View Full Version : Space

Fred Henderson
01-31-2007, 10:05 AM
How much space(inches) on a raised flue between the flues and the brick and how far from the rear does this space start.

Dave Y
01-31-2007, 10:16 AM
I hope I understand your ?. Mine starts to Ramp up out of the fire box to 12 in" and I filled it with 4" of vermiculite. the are two flame diverters in tha area that pushes the flame up into the flues. I have a 9ft flue pan and I would say 7.5 ft of it is 12". Hope this helps.

01-31-2007, 10:18 AM
I am going to make the space between the bottom of my flues and the brick very close to zero. I want all of the hot gasses to be forced up into the flues. I will leave a gap at the front and at the rear to allow the gasses to flow.

Fred Henderson
01-31-2007, 11:57 AM
I know that I got mine brick the way the builder said to do it. I have what I would call a modified drop flue. Flues open at the front and then closed off at the back like a raised flue would be. The builder said for me to put the bricks to with in 1 1/2" of the flues and that is the way that I have it. Just going to have to wait and see I guess. We need to be able to post drawing or photos on these new boards.

Fred Henderson
01-31-2007, 12:01 PM
I hope I understand your ?. Mine starts to Ramp up out of the fire box to 12 in" and I filled it with 4" of vermiculite. the are two flame diverters in tha area that pushes the flame up into the flues. I have a 9ft flue pan and I would say 7.5 ft of it is 12". Hope this helps.

So you are saying the 7.5' of your pan has the bricks 12" from the flues.

01-31-2007, 01:40 PM
On my rig which is raised flue the bricks ramp up from the fire box to about six inches from the end of the flue pan (end meaning end closes to syrup pan). From there I have blanket and vermeculite all the way to the top of my angle iron on the side of the rig. This depth goes to about a foot from the stack, where it ramps back down. With it this way all my heat has to travel up through my flue pan to reach the stack.

Fred Henderson
01-31-2007, 02:12 PM
On my rig which is raised flue the bricks ramp up from the fire box to about six inches from the end of the flue pan (end meaning end closes to syrup pan). From there I have blanket and vermeculite all the way to the top of my angle iron on the side of the rig. This depth goes to about a foot from the stack, where it ramps back down. With it this way all my heat has to travel up through my flue pan to reach the stack.

How much space(in inches) where it ramps back down do you have from the flues to the brick.

Jim Brown
01-31-2007, 03:23 PM
Fred; On my raised flue there is about 6-10 inches open to the fire box then the bottom of the flue pan in setting right on the bricks! Well may be 1/4inch away. We set the bricks in a bed of sand and then placed a layer of sand on top of the bricks. Mortor sand works best as it has no pebbles in it at all to may be poke a hole in the bottom of the flues.
In the back at the stack base we left out one and a half bricks for the smoke and fumes to get out. We can hold 650-700 degrees in the base when firing hard and never lose the boil when firing. We fire every 7 minutes like clock work.
Hope this helps in some way

Fred Henderson
01-31-2007, 04:24 PM
All the replys are very helpful, but nobody is saying how many inches of clearence is under the flues at the stack.

01-31-2007, 05:39 PM
On my 3x8 I ramped up to about 1/3 of the wayback on the flue pan to about a 1/2" o fthe flues then the last foot I RAMPED BACK down to let the gases go up the stack. As long as there is clearence at the back I don't think it make a difrence as t how much space is between there.

01-31-2007, 07:03 PM
As mine ramps back down, the only thing I have is fire brick layed flat so there is probably 4-5 inches of clearence at the base stack. As already said the area inbetween the two ramps it is basicly level with the side rails.
hope that is what you were looking for

Fred Henderson
01-31-2007, 07:15 PM
Thanks Keith. The pic that I am looking for is getting clearing.

Dave Y
01-31-2007, 09:19 PM
The arch under my pans is only 12" . I have no brick in that part of the arch.
just arch board and vermiculite. The vermiculite is 4" deep. there are baffles or flame diverters under the flue pan that force the flame into the flues. this is an air tight arch. This is my first year on this evaporator. I did a test boil couple weeks ago and it came to a biol very quickly and i ran it for a couple of hours and I could lay my hand on the side of the arch.

02-01-2007, 03:48 AM
On the back where it ramps down there is about 4-5 inches from the bottom of the flue to the bottom of the arch. Like was stated maybe just a brick thickness. Just to cover the bottom of your arch.
Hope this helps.