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01-31-2007, 10:19 AM
I currently have a 2x6 flat pan evaporator, my arch is wood fired and i have forced draft on it. I was wondering if I could build some type of baffle to try and force the heat up toward the bottoms of my pans. The space right know is probly about six inches I was debating cutting it down to three inches above the baffle. I figured I would place a baffle about a foot behind the fire box and maybe a second a foot behind that one to try and hold the heat better. I would appreciate any input thanks Jeff

01-31-2007, 01:45 PM
The closer you can have your heat the better, you just want to watch that you don't scorch your pan. Baffles should work all right. Maybe a few brick put on an angle that way the heat it throne up to the bottom of your pan.
Good luck!!

maple flats
01-31-2007, 05:29 PM
When I had a half pint evaporator the instructions had me put a baffle near the stack end only leaving 1" clearance below the pans and about 6" from the back to allow gasses to exhaust out the rear mounted 6" stack which then had an ellbow immediately. This gave a good heat push up to the pans. The firebox was not deep enough front to back to have another baffle and still leave room to fire it.

01-31-2007, 05:53 PM
We made an oil tank arch with a 20" x 58" flat pan and we made the ramp come right up to within about 1 1/2" of the pan about 4" from the back. I figured the area of the stovepipe, divided it by the width of the arch and made that amount the clearance (plus a bit more to make sure it wasn't a draft stopper).

02-01-2007, 05:57 AM
You definately want to calculate the fire space to be equal or a bit more than your stach size. When I had a flat pan rig, I found a couple bricks on the shelf just infront of the stack forced the corners to boil better.