View Full Version : Sugar house name??

01-30-2007, 05:19 AM
I want to have a name for my sugaring operation. I am hoping for MOUNTAINROAD MAPLE. My question is any of you guys in VT know whats involved with the state for doing this? Not sure how much of my sales will be from sugarhouse and how much will be bulk. At least this year. I was just wondering what hoops had to be jumped through to do this. Any info would be great.

01-30-2007, 06:58 AM

You can go to the Secratary of State's website. I registered our sugarhouse under a tradename, think it was about $20. You can search on the site to see if the name has been used. You just have have to fill out the form and send it it with a check. I think you might have to select a backup name too. I don't have the link on this computer.


01-31-2007, 03:42 AM
Greg, Thanks for the info I will check it out.