filter and found so far that using a cup of DE mixed into 5 gallons of syrup worked well for me. Results were crystal clear.

03-22-2023, 09:35 AM
Dave how much syrup can you run through your vacuum filter before it’s time to clean and put new filters in?
Also is it a home built one or store bought? I’m really on the fence as to either get a press or vacuum press. I’ve been watching for used presses for a few seasons and haven’t seen anything that’s to great of a deal.

03-22-2023, 12:25 PM
First year using DE with my vacuum filter and found so far that using a cup of DE mixed into 5 gallons of syrup worked well for me. Results were crystal clear.

Which brand of DE?

I do small batches so only doing 6-8L at a time.

edit: And today's batch came out very clear. I couldn't tell you anything I've changed from the last batch that was cloudy.

https://i.ibb.co/N6FFfXh/20230322-153958.jpg (https://ibb.co/Fbhhc9v)

Left: couple days ago (twice filtered) Right: today

Sugarmaker Dave
03-22-2023, 04:50 PM
Hi Harold - i bought the CDL 9 gallon vacuum this year and so far with limited use I am pleased with it. I run felt filter and a pre-filter on top. Today we did two batches (approx 4.5 gallons each) through the vacuum filter and each time I changed out the pre-filter with a fresh one. And as mentioned I used 1 cup of DE to 5 gallons. Seemed to work well and end result was crystal clear.
I was also thinking a filter press before I bought the vacuum but ended up watching YouTube videos of guys using the CDL vacuum filter and it looked easy to use with minimal cleanup.

Sugarmaker Dave
03-24-2023, 03:55 PM
Has been a good week. 2.5 half days of boiling and 63.75 Litres of syrup. Sap did not run well yesterday because of previous warm night - however today is a different story with a cool night -5 and + temps today plus sunshine - sap is flowing well today. Plan to collect tomorrow and run thru RO and do another boil.
So far I am 80% of last years haul.

Sugarmaker Dave
03-25-2023, 04:21 PM
Collected 500L today and ran thru RO. Was able to pour off and bottle 15L of dark amber syrup today. Total for the year is 95.875L. Just shy of last year with opportunity to surpass.

03-28-2023, 09:03 PM
Things have really slowed down here. Collected Friday, Saturday and today. All smaller runs. Looks like we may only have a few more nights below freezing in the next 2 weeks. However, it has been a record year for me, already 60% higher than any other year, first collection was Feb 13th, and I am ready for a break!

03-28-2023, 09:39 PM
Things have really slowed down here. Collected Friday, Saturday and today. All smaller runs. Looks like we may only have a few more nights below freezing in the next 2 weeks. However, it has been a record year for me, already 60% higher than any other year, first collection was Feb 13th, and I am ready for a break!

Congrats! Your hard work paid off.

03-31-2023, 02:20 PM
Pulled my 19 taps this morning in the freezing rain.

I had already collected more than I have any year due to the early start, so I dumped a bunch of sap that had collected in the bags over the last few days.

1300l of sap, 47.5 hours of boiling (not including finishing on kitchen stove), 31l of syrup.

04-01-2023, 05:25 AM
South is pulling taps and some of my trees in the thicker canopy haven't thawed yet, thats interesting.
Since I tapped on March 21 I've collected 378L from 93 taps but I've been chucking the ice so the math from sap to syrup will not add up properly nor will the sap sugar content. I will measure sugar content to see how much of a difference pulling ice makes. My last collection sugar content was between 3 and 4% between buckets without ice.

04-02-2023, 09:53 AM
Looking like the last days for me. Weather isn’t looking great plus it’s time for me to get some other stuff done this spring. Seems like it’s early but it’s not showing another freeze till Friday. Wednesday is looking like we could hit 20. I haven’t actually did a total on syrup produced but I will post it soon.
I’m also going to add a water/sap meter into my set up next year to calculate the sap collection. I always try to keep track but it’s not easy with my gathering system. I’ll add the meter so ever time I’m adding fresh collected sap to the main holding tank it’s tracking it. One between the head tank and evaporator would be pretty cool to track gph boil rate also. I might do this also.
My boil yesterday was absolutely full of sugar sand. Like handfuls and handfuls. I’ve never seen it this bad since I started doing maple. Glad it’s at the end and wasn’t like this all season.

04-03-2023, 06:57 AM
The end is here for me as well, likely the last collection today. Some of my trees have quit, leaking out a dribble of yellow sap in the bucket, while others are still gushing overflowing buckets of sweet clear sap. But the temps are staying high, the turkeys are gobbling, the snow is almost gone ad I am ready for spring.

This year has been a gusher. A full 7 weeks as passed since my first collection. I’m 70% over my previous highest year, and not quite done. Over 100L/27G per tap, and lots wasted to overflow. I keep thinking this can’t be good for the trees.....

The biggest improvement this year was a walking beam, tandem axle atv trailer with a 125G tank for sap collection. Less ground pressure and it will roll over anything. Next experiment will be in filtration, but that’s not for a week or two when I get around to bottling....

Really thinking a larger evaporator needs to find a way into next season!

04-03-2023, 08:49 AM
Not a gusher in my woods. Was an ok season considering the weather. My gravity lines didn’t really produce much this year. Only pulled ok numbers from the vac lines. Next year all my lines will be on vacuum.

04-07-2023, 08:12 PM
That's it for me, I've finished the boils and pulled the taps & lines. A pretty weird season but I will consider it a win as I did better than last year.
Finished up with just over 18L from 883L of sap (~50:1) sugars were 1.0 to max 2.4. I'm pleased with both the mechanical vacuum system and the custom evaporator (I would have liked to have more sap though).
Next years plan includes finding some maple sap and doing a blend between the two.

Thanks for all the help and advice offered.


04-08-2023, 10:00 AM
Well I thought it was over. But I still have a bunch of trees that are flowing clear sap, and it was pretty cold last night, so I expect a small run today, as we approach the end of the 8th week of collection this year.....pulling buckets tomorrow no matter what!

01-27-2024, 09:22 AM
I'm thinking of just tapping one tree to see what happens. Anyone else? Just north of Milton on the escarpment.

01-27-2024, 09:57 PM
I am thinking about trying a few on Tuesday of this week as well this is one crazy winter.

01-28-2024, 07:52 PM
I've been feeling like I should be tapping for about a week now. Crazy. Last year seemed really early the second week of February, but it was a gusher.
Im just west of Milton near Campbellville. Put a new stack on the evaporator, and visited a couple guys that have gone from buckets to tubing......but I'm just not mentally ready to tap in January. I should be skidding logs out of the bush right now, but its a muddy flood. Kinda depressing. We will soon have no snow left.

My neighbour is tapping a few hundred tomorrow, I'll let you know what he gets.

01-28-2024, 10:07 PM
I'm thinking of just tapping one tree to see what happens. Anyone else? Just north of Milton on the escarpment.

FYI, The 1 tree didn't produce much. I wonder if that tree will be a good indicator.

01-28-2024, 10:54 PM
FYI, The 1 tree didn't produce much. I wonder if that tree will be a good indicator.

I don’t think temperatures dropped below freezing for you overnight, so that is why the flow was not good. I think since December you had many good flow days.

Monday,Tuesday and especially Wednesday should be better flow days. The long range looks like several good flow days the second week of February.

01-30-2024, 02:27 PM
Decided to just try my reg buckets and lids will do those 35 just to test the waters and save my lines for bit later. 15 in today other 20 tommorow when I realized atv was outta fuel 🤦*♂️ lol

01-30-2024, 08:05 PM
Neighbour tapped yesterday, said today was a very strong run. He recommends I tap ASAP.

01-31-2024, 02:04 PM
I think it's crazy, but it looks like it's time.


02-05-2024, 06:05 PM
We tapped Saturday and Sunday. Got and ok run, but the weather has not been to cooperative.

02-05-2024, 08:54 PM
After that initial run, it has been slow here as well. Maybe too cold at night?

It helps if you add a location.

02-07-2024, 04:56 AM
So far weather has not cooperated here either, yesterday was ok but had been getting too cold at night then taking till mid aft to get above freezing no where near the sun that was forecasted either but I think next couple days will be good. I am near Owen Sound.

02-07-2024, 06:39 PM
Fixed up. 2400L of sap so far

02-08-2024, 08:03 AM
Yep. It's going here. Having to RO just to make more room for sap storage.

02-08-2024, 02:46 PM
Tapped in today with about 60 trees. Sap was running fairly well, had 1.5" in bottom of the first bucket by the time we finished. Weather sure is screwy this year! I'm concerned about tapping everything now as taps may dry up mid March and who knows when the seasons going to end! So plan for now is run with the 60 taps for a couple of weeks and then put the other 70 taps in. I guess only time will tell if this is a wise move! One of the main goals of our evaporator is to show public how syrup is made at our Maple Festival and that runs weekends until the end of March so the other thing I need to consider is having sap until then to be able to run the evaporator!

02-10-2024, 11:40 AM
Tapped 65 on Feb 4. Have collected 300 + gallons of sap over the week. Located just W of Woodstock.

02-13-2024, 05:55 PM
We put out 59 taps on the 4th 1st boil of 660L of sap last Friday 9th so much fun https://www.facebook.com/chris.stones.3110 :D check out the after burner! :o

02-27-2024, 07:11 AM
Most of my neighbours tapped a month ago, but I just wasn’t ready, or feeling it.
Tapped this past weekend, first collection yesterday, 880L from 166 buckets, great first day.
Pretty weird to be doing this with zero snow in the bush, and very dry ground.
Not sure how much of a season I will get, hope a few weeks at least.

03-04-2024, 08:55 AM
Despite not freeing for the last few nights, the sap ran all weekend, but not fast.

The next 3 days look ridiculously warm, sure hope the trees decide to wait it out, as there looks to be good sap weather after Wednesday night. Fingers crossed.........

03-12-2024, 11:23 AM
Well, we've made it so far. Sap collected on March 8th was starting to get that yellowish-greenish tinge, and seems to make more foam in the evaporator, but after the cold weather on the weekend we are back to clear flows and still at 2.0 Brix yesterday afternoon, and again during this morning's collection, as it ran all night, and is still running. No freezing overnight temps till Sunday (yikes) and the robin's are singing. Let's hope we make it though another mini-heat wave!

03-14-2024, 10:34 AM
Pulled my 65 taps on Mar 6. Finished with 91.6 litres. Shout out to Sheets Maple. Have been using the 5 inch press for several years and it never ceases to amaze me how quickly it allows me to bottle and how crystal clear the syrup comes out.

03-15-2024, 07:38 PM
Pulled my taps and cleaned buckets up today what a weird year. Ended with just over 32 litres of syrup real good for my little setup.

03-25-2024, 07:54 PM
And we’re back…..haven’t collected in 12 days thanks to almost a week long heatwave followed by a week of cold. Some trees are right back with full buckets this afternoon, some are bone dry and may be done for the season. Sap was running clear, and sugar was at 2.1. Lots of flies and moths, more mud and snow than I’ve had all year, and the buckets will soon need a good wash, but it looks like we may get another week yet.

03-26-2024, 07:29 PM
Good run today, sugar varied between 1.9 and 2.2. Looks good for another week based on the temps in the forecast

03-29-2024, 04:58 AM
It’s been a good week, had my highest single day flow of the season on Wednesday.
Forecast doesn’t look great, but I am super happy we got some good runs this week.
Lots to boil down, going to be a busy weekend. The woodpile is starting to look pretty small…..

03-31-2024, 05:20 PM
What a great weekend to be boiling. My trees are slowing down, especially the ones in higher, rockier ground, while the lower trees with wetter feet next to a cedar swamp keep cranking out full clear buckets. Some slight,colour in todays gathering, so the end may be near. Sugar has dropped to 1.8. Happy Easter all!

04-01-2024, 10:49 AM
Pulled my 20 taps yesterday. Some of the tress were still going strong (always a shame to dump sap) but most had stopped altogether. That may have been due to the early tapping this year (Jan31).

The syrup gets very dark this time of year. I don't like making the really dark stuff.

About 1400l of sap and about 27l of syrup, so not the best ratio.

04-01-2024, 10:14 PM
Had my lowest collection of the year today. Many dry taps, some tree pee, and lots of dead moths, flys, ants, and other bugs. I think it’s over. Except for about 10% that are still cranking out full buckets of clear sap. Sugar was still at 1.8 to 1.9, and no off taste. Will pull by the weekend, gonna be lots of washing required this year, buckets are spotted on the bottom and a bit slimy. Dead bug brew….and we wonder why the syrup gets darker!

04-06-2024, 06:35 PM
Surprisingly a few trees are still cranking out full buckets of clear, but the sugar is down to 1.7, and the rest are dry or dribbling yellow tree pee, with more bugs than sap in some buckets, so it’s all over except the final boil down, clean up and bottling. What a weird season.