View Full Version : Tapping in Saratoga County (Galway)
03-08-2015, 06:15 PM
Put in 45 taps today and will do 30 more tomorrow in. Some of the taps in the direct sun today were slightly oozing sap but most were bone dry. Most trees drilled easy till you reached frozen wood about 3/4" in from the bark and thats with a new tapping bit from Leader. Need a few more days of warmer weather to loosen things up.
Good luck to everyone!
03-09-2015, 06:17 AM
Same down here. Think I managed to get 5 gallons on a 43 tap line. My problem is I can only get to half of my taps right now. Hoping the sun takes care of some of the snow so I can drive out to the others. Will tap them as soon as I can get to them.
They should start running by Wednesday at the latest... As long as the weathermen are right. We all know how reliable they are!
Albany Tap
03-09-2015, 08:43 AM
It's going to be a quick season from the way I see it, be ready. I tapped in a few yesterday same here bone dry to slightly moist not wet. My prediction is today into tomorrow you will start seeing some flow.
03-09-2015, 02:26 PM
Put 40 taps out, in various parts of Greenfield, Malta, and Clifton park. A few of the taps were wet in Greenfield late yesterday.
Mountain Winds Farm
03-09-2015, 03:16 PM
5 hours on snowshoes today, all this old boy could handle . About 2 more days and we will be tapped in at around 1750 taps.
03-09-2015, 06:54 PM
I've got a dozen taps in as of Sunday up here in Wilton / Gansevoort - dry holes yesterday but 1/3 trees had produced several cups of fluid by 4pm today and were dripping steady if not a full on "run." Hoping to see some major production by the weekend!
03-09-2015, 09:11 PM
Update to that last post: just let the dogs out and did a quick collection of the 4 trees that were producing today. Conservative eyeball estimate is 6-7 quarts of sap, as the emptied buckets filled my old 54 quart Coleman steel belted cooler to somewhere about 1/8 full.
03-10-2015, 06:58 PM
Up to about 20 quarts with all trees now producing at least SOME sap - a few of the younger, healthiest sugar maples are really spooling up and were running when I walked the dogs at 7.
03-10-2015, 09:13 PM
I have three test taps out by the driveway in sugars. Two of the trees have snowbanks plowed up against them and although the tree was not frozen when drilled they are completely dry. The third tree is in the sun all day and has no snowbank around it. This one was a drip every other second at 10pm tonight. I'm tapping everything on Thursday and see what happens. Maybe with the vacuum on they may run a little. The extended forecast for my area shows a little cool of next week again.
03-10-2015, 09:56 PM
I have three test taps out by the driveway in sugars. Two of the trees have snowbanks plowed up against them and although the tree was not frozen when drilled they are completely dry. The third tree is in the sun all day and has no snowbank around it. This one was a drip every other second at 10pm tonight. I'm tapping everything on Thursday and see what happens. Maybe with the vacuum on they may run a little. The extended forecast for my area shows a little cool of next week again.
You're right up the mountain from me! Good luck up there, I'm doing my first boil this weekend - watch for smoke. :)
Slick Willy
03-11-2015, 06:36 AM
Put 70 taps in last weekend and the sap started flowing yesterday. It was nice to come home from work to find about 25 gallons of it. Hope everyone else is seeing some as well and looking forward to the first boil this weekend.
Albany Tap
03-11-2015, 11:40 AM
As of 1230 not a single drop must have been to warm last night.....
03-11-2015, 08:43 PM
Trees were definitely running today in my 'hood - came home from work to about half of my buckets full like this one, looks like I'm doing my first boil tomorrow:
03-11-2015, 09:54 PM
Will tap Thursday morning and let them run on the ground for a day. Should fire up the vacuum pump Sat morning if the weather is good and hopefully sweeten the pans Sun. Two of my test taps were running full on today when I got home from work but the third still dry. I still have a ton of snow around my trees in the bush so I think I still have time to get caught up.
03-12-2015, 05:50 AM
Still the same here. Roughly 50 gallons from just over 100 taps. Not much at all. Matter of fact, some of the trees on buckets had spouts that were completely dry.
Huge snow melt yesterday. Snow around base of trees is starting to recede. It'll be here soon...
Oh, I'm so glad to see that other people are in about the same place. Got 5 gallons from about 30 taps in ballston spa yesterday and, since this is my first time mapling, and since I identified all the trees long after the leaves had fallen, I spent a lot of time wandering through the woods staring up at the branches to see if I'd tapped a bunch of oaks.
Crossing my fingers for a good run today. But it's supposed to rain on Saturday here- what do you all do to protect your buckets?
03-12-2015, 09:11 PM
Did my first (ever) boil today - it'd be a small one by most folks here's standards, I'm sure, but **** I had a good time! Yielded about a quart of the best syrup I've ever tasted (biased), can't wait to do a bigger run when I get back in town next week.110511105211053
Run Forest Run!
03-12-2015, 09:47 PM
Congrats ADK_XJ!!
03-13-2015, 05:29 AM
but **** I had a good time! Yielded about a quart of the best syrup I've ever tasted (biased)110511105211053
Awesome! First time will always be remembered. And homemade syrup tops all syrups! Enjoy and good luck to a great season!
03-13-2015, 06:40 AM
Did my first (ever) boil today - it'd be a small one by most folks here's standards, I'm sure, but **** I had a good time! Yielded about a quart of the best syrup I've ever tasted (biased), can't wait to do a bigger run when I get back in town next week.110511105211053 Nice work I thought I saw steam in the valley
Slick Willy
03-13-2015, 07:11 AM
Looks fantastic ADK and congrats on your first boil! I can't wait to fire up the evaporator tomorrow morning and hoping for a decent sap flow today.
03-13-2015, 07:52 AM
Thanks all - consider me hooked!
03-13-2015, 07:57 AM
That has nice color, and clear!
Albany Tap
03-13-2015, 12:05 PM
It is finally running here. Most of the trees have fairly stead drip and one tree is a faucet. I might to be able to boil this weekend. Nice.
03-13-2015, 10:37 PM
That has nice color, and clear!
Yeah? Thanks - I thought the taste was knock-out but wasn't quite sure what Grade you'd call it. It was certainly more viscous than the dark Amber stuff restaurants will serve you.
03-14-2015, 05:54 AM
So far my syrup has been darker this year than previous years. Don't sweat the grade too much- if you like it, it's grade A for you!
03-14-2015, 07:46 AM
When I make this stuff I just grade it yummy. My kids and I love the stuff that's just about b grade.
John c
03-14-2015, 08:17 AM
Dark is good, I prefer it.
03-14-2015, 03:32 PM
So far my syrup has been darker this year than previous years. Don't sweat the grade too much- if you like it, it's grade A for you!Hey, I'm with you there. It's all basically magic to me.
03-14-2015, 05:22 PM
19 gal to date ,all very light,almost to light
03-15-2015, 05:39 PM
Came home from W Mass today to another 15 gallons off my handful of buckets that were in the sun. Weather was cool and shady from what I understand. Packed the 5 gallon buckets with snow in big Rubbermaid bins to try to hold out for a boil this coming weekend.
Stopped by a friend of a friend's operation in VT on my way home who said they were pulling 3% sap all weekend!
03-17-2015, 08:38 PM
Things have slowed down a smidge with the overcast, drizzly weather today but still pulled in 40 gallons of sap from 8'trees since Sunday. Lowes is out of food grade buckets and I've got one more empty cooler I can fill.
Where does one buy food grade / BPA-free 55 gallon barrels?
03-17-2015, 08:54 PM
There was an ad on Craigslist for some used food grade barrels in schaticoke.
03-18-2015, 06:38 AM
There was an ad on Craigslist for some used food grade barrels in schaticoke.Oh really? Closest I've seen is in Springfield MA and nowhere seems to stock 'em new.
03-18-2015, 05:12 PM
Here it is, I haven't been there yet, don't know condition. .. all the usual disclaimers. Save me some if they are decent!;)
Hope this helps!
03-18-2015, 07:20 PM
Here it is, I haven't been there yet, don't know condition. .. all the usual disclaimers. Save me some if they are decent!;)
Hope this helps!Sweet! I just called.
03-18-2015, 07:23 PM
Dang it was windy today! It was so bad at one point all my buckets on the un-forrested side of the property blew right off the trees. In fact, my largest sugar maple had it's two taps ripped right off the tree...anyone ever had that happen?!
I worked from home for the afternoon so was luckily able to catch them before they blew away but needless to say no sap was collected today.
Sky Ranch Farms
03-21-2015, 10:56 AM
Was the add on the barrels legit? I hate those Craig's list ads that are fake. I'm in the market for another storage container. If you buy that what are you doing with it to get out the sap?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
03-21-2015, 07:17 PM
Lots of ice in the buckets and holding tanks but boiled off what we had collected since last Tuesday. Chucked as much ice as possible. It has really slowed down now but weather looks more cooperative this coming Tuesday on out. Glad I still have plenty of snow in my woods for my sap sled.
03-21-2015, 10:03 PM
Was the add on the barrels legit? I hate those Craig's list ads that are fake. I'm in the market for another storage container. If you buy that what are you doing with it to get out the sap?
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkHey Sky Ranch, I actually never heard back after I left a VM. I got so busy buildings a barrel stove yesterday and today that it didn't even cross my mind. Sounds like I need to give this guy another ring and report back.
03-21-2015, 10:07 PM
Lots of ice in the buckets and holding tanks but boiled off what we had collected since last Tuesday. Chucked as much ice as possible. It has really slowed down now but weather looks more cooperative this coming Tuesday on out. Glad I still have plenty of snow in my woods for my sap sled.yeah, this weather is a bummer for sappin' but I'd say even worse on the cold-weary soul. I love winter and I'm just about over these cold snaps - it was single digits again the other night here and I haven't emptied a bucket since Wednesday due to frozen taps!
However, I do have 50 gallons stored from earlier in the week that I need to burn down with my new DIY contraption: 11243
Slick Willy
03-23-2015, 11:21 AM
Love the DIY contraption, nice work! Sap is slow going as well in Charlton and hopefully it picks back up soon but I'm not too overly optimistic.
03-25-2015, 07:17 PM
Sap was flowing again today after a long freeze-out. However, the dang National Grid tree crews trimmed back all my roadside maples upper limbs and there were sheets of sap flowing from the cut limbs and very little in my buckets. You'd think they'd be aware of the big silvery buckets on those trees...
Meanwhile, did another boil on Sunday. Dark syrup but great consistency.
Sap was flowing again today after a long freeze-out. However, the dang National Grid tree crews trimmed back all my roadside maples upper limbs and there were sheets of sap flowing from the cut limbs and very little in my buckets. You'd think they'd be aware of the big silvery buckets on those trees...
Meanwhile, did another boil on Sunday. Dark syrup but great consistency.u should write a letter to bat grid and let them know your displeasure
03-29-2015, 10:02 PM
u should write a letter to bat grid and let them know your displeasureI just might need to do that.
03-29-2015, 10:08 PM
Been kind of quiet on the syrupin' front here at our place in Saratoga County - it was a meh week weather wise (complete with an inch or two of snow on Thursday) and I only emptied buckets a handful of times. One of the less healthy reds I had tapped had a bucket with yellow sap and was full of drowned gnats. By this weekend though my buckets were all flowing fast and I put away just about 40 gallons on the week.
Unfortunately was not able to boil and may not get to until next Saturday. Hoping my snow packed 5 gallon buckets will keep the sap cold long enough...
May need to do a couple small turkey fryer runs during the week to stay on top of things. How's everybody else looking?
Albany Tap
03-30-2015, 03:37 PM
Welll over what I got last year. 80% of bags are overflowing and its flowing fast.
03-30-2015, 09:52 PM
Welll over what I got last year. 80% of bags are overflowing and its flowing fast.Nice! Good to hear.
03-30-2015, 09:56 PM
Woke up to 1.5 inches of snow this morning but it was mid-40s and running good by this late afternoon.
Did a small stove top boil in an old stock pot that yielded just about a 12 oz flask full of the good stuff. In fact, my wife and I agreed this was the cleanest, best tasting syrup yet. Guessing it was due to the lack of smoke/char exposure from an outdoor burn but also because all the sap was from the last 24 hours versus several day holdover.
Happy sappin' this week!
03-31-2015, 08:14 AM
Woke up to 1.5 inches of snow this morning but it was mid-40s and running good by this late afternoon.
ADK_XJ, Where in Saratoga are you? I am 4 miles northwest of the city and only saw a dusting of snow Sunday night.
03-31-2015, 02:18 PM
ADK_XJ, Where in Saratoga are you? I am 4 miles northwest of the city and only saw a dusting of snow Sunday night.
I'm a good ways up the back-end of Corinth Mountain/McGregor Mountain area —*even the (relatively) small elevation change tends to give us some extra snowfall and temp drops. I certainly didn't measure it but I can usually tell a rough estimate from how much fell based on what's on my roof in the morning...
03-31-2015, 03:25 PM
Snow around this neck of the woods varies a lot. I live In Corinth and drive to Saratoga for work and can run from 2 inch's here to 3 inches in porters corners to rain in toga.
03-31-2015, 03:57 PM
I'm a good ways up the back-end of Corinth Mountain/McGregor Mountain area —*even the (relatively) small elevation change tends to give us some extra snowfall and temp drops. I certainly didn't measure it but I can usually tell a rough estimate from how much fell based on what's on my roof in the morning...
Yeah that makes sense, I usually get a lot more snow then Saratoga gets and that is only 4 miles away, you are probably 8-10 miles further North of me.
03-31-2015, 06:39 PM
Was really expecting it to bust loose today but didn't even have a full bucket!
03-31-2015, 07:27 PM
Collected 300 gallons today. Have a head tank that is overflowing... And lines are still running, another freeze tonight and then back up into the 40's tomorrow. No sleep! Should start running hard up there by Thursday if it hasn't already.
03-31-2015, 08:38 PM
Im in the same boat tanks over full and running on the ground and im at work until 7 am. Will stop and collect the remainder in the morning fire up the RO and go to bed for a few hours then get the show on the road. Checked the suger content out of the releaser 2.5 to 2.8 about 2.5 in the tank so should have some nice sweet to get going here.
03-31-2015, 09:34 PM
Collected 300 gallons today. Have a head tank that is overflowing... And lines are still running, another freeze tonight and then back up into the 40's tomorrow. No sleep! Should start running hard up there by Thursday if it hasn't already.Jealous of you folks in Altamount!
03-31-2015, 09:36 PM
Im in the same boat tanks over full and running on the ground and im at work until 7 am. Will stop and collect the remainder in the morning fire up the RO and go to bed for a few hours then get the show on the road. Checked the suger content out of the releaser 2.5 to 2.8 about 2.5 in the tank so should have some nice sweet to get going here.Now wait a second - that's just up the hill if you're in Corinth! I'm extra jealous now, maybe tomorrow will be the day. I bet it is because I have to work until 8pm!
04-01-2015, 08:43 AM
I had empty tanks as of Sunday night. Checked last night and had 25-30 gallons from 13 taps and probably another 25 gallons from 20 taps that I have down in the Round Lake area. Almost as much sap as I collected over the prior 2 weeks.
The first gallon of syrup I made this year had no maple flavor, it was like corn syrup. The second 1.5 gallons has a slight maple flavor and is still very light in color. I like the dark rich maple flavor and color so I hope I get some of that soon.
04-03-2015, 09:20 PM
Officially maxed out my sap storage tonight but a few of my reds are starting to produce cloudy sap. Depending how my boil goes tomorrow I may pull my taps and call it a year a bit early to clean up all the melted mess and make plans for bigger boils next season!
04-04-2015, 09:34 PM
Officially maxed out my sap storage tonight but a few of my reds are starting to produce cloudy sap. Depending how my boil goes tomorrow I may pull my taps and call it a year a bit early to clean up all the melted mess and make plans for bigger boils next season!Mother Nature made the call for me - every tap was bone dry by this afternoon. Good thing for me because I boiled from 8 to 8 and still have 40g left of my stored 100g's Yet to do tomorrow.
Still a great day and I think I'll call it an end to my rookie season. Some type of pro pan needs to be in my future...
04-05-2015, 05:47 PM
At it again got home from Easter dinner and have about 230 gallons of nice clear sap. Its still at 2.3 percent but running up to 8 to 9 in the RO then we will make some more steam.
04-05-2015, 07:45 PM
At it again got home from Easter dinner and have about 230 gallons of nice clear sap. Its still at 2.3 percent but running up to 8 to 9 in the RO then we will make some more steam.Interesting, right down the hill here my taps are all but done two days in a row.
Mine did run early compared to others I've read on here but I wonder if maybe I tapped too soon? Although, half of my trees are also reds.
04-06-2015, 09:20 PM
As of 6pm when i went to check my tanks there was about 150 gallons of 2% and still running hard and clear. Lines at the house was about 30 gallons of 1.8% but still running strong on the aquatec pump. I have to work 12 hours tonight boil in the morning and work 12 hours tues night. Jeez im going to be tired but at least ill have syrup.
04-06-2015, 09:30 PM
As of 6pm when i went to check my tanks there was about 150 gallons of 2% and still running hard and clear. Lines at the house was about 30 gallons of 1.8% but still running strong on the aquatec pump. I have to work 12 hours tonight boil in the morning and work 12 hours tues night. Jeez im going to be tired but at least ill have syrup.Interesting and good for you! I did speak too soon since all my sugars started back up in earnest today. Some of the Reds were going but due to cloudy sap this Sat/Sun I decided to just pull the whole kitten kaboodle and enjoy what I got from them which was quite a bit.
04-07-2015, 07:56 AM
I have collected ~30 gallons of sap from 11 taps on sugars since Friday night, still clear and still dripping as of 8 last night, while I packed what snow is still in the yard around my storage tank. I hope I can get the sap to not spoil until Saturday when I can boil. I did pull 30 other taps on Friday as I am basically out of wood, splitting as I boil at this point, some dry some wet. I wasn't planning on boiling again, but when I looked on Sunday the trees that are tubed will flowing and I couldn't fathom passing up on the added syrup.
Anyone ever add mix batches of syrup to create a blend? I need to reboil and filter an earlier batch of syrup, (went a little heavy) and it doesn't have a very robust maple flavor, I am hoping this sap I have now gives me more of the nice maple flavor. If it has the strong maple as the end of season sap tends to give can it be mixed with the earlier batch to bump up the flavor a bit, or will this idea just make things get a little funky?
04-07-2015, 08:33 PM
Anyone ever add mix batches of syrup to create a blend? I need to reboil and filter an earlier batch of syrup, (went a little heavy) and it doesn't have a very robust maple flavor, I am hoping this sap I have now gives me more of the nice maple flavor. If it has the strong maple as the end of season sap tends to give can it be mixed with the earlier batch to bump up the flavor a bit, or will this idea just make things get a little funky?
I sure hope so - I've done that a couple times now with a few smaller batches that needed to be condensed into one larger container. The only downside I could imagine is you lose that batch's unique flavor but if its not what you want what's the harm there? I'm far from an expert though...
04-08-2015, 05:35 AM
It'll work, just be sure the newer stuff doesn't have an off flavor first.
Honestly, my process for bottling - which I will change for next season as it's quite labor intensive, is to draw off through a paper filter then store in 5 gal pails. I reheat it to 200 then check with hydrometer again. If it's not at the correct brix I either boil more (propane) or dump some filtered sap in. Give it a stir, and check again until it's at the correct brix. Water works also if it's too dense, but that's why I keep extra sap on hand.
If you want a darker syrup, mix some dark in with the light.... Not much though. Just mix a cup or so per gallon, stir, and taste. Get it where you want it and bottle.
Think I'd just add some dark syrup to it if it was me.
04-08-2015, 08:48 AM
Thanks for the answers, I think I will mix them but will definitely will make sure the new batch taste good before I blend the two or just part of the new batch.
04-09-2015, 12:56 AM
Looks like its done here for me. I was hoping for a good freeze on Tuesday night but didnt get it and sap was flowing real slow on Wed. I did make 4+ gallons of nice dark to medium amber on Wed morn and leaving vacuum pumps run all night Wed and hopfully boil another 100 or so gallons Thurs to finish up. I will boil all i have and run permeate through to push it all out and maybe get anoth 4 or 5 gallons. Would not be a bad season of 15 to 18 gallons considering i only got 130 taps in this year. I already have plans for a pretty good expansion of taps that should get me over 350 for next year all on vacuum of one sort or another. Jeff
04-09-2015, 03:21 PM
I just went to collect for my final boil and found 100 gallons of sap in the tank and the releaser still dumping pretty regular. The sap looks good just a hint of cloudy and the sugar is still 1.7. I'm going to let it run into tonight and collect late. The AccuWeather says its 43 out right now but my digital temp switch on the vacuum pump and truck say 37??? We will see.
04-10-2015, 07:27 AM
I told a coworker who's a long time sugarer that I pulled my taps after they clouded last weekend and slowed down. He asked if they picked back up again and I confirmed - according to him, some of the highest % sugar content comes running out after a prolonged slow down like that. I had to call it quits on the season but would like to test this theory next year or hear from others...
04-10-2015, 08:24 AM
My taps have not flowed since Tuesday, I will boil what I have tomorrow and pull the taps.
04-10-2015, 07:29 PM
I made 3 gallons of the best tasting A dark syrup I've ever made today. I have no idea why but all my lines are still running. I have not had a hard freeze in 2 nights and yet they are still running pretty clear and still 1.5 to 1.7. I am done as of tommarrow morning though I have left the vacuum pumps running and will collect first thing in the morning. Clean everything up on Sunday and start some much needed yard cleanup. It has been a crazy year for me here but will still end up in the 14 to 16 gallon range.
04-14-2015, 07:26 AM
I never ended up getting around to pulling my taps last week and they are still flowing slowly but are nice and clear, probably gave about 8 gallons since Saturday on a tubing line of 11 taps.
04-17-2015, 09:28 AM
1st timer as well...
8 taps in.... 4/8-4/11 rainy weather. Approx 8 gallons sap.
Slightly less then 1 quart syrup... On stove.
Will upsize next year to more taps and outside boiling.... Too much moisture in house even with windows open and fans on.
09-10-2015, 04:17 PM
Hey all you Saratoga Co folks - so, I started getting serious about mapping our small(ish) sugar bush of about 10 acres here in Wilton/Gansevoort/Corinth area. I got bit by the bug after doing my first ever syrupin last season and tapped a dozen of the closest maples to my house, turns out they were all reds but still had a great time and made some flavorful syrup if a little inconsistent.
This year, I certainly plan to expand and wanted to focus first on any sugars I could find and I'm glad to report after scouting about an acre of our woods that I identified at least 30 tapable sugar maples (and a solid next generation of poles and saplings). The mature ones are at least 1/3 monster 3+ bucket/taps...I am guessing they've never been touched. Based on this count I imagine I could eventually scale up to 300 taps or more over time.
So, my question is, should I just bite the bullet now and start going over to tubing or hold out another year by doubling my tally of buckets? I am currently boiling on a homemade barrel stove and hotel pan setup but I thought of grabbing a used 3' cross flow pan. Also expecting our first kid in December so this may not be the year I truly go all out but I have this idea to at least double taps every year until I hit my property and neighbors max.
Follow-up question which may be really dumb you leave the tubing lines up year round?
09-15-2015, 06:17 AM
You should not tap no more than 2 taps per tree ,no matter what the size,remember ,in the long run be concervative if you are going to tap for many years
02-01-2016, 09:10 PM
Whats everyone thinking in Saratoga county? We have not had much of a winter in my area but still think the season is going to start end of Feb. I got my pans cleaned this morning and washed permeate and concentrate tanks. I ran a new sap ladder yesterday to get rid of the problematic underground line I had. Im working tonight but will stretch the seasonal lines out in the morning and get them anchored but not tap until at least the 21st unless something changes. I have plenty to do as I am adding a membrane to the RO and setting up a new filter system for 2016.
02-02-2016, 06:28 AM
With my inexperience I am watching this thread to see when everyone else starts tapping.
One good thing about this winter though is the lack of snow cover allows for easier work in the woods. Going to attempt a 3/16 tubing run with moderate pitch for my first experiment with tubing. Still trying to locate suitable sap storage container for end of run. I do not need anything the size of and IBC tote tank yet. Good luck to all in Saratoga co.
02-13-2016, 04:49 PM
Well, the temp outside dropped below zero a couple hours back and it looks to be pretty frigid through to next Friday. But then I see a long range forecasts of warm days and cool nights...time for me to start cleaning a couple buckets and taps each night this week.
02-14-2016, 07:00 AM
Axle54 We are in Columbia County and have already tapped. We are using 3/16 tubing and its seem to create a good vacuum. We use 55gal plastic honey barrels that a guy over in Benn. Vt. sells for $20 per barrel. Look up barrels for u on the internet if you can find it I have his number somewhere.
Yup was gonna tap on Monday but now thinking next sat
02-19-2016, 02:51 PM
Thanks for the tip Ollieman.. I check that out.
Well a big warm up is here so I guess all will be out tapping now. Did about a 300 ft run of 3/16 with about a dozen trees. Slope is not great at all and tree spacing is inconsistent. But we'll see what it can do. Easy to work with and keep tight though. Secured with 1/4 hollow core rope. Really easy to tighten that way.
02-20-2016, 04:35 PM
I tapped a small stand of our maples this afternoon up here toward Corinth - sap came gushing out of the sun-facing maples and I was measuring 4%+ sugar content on every tree. Looks like some snow Tuesday but I think the maple weather is here to stay in Saratoga...
02-20-2016, 09:39 PM
ADK Im in Corinth and i think the time is finally right. Im tapping everything Wed as it is my first day off. Im sick of waiting and if the weather holds to the forcast the 9th through the 16th should be real good and i happen to be on vacation. Good luck.
02-21-2016, 09:03 AM
Nice! We're down at the base of the Palmertown's always just a little cooler than in town but 40-50 degree days are sapping weather no matter how you slice it.
Need to put on my muckin boots and go check the buckets here shortly. Good luck up your way!
02-22-2016, 09:43 AM
I put 50 taps in this morning at 29 degrees and all holes dry as I expected but by the time I was done there were a few dripping pretty good in the sun. Hopefully another 50 tomorrow and 100 on Wed.
02-22-2016, 08:00 PM
Was colder than I expected today - a couple half full buckets but mostly ice in most of mine. That's ok, I collected enough first run sap to do a nice light batch if/when it slows down the beginning of this week.
02-24-2016, 09:55 AM
Finally got my 70+ taps in the last few days over in Galway along with a few red maples at my house in Ballston Spa. Need to finish working on my experimental parallel flow preheater for my 2x4 pan. The other system of a pan sitting over and at the back of the main pan barely did anything.
Good luck to all!
02-24-2016, 04:27 PM
Wow that's quite the assembly of copper. Nice sweating job. How do you think it will do with the condensation dripping off of it back down into your pan? From my limited reading 70 taps is a lot for a 2x4 pan. You must have to do long boils... But a good problem to have. Good luck.
02-24-2016, 09:17 PM
Axle54 - To catch condensation I will install V-channels as a gutter like system to collect the drippings and run it off to the side into a bucket. I'll need to eventually build a hood over it to capture the steam better but will try it without it first to see what happens. I ended up moving the inlet port to the opposite end for a more balanced flow thru the tubes which I discovered was a problem while running hot water thru it.
As far as long boils, some days they sure are!
02-25-2016, 07:41 PM
Axle54 - To catch condensation I will install V-channels as a gutter like system to collect the drippings and run it off to the side into a bucket. I'll need to eventually build a hood over it to capture the steam better but will try it without it first to see what happens. I ended up moving the inlet port to the opposite end for a more balanced flow thru the tubes which I discovered was a problem while running hot water thru it.
As far as long boils, some days they sure are!
Very cool system. Wish I knew how to weld...
02-25-2016, 07:44 PM
Emptied out my overflowing buckets after last night's deluge of rain and today's warm-up. Anybody in Northern Saratogs knows what I'm talking about, we had water rushing in from our casement windows downstairs. Thank the good lord for French drains and sump pumps on generators...
Anyway, I think some rainwater got into my buckets but not a significant enough amount to toss the sap. Took the mini refractometer out with me and checked my %, still holding steady at 3-4.5%. Planning to do a boil of the first run sap tomorrow night. Woot
02-26-2016, 10:11 AM
3 to 4.5% really???
Yessiree - all mature, wide crowned sugar maples and most never tapped before. This is only our second season at this property and previous owner(s) were afraid of the woods and "hard work."
02-26-2016, 10:09 PM
Boiled down about 20g of sap after work tonight before I had to call it quits - it's looking especially golden on my first run of this year but we'll see when we bottle tomorrow or Sunday. Today's cool down really slowed the buckets but that's actually ok with me while I process what I have from this week.
02-27-2016, 03:17 PM
Down with disease thanks to the little one's day's torture sitting inside today but hoping to be back and at it first thing tomorrow.
02-29-2016, 05:24 PM
Back at it today. Made some heavy duty syrup last night, may need to water it (sap it) down after the sand settles to the bottom. Came home from work and every bucket was overflowing except on smaller split trunk in the shadow of a big pine. God, I hate pines...
03-02-2016, 06:01 PM
Haven't seen a drop of sap in a couple days - there's ice caked on the spiles of the south facing taps, assuming just enough warm up one day for sap to run from the hole and then freeze on air exposure. Let's hope it warms up.
Yeah today was not a sap weather day here either
03-03-2016, 12:12 PM
hey guys new to the forum but got my taps in on Feb 20-21. Have 35 on buckets and 55 on a gravity line. Thoughts on the season so far. We've produced about 9-10 gal of syrup so far!
03-03-2016, 06:10 PM
Looks like a sap run coming up starting this weekend then warming to the 60's Wed. - Thursday. Those high winds really blew some of my buckets around and knocked off some lids the other day.
03-03-2016, 07:00 PM
No buckets down here but still frozen solid at the taps - hoping for a warm up by Sunday and then crossing my fingers that it will stay prime sap running weather through next weekend when a friend from down South comes up for his first time doing sugaring with us.
Think the weather will hold out to April? Could be a very short season for me if it doesn't settle into a better groove.
03-04-2016, 10:33 AM
Due to work travel I didn't tap until last Sunday, I have 20 taps out around the yard and pulled about 40 gallons of sap Sunday and Monday and that has been it. I am hoping things start to flow a bit today so I can get a boil in on Sunday. With the way this weather has been I am not going to go all in with my taps, just take what I can get from my own yard this season.
03-05-2016, 04:40 PM
Due to work travel I didn't tap until last Sunday, I have 20 taps out around the yard and pulled about 40 gallons of sap Sunday and Monday and that has been it. I am hoping things start to flow a bit today so I can get a boil in on Sunday. With the way this weather has been I am not going to go all in with my taps, just take what I can get from my own yard this season.
Get any run out there in Greenfield?
03-05-2016, 04:46 PM
Zilch. Nada. Nuthin' going out here North of Saratoga. Drove past a half dozen smaller operations on the way out to my in laws at in Washington County and didn't see a single sign of steam coming from anybody's shacks. Too bad, nice day to be outside.
Really hoping for a decent run before it gets too, too warm this week.
03-06-2016, 05:06 AM
Im hoping its about to change. I sweetened the pans finally on Thursday but not a drop since. Had the worst day Wed trying to get 275 gallons through the RO. I guess you cant RO slush and thats what i had when it wasnt frozen in my truck tank valve or infeed line. I ended up with heat tape on the entrance line and a hair dryer on the valve. Still the RO that i usually run .5 gallons of concentrate to 1 gallon of permeate a minute. I was lucky to run .6 gallons a minute total. The sugar content was pretty good at 3.2 so it made some nice concentrate. Weather looks better this week but may get a little too warm without freezing nights. We will see as the forcast changes about every 3 hours. Good luck to all
03-07-2016, 09:07 AM
Get any run out there in Greenfield?
Not really maybe 3 gallons yesterday. I did boil off what had flow last Sunday and Monday and got about 1 gallon of syrup yesterday, I am hoping today and tomorrow it flows well so I can boil again this coming weekend.
03-07-2016, 08:13 PM
Not really maybe 3 gallons yesterday. I did boil off what had flow last Sunday and Monday and got about 1 gallon of syrup yesterday, I am hoping today and tomorrow it flows well so I can boil again this coming weekend.
3 gallons?! So I'm assuming you have quite a few more taps than you did in 2014 (from your signature)...
03-07-2016, 08:17 PM
Taps were just starting to really run when I checked them at 5 tonight - not much in the buckets yet.
Had my first real syrup mishap the night before; maybe 1 too many adult beverages and a long day led to me falling asleep on the couch with my old cast iron Dutch oven boiling down half a batch. Woke up to a horrible smell (and a twinge of a headache) and saw a decent quart of formerly medium Amber reduced to a charred taffy. Almost enough to make you swear off drinking...almost.
But instead I got back in the saddle and worked down what I had left into a couple smaller jars of this:
03-08-2016, 06:46 AM
This could be my day as we ended up colder than predicted with a good freeze. It's supposed to be 49 today with some sun. The lines are frozen but when I checked the pumps are already running so it could be a good 24 hour run before it freezes again toward the weekend. Good luck to all let er rip!
03-08-2016, 06:54 AM
Ron just started the pump. Yesterdays lines got air locked with sap. He had to do some funky thing to get them running for a bit. A lot of sap came into bulk tank during the night on its own. Hoping we can keep going. Never saw weather like this. About 2 thousand gallons of sap on 450 taps so far this year. 32 gallons of syrup in bottles and bulk.
03-08-2016, 09:59 AM
3 gallons?! So I'm assuming you have quite a few more taps than you did in 2014 (from your signature)...
Ha yes I guess I am a bit behind on updating the signature. I have 20 taps at my house this year and 10 at my brothers (though he only had about 1 gallon for a week of tapping). Last season I had about 40 taps, 20 of those were at a buddies and with the way work and the weather has been I have not tapped his house (he is fine with me tapping, but he does not contribute any effort unless I am there with him).
Since Sunday afternoon through this morning I have about 35 gallons or so I would guess. My biggest concern is keeping it all from spoiling before I can boil on Saturday!
03-08-2016, 05:38 PM
Ha yes I guess I am a bit behind on updating the signature. I have 20 taps at my house this year and 10 at my brothers (though he only had about 1 gallon for a week of tapping). Last season I had about 40 taps, 20 of those were at a buddies and with the way work and the weather has been I have not tapped his house (he is fine with me tapping, but he does not contribute any effort unless I am there with him).
Since Sunday afternoon through this morning I have about 35 gallons or so I would guess. My biggest concern is keeping it all from spoiling before I can boil on Saturday!
Nice - I'm no expert by any measure but what I do is pour some sap into old yogurt or other plastic "jars" and throw them in the freezer overnight. Then I toss that sap/ice cube into my 5 gallon buckets (or a couple into my larger 30g drum) and cover it with a blue tarp in the shade.
That worked great towards the tail end of last year...we'll see if it holds water when it's 70 friggin' degrees tomorrow!
03-08-2016, 05:41 PM
Friday night looks for potential freezing to thaw on Saturday....
You get what you get and don't get upset.
Picked a bad year to upsize and try tubing and bigger evaporator....
Oh well..
03-08-2016, 06:35 PM
Friday night looks for potential freezing to thaw on Saturday....
You get what you get and don't get upset.
Picked a bad year to upsize and try tubing and bigger evaporator....
Oh well..
Seeing the same thing over here across 9N...I'm about to head out with a gang of 5 gallon buckets and taps with tube drops and hit a few more sugars to catch the early part of the run tomorrow before it gets too hot. I'd like to do one boil that nets me a full far it's all been smaller little boils that I finish off in the turkey fryer.
03-08-2016, 06:36 PM
And, it's confirmed, the Reds on our property have budded out...glad I didn't tap any this year!
03-08-2016, 07:10 PM
ADK are you sure they are budding? im only 15 miles north of you and the ground is still frozen here. I pull the buds off and roll them between my fingers and if they are tight and dont flake open your good to go. If you roll them and they open up your close to being done. I have had buds on my reds start to open and have never had buddy sap. I think there is a stage 1 and stage 2 of budding and you are probably in stage 1. Jeff
03-08-2016, 07:48 PM
ADK are you sure they are budding? im only 15 miles north of you and the ground is still frozen here. I pull the buds off and roll them between my fingers and if they are tight and dont flake open your good to go. If you roll them and they open up your close to being done. I have had buds on my reds start to open and have never had buddy sap. I think there is a stage 1 and stage 2 of budding and you are probably in stage 1. Jeff
Interesting - well, I purposefully didn't tap any reds this year to try just straight sugar taps in comparison to last year, so it's sort of a moot point for me right now. But that's very interesting and I will admit I am just seeing buds appear on the Reds. I'll have to try your finger roll test tomorrow when I have chance...
The ground here is clear of any snow or ice as of Sunday but it's not as mushy as one might expect for full on mud season. Maybe there's hope the trees (at least my sugars) can see it through this warm spell without shutting off,,,
I usually get my strongest runs toward the very end of the season before buddy sap comes. My trees are just now waking up
03-08-2016, 08:36 PM
ADK1 Im with you i get my best runs right before its over but i still have trees that are not running good yet. Right before this thaw and warm up this week we were frozen solid. It got so cold so fast last wed. i had sap freeze in my truck tank cause i could not RO it fast enough. I have a good run going today with pretty good shots coming in the releaser but still is not like a full on run. Im hoping the frost in the ground will get us through this week and next week looks better. My Father in law works for the cemetary and there is still decent amounts of frost in the ground. Where my tank is set im usually draging the rear ind of my truck in the mud and so far this seaon its dry.
03-08-2016, 09:08 PM
ADK1 Im with you i get my best runs right before its over but i still have trees that are not running good yet. Right before this thaw and warm up this week we were frozen solid. It got so cold so fast last wed. i had sap freeze in my truck tank cause i could not RO it fast enough. I have a good run going today with pretty good shots coming in the releaser but still is not like a full on run. Im hoping the frost in the ground will get us through this week and next week looks better. My Father in law works for the cemetary and there is still decent amounts of frost in the ground. Where my tank is set im usually draging the rear ind of my truck in the mud and so far this seaon its dry.
Ha, I like it — a new guideline for sugaring: if the ground's too frozen for 6' holes, it's still good for sap! Kidding aside, I like your optimism and I'm really hoping the trees hold out, too. I'd love to do another couple weeks if I can.
03-08-2016, 09:44 PM
So, I just put out another 5 taps on short tubing drops going straight into 5g buckets...yes, I am that guy out in his woods at 10:30pm with a headlamp, cordless drill and hammer. The stuff of children's nightmares...the dogs definitely think I've lost it, at least. The wife is sound asleep so no harm, no foul there.
Anyway, I sought out the closest mature trees to the house...3 large sugars and 2 medium reds. Every single one gushed sap out of the hole as soon as I pulled the bit out.
My red maples definitely have bright pink buds on them but I'm going to take this as a learning opportunity and see if the common wisdom that far exceeds my own proves true for how long it takes them to actually go to buddy sap. Maybe I'll even just isolate those buckets for a true control/variable experiment...
03-09-2016, 07:20 AM
I just got home from work at 7:30 am and the puddles are frozen and so are my mainlines. It was only supposed to get to 39 last night. Well pumps are all running now and only time will tell if they will run. I did end up with about 260 gallons from 175 taps so off to start the RO. Jeff
03-09-2016, 08:39 AM
Nice - I'm no expert by any measure but what I do is pour some sap into old yogurt or other plastic "jars" and throw them in the freezer overnight. Then I toss that sap/ice cube into my 5 gallon buckets (or a couple into my larger 30g drum) and cover it with a blue tarp in the shade.
That worked great towards the tail end of last year...we'll see if it holds water when it's 70 friggin' degrees tomorrow!
Yes that is what I have been doing too, I have a constant shuffle of sap to and from the freezer trying to get enough ice to get through today's heat. My trees have been dripping since Monday morning, I have to imagine they will shut off sometime today or tonight with this heat, but maybe not. I probably have 60-70 gallons of sap on hand as of now, hopefully it doesn't spoil by Saturday when I can boil.
03-09-2016, 10:08 AM
Yes that is what I have been doing too, I have a constant shuffle of sap to and from the freezer trying to get enough ice to get through today's heat. My trees have been dripping since Monday morning, I have to imagine they will shut off sometime today or tonight with this heat, but maybe not. I probably have 60-70 gallons of sap on hand as of now, hopefully it doesn't spoil by Saturday when I can boil.
I'm in the same exact boat — can't boil until Saturday and every tree is gushing. I tapped in a couple more buckets earlier this morning...we'll see if everything stays cool enough in the shade with ice.
03-09-2016, 10:10 AM
I just got home from work at 7:30 am and the puddles are frozen and so are my mainlines. It was only supposed to get to 39 last night. Well pumps are all running now and only time will tell if they will run. I did end up with about 260 gallons from 175 taps so off to start the RO. Jeff
It was 44 degrees when I left the house but there was a chill in the air when I let the dogs out at 6am and, according to accuweather, it actually hit 32 degrees last night by us. There's still hope!
03-09-2016, 06:57 PM
Hit 80 here at my house today. I had roughly 300 gallons of sap in a tank that is out of the sun. Temp of sap this afternoon went up to 62. Now it's down to 56. Won't be able to finish it all off tonight but hopefully cut it in half. It's cloudy but doesn't smell so...
03-09-2016, 09:48 PM
Was into the low 70s by the time I got home at 6 — my early season bucket taps really didn't produce much but the taps I put in overnight seemed to have run all night and day. Several had 2.5-3G of sap in the pails I ran drops into. This is my first experience with "older" taps actually closing up...pretty sure that's the case, at least, based on production.
Whoever mentioned the early stage budding of the Reds was correct. I had tons of crystal clear sap from the two mid-sized Red Maples I tapped last night, in fact it registered at 3% sugar. I'll run those another day or two into the weekend.
I iced my biggest drum of sap, put more sap into the "molds" (eg Tupperware bins) for tomorrow's icing and then loaded 4 fresh 5 gallon pails into the old refrigerator that lives in our barn. Got a chuckle when I plugged it in and it started right up.
Saturday will be my biggest day of boiling in two seasons...
03-10-2016, 05:57 PM
All but my largest sugars have shut off. Very little production since this morning - one old sugar cranked out almost 2 gallons but it was also the last one I tapped yesterday AM.
Everything is either refrigerated or heavily iced for Sat's boil. Hoping for the promised freezing temps Friday night to kickstart things back into action but I had bugs in at least half my buckets and fearing things have closed up...
03-10-2016, 06:50 PM
Spring peepers are out tonight down here. Singing in the rain. Fat lady is warming up.
Yup, pretty crazy "start" to the 2016 season! And to think last yeah March was too cold and I never did a single boil until april
03-11-2016, 09:21 PM
Well I cleaned everything up today washed the RO and hoping the SAP runs tommarrow and is clear. Maybe one last run left in it. It's a shame that next week looks ideal for sugaring weather but I don't think the trees will hold. Its going to be a crap shoot on weather to chase all the sugar out of the pans or hold out a couple of days and see what happens.
03-12-2016, 02:15 AM
Today's the day - emptied the last two 5g pails from my only producing sugars into "cold storage" (drum with a giant *** block of sap-ice in it) last night and later this morning we'll fire up the brick arch and get to work. Should be a great day for it.
I'm also hoping for a kickstart and one more week of run. It's 28 degrees outside right now but won't hold my breath...
03-13-2016, 11:23 AM
Made a gallon of robust, dark syrup yesterday from a 90-10 split of sugar and red Maple sap. Had the neighbors drifting over to hang out and take a hand at loading or splitting wood. Funny how much people like to do "work" when it's new to them...or there's free beer.
This is the last year of the block arch, need a higher evap rate if I'm going to do more than a dozen taps...and I'm hoping to go to 50. Anyway, here's this year's rig at work:
03-13-2016, 04:15 PM
And my 2016 season is officially ended. Walked the woods and all but two very large, well-exposed sugars had given up the ghost. That's ok, though - it was pretty cool how Friday night's freeze kicked everything into gear for yesterday.
Learned a lot this year and thinking I'm ready for a serious expansion next year. Contemplating a jump to 50 and, if all goes well, another 2 year jump to 100+. I've got the trees - will I have the time with a 1-year old stumbling around? If I can put together the right combo of collection, storage and evaporator I think it will be doable. Maybe a small RO system is in my future...
Anyway, with no snow on the ground I need to spend my time doing lawn clean-up and leaf wrangling...goodbye buckets, hello rake.
03-14-2016, 05:57 PM
Excellent run Friday - Sunday.
1st year using a 14 tap 3/16 tubing run with mild slope. Man did it run. Steady as a faucet. Had to empty 25 gallon container more then twice. Boiled all day Sunday. What perfect weather for my outdoor 3 pan block arch. Still have to finish on stove before I tally it up. But what an ideal weekend for being outdoors.
Pulled taps and packed it in.. No free time in near future.
03-16-2016, 08:08 AM
Boiled down around 120 gallons of sap on Saturday, with a yard full of friends and family, had the grill fired up and brought the beer fridge out into the yard, it was a great time for all. Made somewhere around 3 gallons, I haven't bottled it yet so the exact gallons isn't known yet. I think starting this Saturday it might start to flow again.
03-16-2016, 10:40 AM
Agree, temps this weekend and all next week look very promising.
03-16-2016, 05:48 PM
Yup, looks like winter is taking one last shot at us. Going to rinse my buckets of any old spoiled sap and see what this weekend brings. I wish I had tapped earlier and gotten in on those first few runs but can't complain since I'm just shy of last years take. This is the first year where I've seen honey bees end up in my sap buckets along with more than usual brown moths but on the flip side no snow fleas (aka Spring Tails).
03-16-2016, 08:12 PM
I'm still in a hoping for another week of running and the weather looks promising. My trees look pretty good with the buds still small and tight. I still have some frost in the ground in the woods. Looks like a hard freeze Fri into Sat so well have to wait and see. Jeff
03-18-2016, 11:32 PM
I'm still in a hoping for another week of running and the weather looks promising. My trees look pretty good with the buds still small and tight. I still have some frost in the ground in the woods. Looks like a hard freeze Fri into Sat so well have to wait and see. Jeff
Heading into the 20s right now at our place - seriously considering putting taps back out for one last hurrah. Wouldn't mind making another gallon of syrup.
03-20-2016, 05:30 PM
Heading into the 20s right now at our place - seriously considering putting taps back out for one last hurrah. Wouldn't mind making another gallon of syrup.
Decided to go for it another week before storing equipment - put out a few drops onto some of the best positioned sugars I hadn't tapped in my first run and ran them into the 5g pails. Man was the sap running, we'll see if stays clear.
Ps long range forecast looks PERFECT straight through the first week in April
03-20-2016, 09:41 PM
I got home from work tonight and my tanks were 3/4 with SAP. They are a little cloudy but I boiled some down and it smells and tastes fine. The sugar content is back up to 1.9 from 1.4 on the last time they ran. Seems odd this season has played out the way if has. The weather all winter seemed like sugar weather then when the normal time for sugaring vets here it stays cold for a month. Then the weather warms up with only a handful of freezes in the last 10 days. Now the pumps don't start until noon or so because of cold overnight temps an they are pulling slush by 7 PM I hope this is mother nature's little joke and next year is better. Well anyway if this week holds out I should hit half my goal of 40 gallons maybe next year I'll hit 40 or shoot for 50 as I will be adding another 100 taps this summer. Jeff
03-21-2016, 01:32 PM
I collected 216 gallons from 187 taps this morning and the sugar content is back up to 2.1 and is much clearer than what I gathered last run. Well it's running through the RO now and the releaser was dumping every 7 mins when I was collecting. It may pay off to stay in longer than I usually do. Jeff
03-21-2016, 06:54 PM
I collected 216 gallons from 187 taps this morning and the sugar content is back up to 2.1 and is much clearer than what I gathered last run. Well it's running through the RO now and the releaser was dumping every 7 mins when I was collecting. It may pay off to stay in longer than I usually do. Jeff
Nice! Sap ran great for me today, too - see my post above.
03-21-2016, 06:56 PM
Just walked out to check the taps I put in yesterday - every single 5 gallon bucket was over half full and trees were still running. No buds to speak of on these bigger sugars and, the kicker, measuring 4% sugar content. Yes, I took a picture to prove it...
03-21-2016, 08:18 PM
Just got done boiling 3 gallons of syrup first 2 very dark as I expected but the last gallon really lightening up. I went and. Checked tanks and have about 150 gallons more and SAP is crystal clear sugar is at 1.9 . I will collect in the morning and hopefully make another 3 gallons.
Must be nice I was boiling 1% sap today
03-22-2016, 08:29 AM
If you only had a sign ! You could be boiling conc. Your friends offered !!!!!
03-22-2016, 10:34 AM
Still flowing in Greenfield, looks like another boil coming this weekend. I only need two more gallons of syrup to beat last season, I think I will make it based on how much sap flowed yesterday.
lakeview maple
03-22-2016, 06:06 PM
ADK 1 my sap jumped up today after last night to almost 2% , made 11 gallons season total of 86 so far and Ive got 600 gallons for tomorrow morning. Headed to VT in the morning my pan thermometer decided to crap out .Then quick clean of pans and boil ,boil ,boil!
03-22-2016, 07:39 PM
I've got overflowing 5 gallon buckets on all but one tree...didn't empty last night but still. **** ton of sap is coming out. Not a hint of a bud on the sugars and the temperature is dropping fast right now.
Could it be...the perfect weather?!
03-22-2016, 08:23 PM
sign is called youth and a tight budget
03-22-2016, 08:30 PM
Up until Sunday I had only made a pathetic 8 gallons for the season now I have made 8 gallons in the last two days. At last check there is about 250 gallons of 1.8 in the tanks and at 8:00 pm were still running. Hopefully another 4 or so gallons tommarrow.
03-22-2016, 08:31 PM
keep on chugin
Yup well right now I feel like I have been kicked in the nuts and I am laying on the ground in the fetal position sucking my thumb. Had a great sap run today and have 250 gallons of 1% sap in the tank and it's still coming in. Gave it away. Not enough wood or time to boil it. Right now sitting on 33 gallons of bottled syrup. I will have an ro next year. I will be shelling out some dough this year. Upgrading to stainless tanks, ro and some other items. Glad the wife isn't on this site!
03-22-2016, 10:44 PM
Adk1 the RO is the best thing I ever did. Crappy load of SAP you just sit in the house and watch another hour show on TV then boil. It's 8 percent every day with an RO and can make a gallon of syrup on three cut up pallets. Sorry your sugar is so low that is strange I'm South of you and one of my tanks was back up to 2.7 today but it is only on 20 or so taps . SAP has been running like the well today I just wish it would!d freeze tonight but it doesn't look good.
03-24-2016, 04:54 AM
Well yesturday I gatherd 357 gallons of 2.1 SAP and made 7 heavy gallons of syrup the most I've ever made in a boil. So that's 15 gallons Mon thru Wed and i had only made 8 gallons up to that point. I wake up this morning to 28 degrees so hopefully will do it again tonight. Jeff
03-24-2016, 05:20 PM
Awful quiet on the Saratoga county thread here you must all be boiling. Im still at work and just got the report that the tanks are near full again. Looks like a long night ahead if the sap is good i will def test boil some before i start. Jeff
03-24-2016, 07:54 PM
Ok new to the forum. I have 200 gallons in the tank and out boiling as I type. Just wanted to say hello to others in Saratoga area. Sap started off cloudy begining of week but is crystal clear today. Hope it turns out well. This is only my second year we started off with 26 taps and now up to 100 on buckets.
03-24-2016, 08:56 PM
Ok new to the forum. I have 200 gallons in the tank and out boiling as I type. Just wanted to say hello to others in Saratoga area. Sap started off cloudy begining of week but is crystal clear today. Hope it turns out well. This is only my second year we started off with 26 taps and now up to 100 on buckets.
Hey Sunnyacres, welcome to the forum. I've seen the same as you, sap early this week ran hard but was a little cloudy - no smell, though, so I'm going to boil it tomorrow. Trees were running hard again today after last night's freeze and the sap is clear again.
Looks like another freeze Friday and Saturday night, but a thaw Sunday...could be we get another week of run for Aprl Fools. I sure hope so.
Where are you in Saratoga? Good luck out there.
03-25-2016, 05:50 PM
No real sap run to speak of today but also don't think it ever froze last night. Starting boiling down the collection tank from this last week about an hour ago...probably get a half-dozen quarts if not a bit more since these were quite high sugar %. Not a bad way to end the year in my book.
03-26-2016, 07:05 PM
Looks like I'll pull my taps for the second time this season. Made another gallon and change today (still have to finish) with sap collected since I re-tapped last week. But a couple nights above freezing have left all but my biggest tree dry.
Fine by me, t'was a great second year.
03-26-2016, 11:53 PM
I had made 8 gallons upto last Sunday. From Sunday to Saturday I've made 23 gallons so I've made my 30 gallon goal. It's 33 degrees right now so I'm hoping for one more 48 hour run and I'm done. I'm almost out of wood and working 12 hours shifts then boiling every night I'm shot. I wish I was 20 again. Jeff
03-28-2016, 10:35 AM
I made a little over a quart on 3/20, I had to throw it out, tasted like dirty wool socks. I boiled again this Saturday 3/26 and made over a gallon of very dark syrup, but edible. That will be it for me for the season, the wife has had enough of my "absence" for the season.
03-28-2016, 10:51 PM
Made another 2 gallons tonight out of 130 gallons of SAP. I'm still holding out until Wed for a last good run and hopefully a few more gallons. A few trees were showing swollen buds today but my test boil went well so I RO ed and boiled it down. Jeff
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