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View Full Version : Anyone have a lead on buckets around N/E Ohio?

Ohio Maple Blaster
03-04-2015, 11:02 AM
I want to replace my buckets and lids this season and I don't remember having this much trouble tracking them down last time. Been checking around with all the donut shops but most are out or only have 1 or 2, lids or no lids. Only looking for 15~20. Anyone have any luck finding the goods?


03-04-2015, 12:47 PM
I guess as a last resort you could buy new ones from a paint store or the paint dep't at many home centers. Our Lowes store has a few to pick from. All are HDPE. Price range is $2.97 - $4.47 each. The highest price ones are white colored and are FDA food grade rated (no BPA?). White color food grade lids are $2.18 each while regular plastic lids are about $1.30 each.

Lowes also has HDPE 2 gallon & 3-1/2 gallon sizes, with appropriate lids available for them. Some are listed as "BPA free", but not listed as food grade. Some stores may not have all bucket & lid sizes in stock.

03-04-2015, 03:29 PM
Try Richards' Maple Products in Chardon...440-286-4160.

For less - maybe the same? - as the "paint pails" at the big box stores you can have galvanized sap bag holders and sap bags.

No clean up at the end of the year and look a helluva lot better than "LOWES" logo hanging all over your woods, besides they're real nice people..

03-04-2015, 07:51 PM
Richard Benson's south of Conneaut OH, about 4 miles on Route 7 had some for sale a while ago.