View Full Version : February Journal

Russell Lampron
02-01-2007, 05:21 AM
One month until sugaring season is here.


Fred Henderson
02-01-2007, 05:58 AM
I think maybe a month and 10 days for me. We start around the 10 of March.

02-01-2007, 06:30 AM
I'm planning to start tapping the first weekend in March, unless there's unusual weather conditions, which is usual that time of year.

02-01-2007, 07:42 PM
We usually try to start around the middle of Feb.Thats only two weeks!I better get busy,lots to do to get ready.

Russell Lampron
02-02-2007, 02:55 PM
The ground hog didn't see his shadow here today. It is time to start up the tapping machine to make sure it is going to run.


Dave Y
02-02-2007, 03:58 PM
I live only 40 miles form the groundhog. One of these days I am going to pay him a visit. Bought my pick up in Punxatauney. The hole town is groundhog nuts.

02-03-2007, 04:17 AM
We are shooting for around the 16th of the month. Alot of stuff to do before then. But we will get it done. Doing as much as we can outside when the weather is warm. And on cold days were inside or running around for supplies.Hoping to get more comfortable weather, this running around is getting expensive. Its like grocery shopping when your hungry, everrthing looks good.

02-03-2007, 09:05 AM
Had a pretty busy week working till 1-2am remodling a condo for a lady down to the beach. Now no new jobs till after sugaring.

If anyone was trying to send me a PM, I wasn't blocking you. I had about 10 times the allowable messages in my system and it was not allowing anymore to come through.

Dave Y- Nice pic, is that a blanket? I like the idea of a signature picture, but too small to see them. I haven't done much trapping in at least 10 years. Still got about 2 dump trucks full of traps ready and waiting. Beaver trapping is the best, unless you are up here and have 3 feet of ice to chisel through!!

Got pleanty to do to get the sugar house ready.

Dave Y
02-03-2007, 09:54 AM
Yea Its a blanket. I caught that one I think on newyears day this year I had my daugher w/ me and she took the pic I just got back from checking traps and it was 0 when I left. At the Strart of the season the weather was like spring and I murdered them. But it has slowed down now. I have about 15 more like the one in the pic. As far as the your truck load of traps go A trapper I Know from Maine says "a trap in the ground Will Catch fur not one in the back of your truck"
Gone to build a dumping station to day so I better get busy

02-03-2007, 12:32 PM
Yup, I won't catch anything with them piled up. Kinda like you will miss every deer you don't shoot at. That is my motto.

I think beaver trapping is my favorite, we use to stack them like cordwood.

Rats are fun too, I hear they are almost 10 bucks each!! Last few I sold were about 1.25 for some monsters, so I guess that shows how long ago I was getting them.

02-03-2007, 05:01 PM
Beaver trapping is fun, haven't done it in a few years. Rats are that high, I think I will have to get old basket out again. I like trapping fishers the most though. Have either of you ever trapped them?

Dave Y
02-03-2007, 07:43 PM
Don't get your hope to high on fur prices. They advertise high prices to get you to over produce. Then when you sell they say the market is down and dont want to pay anything. AS far as the fisher go they are not legal game in Pa. But I do Know how to catch them. But if some one in Ny would in vite me up to do some fisher trapping I don't think any thing could hold me back.
I start trapping the first of Nov. and Noarmally ended march31. But 4 years ago i started sugaring and now it conficts w/my beaver trapping.

02-04-2007, 10:23 AM
I trapped fisher on pole sets using either beaver meat or dead skunks. But thing I found was you really need to put the skunk butter to the set, and of course if you can pre baiting really helps. Wire a few hemlock bows over the bait and trap(making a cubby hole), cut ends up the pole. Take 3 roofing nails to hold the lower jaws of the 220. Make a triangle on the inside of the jaws.

And as the song goes, We'll be swinging, swingin....

Set works well for martin if they are in the area. But boxes is really the way to go for them.

Dave Y
02-04-2007, 11:50 AM
I will say one thing fishers can be caught in numbers in boxes on the ground. Useing anything that will catch a coon. 160's work very well.

02-04-2007, 02:14 PM
Yeah I do the same as you Matt, except I make some wonderful venison stew for my bait. I haven"t ever had the neighbor over, but if I did they probably wouldn't want a second helping. I use deer scraps if someone really shot one up, put it in a bucket with fish parts and skunk scent and let it age. yum yum. You can find the set in the dark and fishers just can't refuse it.

02-04-2007, 03:58 PM
Tough weekend here with the loss of a friend of mine and fellow church in the gas station explosion last week which happened less than 10 miles from my house. He was the captain of a large volunteer fire dept and had served on the fire dept for over 30 years and had worked to build it up to what it was today. He was well known statewide among fire depts and referees as he had refereed football and basketball and numerous state tournaments for nearly as long and was state referee of the year in 2003. Due to such a large amount of people expected at the 5 hour viewing and funeral, it was moved to the large gymansium at our Christian school to hold all the people. Aprox 1200 at the viewing last night from 7 states and 800+ at the funeral today from all over in below zero windchills last night and today.

It's a shame to see such a good man with 2 kids still at home get promoted. It sure has shook this area down here along with the other ems worker and 2 gas company employes that were killed and 4 others in critical condition in burn units.

02-04-2007, 04:29 PM
Wow. Sorry for your loss WV.

Fred Henderson
02-04-2007, 04:56 PM
How sad this is, my prayers for him and his family and all involved.

02-04-2007, 05:34 PM
I know quite a few of the trader members work in the line of duty and you never know when you last call will be. God bless each and every one of you that put your life on the line daily.

Fred Henderson
02-04-2007, 05:45 PM
I don't know who said this quote but he said "that volunteer fire fighters are the greatest people in the world because they risk their lives for no pay".

andrew martin
02-04-2007, 08:48 PM
Those are good words Fred. My brother lives in Morristwon, TN and works for Old Dominion freight company full time and is a "full time" volunteer firemen. He was captain at one point, but got tired of red neck politics and went back to fighting fires. He's 30 years old and after hearing about some of things he has done to save people and their property, I sometimes wonder what a phone call from my parents will bring. He is great at what he does, but stuff happens sometimes that no one has control over.

If this cold keeps up, I may actually be able to go ice fishing in central Kentucky before long. It may only be on 3" of ice, but heck, I only weigh 145#. I'LL have a hard time finding minnows this time of year, but maybe I can get some goldfish from Wal-Mart and catch some large mouth bass - our bass season is open year round. My wife thinks I'm nuts (but she's from Mississippi) There's nothing like seeing flags fly on a frozen lake. I miss those days of fishing Oneida Lake for jack perch and walleye while attending SUNY ESF in Syracuse.

Fred Henderson
02-05-2007, 04:50 AM
How in the hell did you ever end up in Ky? My sister lives right next to the fire station in Morristown. You probably went to school with Chris and Kevin.

andrew martin
02-05-2007, 06:58 AM
Fred, Here is the short version. Grew up in Walker Valley, NY - just south of the Catskills and fished the Delaware and Roundout Reservoir all the time. I attended Pine Bush HIgh School - graduated in 1990. Went to school in SYracuse, NY at SUNY-ESF and received a Paper Science and Engineering DEgree. First job took me to a paper mill in Pine Bluff, AR. Second job took me to Johnsonburg, PA where I lived in St. Mary's, PA for exactly one year. From St. Mary's, PA, I moved to Wilmore, KY to attend Asbury THeological Seminary and I had planned on becoming a pastor in the Western PA Conference of the United Methodist Church. I did finish my Master of Divinity, met my wife here and we now have two young boys and I have started my own remodeling business. We will probably be here for 3-5 more years while my wife finishes her second degree. We love it here, but I wish we had more snow. Believe it or not, I never made syrup until I moved to KY, and this was from my father-in-law's prompting. He lives in New Milford, CT and he sent me ten taps/buckets four years ago for CHristmas, and it has been uphill ever since - even managed to get three friends to start making syrup here.

I must make a correction however, my brother lives in Talbott, TN which is just several miles from Morristown and he volunteers with the Talbot Fire Department.

220 maple
02-05-2007, 09:11 AM
Andrew Martin
This past summer when I was visiting my sister in Brandonburg, Ky. I met a man there whom had and article written about him making maple syrup. His name is Paul Schultz. He had just retired as the county health inspector. He had a small operation but he was bitten bad by the maple bug. I encourgaged him to expand. He said he could probably tap some neighbors trees, they had offered them for some free syrup. If I see him again this summer I'll tell him he is not alone in Kentucky making syrup.
Mark 220 Maple

Dave Y
02-05-2007, 10:57 AM
It sure is a small world. I am only 25 miles from St Marys Pa . When I was in the wedding photography Bussiness I photographed a lot of weddings in St. Marys. Also coached some baseball games in Johnsonburg for the the East forest Bears. Aint life funny. Who did you work for in Johnsonburg?

Fred Henderson
02-05-2007, 11:33 AM
Fred, Here is the short version. Grew up in Walker Valley, NY - just south of the Catskills and fished the Delaware and Roundout Reservoir all the time. I attended Pine Bush HIgh School - graduated in 1990. Went to school in SYracuse, NY at SUNY-ESF and received a Paper Science and Engineering DEgree. First job took me to a paper mill in Pine Bluff, AR. Second job took me to Johnsonburg, PA where I lived in St. Mary's, PA for exactly one year. From St. Mary's, PA, I moved to Wilmore, KY to attend Asbury THeological Seminary and I had planned on becoming a pastor in the Western PA Conference of the United Methodist Church. I did finish my Master of Divinity, met my wife here and we now have two young boys and I have started my own remodeling business. We will probably be here for 3-5 more years while my wife finishes her second degree. We love it here, but I wish we had more snow. Believe it or not, I never made syrup until I moved to KY, and this was from my father-in-law's prompting. He lives in New Milford, CT and he sent me ten taps/buckets four years ago for CHristmas, and it has been uphill ever since - even managed to get three friends to start making syrup here.

I must make a correction however, my brother lives in Talbott, TN which is just several miles from Morristown and he volunteers with the Talbot Fire Department.

Ha ha ha we also have a Morristown NY that is 50 mile from me on the St Lawrence river. Probablt several hundred miles from Talbott Tn.

andrew martin
02-06-2007, 04:49 AM
I worked for the then WIllamette Paper MIll in Johnsonburg. I worked in the POwer and Recovery Department. Rick Wiseman is/was the superintendent for that area. I enjoyed working there, yet I love what I do now. Self-employment is great- it is hard at times- and very rewarding.

Well it is 8 degrees this morning, I might get to go ice fishing after all this weekend.

I walked the new sugarbush I am going to lease for next year, and there are so many sugars on this property, I cannot wait for next year's season. Some trails already exist and the land is relatively flat and open - a dream come true.

Dave Y
02-06-2007, 05:56 AM
I figured you must have worked at the paper mill. Most folk over that way do.

Father & Son
02-12-2007, 11:57 AM
Congratulations to Northwest Pa Maple Producer Association members Janet Woods, Gary Bilek, and Chris & Cheryl Casbohm. They are all mentioned in a feature article in "PENNlines", a monthly publication from the electric co-ops in Pennsylvania. The article titled "Sweet Season" is the cover article this month and features the above members, and even has a picture of the "Dump & Pump Station" on the back of Chris Casbohm's pick-up. This is the kind of exposure that is great for all sugarmakers! GREAT JOB!!!!!!

02-12-2007, 02:08 PM
Brandon Did they ever say how that explosion occured?

How bout that snow in oswego NY.. Anybody here get that? they were sending National weather service up there to see if its a record, almost 12 FEET in a week... I'd Say thats a record.. HOLY COW

We are supposed to get near a foot(maybe) this Wed... that would be nice to blanket this frozen ground... the 3 " from last week isn't nearly enough!


Started a bit on the new hood, hope to get that built by this weekend... it's getting to close to tapping not to be ready.

Fred Henderson
02-12-2007, 02:32 PM
The thinking is that its more like 11 feet in a week.

02-12-2007, 07:48 PM
Jim, I did'nt get the brunt of the lake affect where I live, but where I work in Oswego Co. we've been blessed per say, good for business. Spent about 4 hours friday and six today shoveling roofs at work. Snow is about neck level, I'm roughly 6' tall. It really hasn't been a burden, just a good conversation piece.


02-13-2007, 01:15 AM
I was up in Redfield today clearing the roof of my camper. Quite a snowshoe in! Snow has compacted to about 5'. I'm glad we did it today with the 1'-2' more forecast for tomorrow. Although I knew people who tapped on Tug Hill, I'm glad my bush is slightly south. Here are the daily totals for the last week from NOAA.



02-13-2007, 09:04 AM
WoW. Hard to believe.

Fred Henderson
02-13-2007, 09:23 AM
I was up in Redfield today clearing the roof of my camper. Quite a snowshoe in! Snow has compacted to about 5'. I'm glad we did it today with the 1'-2' more forecast for tomorrow. Although I knew people who tapped on Tug Hill, I'm glad my bush is slightly south. Here are the daily totals for the last week from NOAA.



That is close enough to 12 feet for my money. Those guys will be tapping on snowshoes and they will need a stepladder to get the splies out.

02-13-2007, 06:57 PM
Ray and I left work early and got all the tubing that was laying on the ground-in the snow on Hoit road picked up and tied into trees/////4 months of perfect weather to get that put back together and I wait till we are almost into the season and after we get a bunch of snow to start??????

Dave Y
02-13-2007, 07:15 PM
It's not when you do it that matters as long as you get it done before you need it.

02-14-2007, 03:10 AM
Waiting till the last minuite is what real sugarmakers do, The trees don't know when you did it. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. We are supposidly getting a big storm today and tomorrow, thats why I'm up before 4:00 A.M. I've got 40 plus plowing customers. KA- CHING KA- CHING pennies from heaven. Have a good one!

02-14-2007, 03:30 AM
Same story here got almost all my mains all tightened and ready to go. I am redoing a bunch of lines. Fourwheeler was working great. But with big snow storm coming we got it into the shop it install a winch today. If we get what they say we will its gonna take a few day to get the snow all cleared to get to the sugarhouse and to get into my one rented bush. I have about a 2500 ft road across a open meadow to get to that tank. Thank god for skidsteer with cab and heat. I gotta few pictures posted of my sugarhouse and preheater. Good day to all.

02-14-2007, 10:23 AM
No one elas showed up for work today!!! Light duty--a littel lunch then off to Hoit road :}

02-16-2007, 10:50 PM
I did manage to get something worthwhile done today among the nonsense.

I got the vacuum pump plumbed up to the releaser and transfer pump. I got some pictures posted under the equipment section of my pictures.

Started the pump and she cranked the vacuum guage right up to 18.5 inches, I didn't run the pump for a very long time, might be all I can get out of it. But just nice to see the vacuum up and running and actually working.

02-17-2007, 07:43 AM
Been digging out from the snow this week. Got my tanks out around the saphouse, but still have to clean off the roof so I can open my cupola. Then I have to clear spots for my tanks along the road. Going to get more bottles and filters today. Hopefully I'll be boiling again next weekend. I plan on finishing tapping this week, only 2,200 left.

02-17-2007, 10:51 AM
Hey Matt, your Delaval 73 looks about as old as my Delaval 75:). I've been looking for those poly check valves all over and can only find the heavy brass or steel ones. Where did you find yours?

Just about to plumb mine - do you just have the one vac. guage between pump and releaser? I can see one in your pix, was wondering if I should put a second at the pump to see if I'm losing any vacuum in all the fittings between the pump and releaser or in the releaer itself?

02-17-2007, 11:39 AM
Danno you cant have too many gauges in your system. We set ours up so that we can isolate every line. we use them to find leaks.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
02-17-2007, 04:15 PM
post edited

02-17-2007, 05:34 PM
yeah, my releaser came with 1/4 inch tap at the top of the booster for a vacuum guage - just wonderning if I should also put one at the pump.

Forecast in Central NY Wed-Sat. are day times highs in the mid 30's and we warm up quick here. Got up to 34 today and I have a day off Monday????? To tap or not to tap???????

Russell Lampron
02-17-2007, 05:48 PM
Yeah, put at the pump too. I have one at the pump, one on the other side of the moisture trap so I know when it is full and one at the releaser. My releaser is 900 feet away from the pump. If your pump and releaser are close together you can eliminate the one after the moisture trap. More is better when checking for leaks.


Jim Brown
02-17-2007, 06:31 PM
We went to the woods today to get the mains and other lines up out of the snow. we thought the mains had came down OH NO they were buryed in the snow. We had 28-30 inches on the flat in the woods today and we were getting 1-3 more today and this evening,Made for tuff walking . We are looking at the long term weather looks like we may be tapping the end of next week.Supposed to be in the 40's by Friday here.
Good Luck All;

02-17-2007, 07:18 PM
You can really see all the money you make sugaring when you do your taxes (I did today),,another 100 years and it will pay for itself !!! Long term forcast looking pretty cold for a while here although it got into the upper 30's here today,,Rte.11 pretty much ready to tap,,Hill pretty much ready,,putney hill ready,,Hattens ready to go,,Hoit road laying on the ground,,but I am so ugly at myself for not getting it ready earlier Ill bet I can set it up in 2 days,,,I am thinking getting the vacuum pumps and releasers set up and tapping are going to be my major time eaters,,Looks like no big expansions this year (although I have the trees and all the tubing,ect,,just no time-help),,cant wait to light that fire,,

02-17-2007, 07:35 PM
I did get some drops and 5/16 tubing hung today. About 80 taps worth. Will build some more drops tomorrow P.M. and may try to get them up too.
If weather is good may try to tap late next week. Trudging through the snow was tough in some areas. Thought of you as I was using hot water to install the lines from tree to tree, it worked very well.


02-17-2007, 08:48 PM
Got my hood built the past few days, I still have to make the u channels and drip pan. oh and the preheater too.... Had a talk with Brandon tonight, Think I will go with a parallel setup. only a few weeks left till tapping I would think. I have to start looking at the 10 day forecast. Am I going to be ready ?? I dought it, but are we ever really ready?

02-17-2007, 09:04 PM

I got all my plumbing do dads at lowes. I have really been amazed at the selection at that store. Personally I think head and shoulders above Home cheepo.

That is 2" spring loaded check valve. I think it was like 14-16 bucks. They had all sizes. Works slick. I got some old brass ones but I wanted to use the pvc one and for the price it was not a big deal.

I only put one guage on the releaser, since it is plumbed for it already with a 1/4 pipe thread. My releaser as you see it is less than 6 feet of tubing away from the pump, so I don't "think" I am going to put in another guage, but I got pleanty of them. If I don't keep giving all my good ones away...RUSS.


That delaval is pretty old, I got it this summer from a farmer that I bought a bulk tank from and it had been out of service as well as all the equipment for over 25 years, just sitting there waiting for me. I had to cut it out of the old tubing system.

I took the entire unit completely apart today and cleaned the heck out of everything. Can't even tell you how much garbage was in the reservoir, she is like new now. And the vanes were a little gummy, but not anymore at all. Those suckers are just clicking away when you spin it by hand. And if you put your hand over the intake, you can hardly turn the pully. So Houston, we got serious vacuum now. Thanks Kevin for the tips.

I got a bunch of other pumps, just this was the right size for my woods and was the most ready to roll. I got an old 75 too, about the same vintage.

Hopefully have an even more productive day tomorrow when I work Russ to the bone stringing up some new woods. Just have to keep him out of the pre-game sodas. He will have to wait till tomorrow night when he is soaking in the tub for that.

02-17-2007, 10:07 PM
Thanks Matt - I checked HD for the check valve, Lowes is just as easy.

Do you have any pointers for cleaning up the Delaval. It had been sitting in my bro-in-laws barn and has not been run in years. We started it up, got vacuum and loaded into my truck. Heavy sucker. Anyway, would like to clean it up before I run it but really don't know what I'm doing.

Jim Brown
02-18-2007, 07:48 AM
Chris; At 100 dollars or more for the 'special tool' I can splash a lot of hot water on my leg for that amount of money!(thank Brian Ianson he taught me)

Jim Brown
02-18-2007, 07:50 AM
Thank Brian Ianson he taught me!.Also you can splash a lot of hot water on your leg for 100plus dollars per 'special tool'

02-18-2007, 03:03 PM
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH perfect weather to be in the sugarwoods this whole weekend and I am still working on TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sure is getting warmer than the weather liar,,I mean weatherman said it would last few days,,I put the battery pack on the charger (just in case:])

super sappy
02-18-2007, 04:11 PM
All cleaned up and ready to go . Have to wash about 40 buckets still but I figure if I stack them in the bathroom and everyone washes one or two before they take a shower Ill be all set in a few days. This is the best time of year. The wife worked all day scrubbing barrels and buckets.The bulktank got scrubbed. the evaporator got fired up and cleaned.Tractor re fueled and greased . Gathering tank attached to the 3pt hitch. Wood uncovered etc. Deposit bottle/can barrel set in place. The new chickens are laying about a dozen eggs a day so Ill have eggs to sell as well as syrup. I do have one cat (Orange tom) living under the sugarhouse floor I have a feeling that he will be moving out soon. I am ready. Super sappy

02-18-2007, 05:28 PM

I'll send you a pm or give you a call. I really had no idea what to do, until good ole kevin gave me some pointers. I can pass it along to you, but I can't take the credit.

I helped him find his daddy, so he helped me with the pump.


Had a great day in the woods today, besides being complete soaked from the *** to the toe. Had a great time Russ, we got the woods figured out and wire up, and tubing run. Looks like 1000 feet of mainline to the releaser, and pleanty of taps close by to the mainline from start to finish. The sap is gonna flow. We got a wager going on how many taps in there and closest to the right number gets a free lunch next time.

Glad the wind has settled down, finally.

02-18-2007, 07:47 PM
Built drops and hung 170 taps this weekend, and stretched the tubing. The snow was waist deep some places and it will be very interesting as the weather warms this week. Since the temps will only be in the high 30's we will have a lot of snow to wade through. If I get the totes set up and the trees tapped it may be a good year not to be lugging buckets through the snow.


Maple Hill Sugarhouse
02-19-2007, 06:56 AM
post edited

02-19-2007, 07:41 AM
Yup anyone can get in, but you have to at least show up to have a fair chance. I do have a slight advantage since I am running the laterals. :-)

I'd rather buy lunch and be off 50 taps and have more sap.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
02-19-2007, 12:02 PM
post edited

02-19-2007, 04:06 PM
Yeah, anything 2 inches and up counts,ha ha. But if that is too much then only single taps on anything, and skipping anything more than 30 feet from the mainline so I can win. Russ never told me, I guess he was counting them on the ride home and going to tell me later, or wants to wait to see what i come up with. I cheated a little today and started doing a real rough count in one area. I am going to say......

322, Final Answer.

I still think I am low, but also many of these trees if they were mine would be getting 2 taps for sure, but I think just about everything in there is getting one 5/16 spout, couple make the 2 tap cut off, but that is being pretty conservative in there.

I think I wore russ out yesterday, he's being quiet.

I got in there today and got the wire all tight, mainline all tight and tied off to the wire the whole way down. Looks like 1000 feet of mainline is the number.

It was -4 when I left this morning with wind chill, glad I was kinda in a little ditch where the mainline is, helped keep the wind off me. Pretty productive day for being pretty darn cold.

Me & the captain are mapping out laterals at the moment.

02-19-2007, 04:51 PM
Watch out for the captain he is pretty good at putting you to sleep

Russell Lampron
02-19-2007, 05:35 PM
My guess was 300 but like Matt I think it was a low ball estimate. The real number is probably going to be closer to 400. My guess doesn't have to be real accurate because Matt usually buys my lunch when I go over there anyways.

I've been quiet because I had to work today, Presidents day is a big day in the car business and the boss wants everyone there.

I was glad I was working inside today. That wind was pretty cold especially this morning.


02-19-2007, 06:20 PM

Maybe we should have set where lunch would be, could be at the hill top or something nice. Maybe even at foxwoods, now I'm talkin. Those craps tables have been callin my name. That's if I win, if you win were going back to the local greasy spoon. HA.

Jerry you got it, my wife came in today and she told me I was really red, I told her it was the wind. 1 captain might do it tonight, I am pretty much asleep now. Might just go for a second to really put me out.

Hot shower sure felt nice. The price you pay for waiting till the last minute, although I wasn't really waiting, I've been pretty busy this fall with the sugar house etc.

Russell Lampron
02-19-2007, 08:01 PM

You're right we didn't name a place to eat but a big juicy steak would taste pretty good. If I lose you come down here and I will take you to the Longhorn.


02-22-2007, 09:56 AM

We are both going to be off. I got some laterals set up on the short side of the bush down there yesterday. I got 51 laterals set up on the field side and if you take an average of 5 taps per lateral, ummm yeah, were over my guess, since there is twice the trees on the other side of the mainline.

I'll buy you lunch anyway.

What a day here yesterday, I had two local news crews want to come out and kick off the 2007 maple season. They were working with the governers office to have him start a new tradition and do the opening of the sugaring season with the first official tap hole. Kinda neat so I had to get ready for that and they were here mid day, set up a lateral so he could kick it off. I got a few pictures of the act in progress. It is always nice to see the governor get his hands dirty so to speak.


hard maple
02-22-2007, 10:08 AM
awesome pictures!!!!!
That pine pitch should give a real nice "apron" without even coming to a boil!!!!

02-22-2007, 10:17 AM
Oh yeah, I'll give it the old scoop ribbon test right of the tree.


Maple Hill Sugarhouse
02-22-2007, 11:23 AM
post edited

02-22-2007, 11:55 AM

Taking orders now.
Didn't take you long to get home.

02-22-2007, 02:50 PM
Nice pics, thanks.

I thought the govenor of ME was in the NB legislature yesterday? Maybe it was the day before. I guess he hurried home.

Russell Lampron
02-22-2007, 05:42 PM
He had to get home to tap those pine trees. Didn't want to miss the first run!


02-22-2007, 06:53 PM
The gov must have learned something in NB, cause he told me where to string up the lateral. I just followed his lead. Kinda hard to argue with the top dog of the state.

02-22-2007, 08:00 PM
You would get better sap if you tapped telephone poles.
That pine sap can be nasty.

02-23-2007, 04:01 AM
Royal, If I am looking at those pictures right, is that a bale counter taped to your tapper. If not it got me to thinking I would put one on mine to keep track of tap numbers.

02-23-2007, 05:43 AM
I finally got a chance to get some pictures of our little snow storm online. It hard sledding but starting to get lines setup and ready. Hopeing to tap in a week or so.
Hope everyone has a great day.

02-23-2007, 08:18 AM

Yup it is a counter, but that is not mine. The governor brought his own. I'm the sexy one you can't see behind the camera. HE HE HE.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
02-23-2007, 06:54 PM
post edited.

Russell Lampron
02-23-2007, 06:55 PM
The governer supplied his own tapping machine! Did he know he was tapping pine trees? I hope our governer taps a maple when he does our tree tapping ceremony.


Maple Hill Sugarhouse
02-23-2007, 07:03 PM
post edited

02-23-2007, 07:23 PM
No wonder "the Governor" looked so familiar!!!!!!!!!!

02-24-2007, 08:15 AM
I'll guess 4 If I win you can give it to pete anyway.

You never posted the count, still in the wings on the number from you. I know I put out 20+ or so laterals yesterday after fixing the main line and the smallest count on that other side of the mainline was like 5. Might have been 1 with 3or 4 on it.Mostly right around 8-10, so that is 175-200 right there, and I'm not 400' down the mainline on the other side. Holy Pecker as you'd say.

We got a big trip planned, not hunting, but that remote drilling operation we were talking about. I'll make sure we get there, hey at least Gina told me to go. I wonder why she is so ready to get me out of the house all the time? Hummm?

I may just have to take a picture of me swimming in the 300 gallon stock tank filled with sap at the end of the season.

Russell Lampron
02-24-2007, 08:53 AM
Kevin I'll guess the number "6".


02-24-2007, 12:30 PM
Can anyone out there lend a hand with the high voltage wiring on a 10 lead motor?

I had my motor hooked up for low voltage and it works fine, but I just tried to use what I could read off the cover for the high voltage and some thing is wrong.
low was(and works):





What I thought I could read for high was:



4, line




But when I hit the disconnect and it was wired for high voltage the motor just wouldn't start to I hit the switch off. I must have something screwed up with the wiring and I can't find the **** paper that goes in the box, and it was pretty well worn out anyway. THis was the best guess I could make up from the wires. Anyone else know what it should be?

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
02-24-2007, 06:59 PM
My post edited

Father & Son
02-24-2007, 07:20 PM
The weather in NW PA has changed on us again. We are supposed to be getting an ice storm tomorrow. Hope it's not enough to bust up the trees!

02-24-2007, 07:40 PM
Yea , Cheryl said she did not want to hear me complain about the buckets that I hung today when it get s cold! So that means I will have to complain to you guys and ladies.
Oh yes I did learn that ice in the totes dumps out very nice at about 5 gallons; but would have a serious problems with a 40 gallon ice cube!;)


02-25-2007, 07:08 AM

I think you are pretty close.


How is that tubing working for you?

02-25-2007, 08:23 AM
Father and Son - I am assuming that is you in the Erie paper, nice article. My son and I are in our second year and boy do we have alot to learn and equipment to buy. I'm sure my wife is hoping that the hobby stays a small hobby and doesn't get out of hand. It is addicting.
Have a good a productive season. Greg

02-25-2007, 08:28 PM
Yep Jim Bortles is FAMOUS with his picture in the Erie paper today, tapping trees. Nice job Jim!

Tubing is hanging in there (no pun intended) Some start up problems. But I think it is going to work real well. 50% of the taps this year will be on gravity tubing so it will be a good test to see how it compares to some areas with buckets. I really liked putting the system together but now have many ideas for improvements next year. I did put in a lot of extra time getting the tubing ready and in place. We will see if it saves on the gathering time and effort. That's the goal.:)


02-26-2007, 08:43 AM
I think you'll find that tubing tool was money well spent.

Good luck.

Off Topic

Recent tree rat totals are:

Last week:
Wed - 2
Thursday -2
Friday -4
Mon -2

Seems those darn things are multiplying faster than I can shoot them. And these are all off my feeders right behind the house, not even trying to hunt them. But everytime I shoot one two come back. It is like ground hog day.

Still just saw another one this morning. I bet I have shot over 40 red's this year off those feeders, and they keep comin and comin.

Also got the vacuum hooked up at my house this weekend and made a sap ladder for one old gravity system and a new mainline going out back that will be able to pick up three more old gravity systems into sap ladders. Have to see how it all works. Sun is peeking out now, but still gonna be pretty cold this week. So one more week of getting ready. THat is ok, I need it.

02-26-2007, 10:33 AM
Speaking of tree rats - I put in my 300 taps yesterday and I had one drop line and the 5' foot of lateral for that drop line absolutely shredded, including the tap.

What amazed me was that they did not hit any other lateral or drop line in the entire bush, just that one? They actually stopped at the "T" on either side of the shredded lateral which made spliceing in a new section easy as pie.

Knock wood - I'm feeling lucky. If they did to several hundred feet of lateral what did to that one section, I'd be starting over.

Father & Son
02-26-2007, 12:05 PM
Yes that's me. The reporter was going down the list of members in the NWPAMA and I was the first one to answer the phone.

Chase was 12 the first year we did this and he tapped trees before I had the evaporator set up. The first syrup he ever made was on a turkey fryer and the first pint took 2 tanks of propane. That was a little spendy fuel wise.
The important thing to remember is that this is something you and your son are doing together. Quality time and memories to last a life time.

You're absolutely right about addicting. Like someone said on here there are two seasons, maple season and getting ready for maple season!


02-26-2007, 08:41 PM
Well we tapped some of our trees this weekend. It was 38 degrees and felt like spring. We've added over 50 taps so this year should be a good one. Every year for the past 3 we seem to add more taps and get less sap, so I hope this year breaks the trend. We'll see... Only a few of the south sides were dripping, but hope springs eternal. It's sugaring season again!

02-27-2007, 04:21 AM
Finally got the preheater on the rig. All thats left to do is plumb it to the feed tank. I finally said the heck with it and built a new rack to hold my 300 gall feed tank out side. Only thing left is to put a roof on it. Some plywood should work alright for this year. Need the snow to go down to get out more spruce to saw up. Have to rebuilt vacuum shed this summer anyway. Sugarhouse is just about set. Heading to the woods today.
Everyone be safe.

02-27-2007, 07:23 AM
Boy Pete you do have a lot of snow to go through.. we got some today and yesterday but not more than 3-4 inches.... your place looks great, good luck this season. I'm heading out now to do some more tapping, weather should bust loose here in a day or so.

02-27-2007, 08:37 PM
Jim Bortles,
Did you and Chase get everything tapped Monday? I would like to get around to see several folks boil this year. Local Sugar maker Jan woods has a old sugarhouse and would be like a step back in time.

Picked out another 150 buckets. I think I may take the day off tomorrow and tap the rest of the buckets to be ready for Thursday. We are supposed to have thunder and lightening. Last year we had to stop gathering and let a storm pass.

Matt, That tubing tool is slick. I did talk to Brad and they are going let me try some 30P tubing. He thought I might have gotten a roll of memory flex that was on the high end of the size tolerance for the inside diameter. I also ordered 50 additional tee cups and tree saver taps, so I will make this tubing work.

I found that I did crack one of my water pipes when it froze in the sugarhouse last week so I will get that fixed tomorrow some time too.

Gathering tanks is cleaned and ready. Wood is in the evaporator fire box. Wood wagons are loaded and ready to go.

I still have several of those chunks of tree with the tap holes showing, $15.00 each plus shipping.


Father & Son
02-28-2007, 10:36 PM
The answer is no. I'm calling this my "HALF AST YEAR". The sugar house is half ready, half of the buckets are hung, and the tractor is half wired for a dump and pump set-up. Using a cage tank to collect this year. I still can't get the 4-wheeler or the tractor through the yard, the snow is way too deep! These first few days of gathering are going to be tough. We tapped tonight between 3 & 6:30 and most of the buckets were half full at dark. tomorrow should have them overflowing. Going to try to get this first run boiled Saturday then get everything neatened up and organized during the cool down next week.