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View Full Version : Arch rebuild; Will this pan leak "self seal", or do I start again?

03-07-2015, 10:12 AM
Getting close to having a finished product in my 2X6 arch rebuild.
There was one leak in the English Tin pan, that turned out to be a plugged 1/4" hole.
After several 'attempts", I got it covered and sealed ( soldered piece of tin. Yes, lead free solder).
But it did tip over once, landing hard on the flues. :cry:

I get it home, and set up, and the leak is back.
I read a number of posts that small leaks will seal with time. Is this one of them, or is it too bad and I need to go back and come up with a plan G.
Below is a link to a video of the leak:


Zucker Lager
03-07-2015, 11:42 AM
Hey Tidajo:
I don't know about that drip sealing up but one thing to look into when you do fix patch that pan is to look around for a solder called "Stay Bright 8" it is a high strength solder that holds up much better than any tin based solder. Its expensive but I think on Amazon they have small spools of it. Clean and degrease super good use a good quality flux like no corrode and good luck. http://www.harrisproductsgroup.com/en/Products/Alloys/Soldering/Lead-Free-Solders/stay-brite-8.aspx Jay

03-08-2015, 05:20 PM
Thanks Zucker.
I can't wait for anything to be delivered, but I may certainly order some to keep on hand.

I repatched the hole with 2" copper plate, from Lowes. they have them in the drawers with the nuts, bolts, lamp parts, etc.
the "tin" from Lowes was thin, and kind of wrinkled like paper, causing the leak.

03-08-2015, 05:53 PM
We had a similar sized leak in a tin pan, it sealed itself.
Good luck