03-08-2015, 01:09 PM
Just wondering if anybody has ever ran into this::::: I have had a lot going on in my personal life and some things got over looked this past spring as far as the sugar house goes and what I found today not only ticks me off but also made me very disappointed in myself. My draw off tank has about 4 gal. Of 95% done syrup still in it. When I removed the lid as you all very well know it was molded. I removed the mold and the syrup still looks clean and smells fine. So he is the question of the day.........if I was to boil it down and re filter it do you guys think it will be ok??? I don't want to make anybody sick that's for sure. I have asked around my local maple community here and the general concensus is to go for it and if it tastes good bottle it up. What do you guys think??