View Full Version : Coldest February in 115 years

02-27-2015, 06:10 PM
Hi all

We will see what the true effect of extended cold periods will have on our season at least in eastern Ontario and southern Quebec.

Cut and paste this link to read the article.

Has anyone tapped yet?, I think the risk of frost cracks is much higher. The bigger producers may not have a choice.

Just looking to see what people are predicting. I know it will warm up and I will make syrup, just all the factors that will make it a tough or easy year has yet to be seen.


02-27-2015, 08:24 PM
That would explain why my woodshed looks so empty!

02-27-2015, 10:15 PM
I have a Noaa MADIS weather station at my horse. Last years February average was 18.5, and this year 11.0 The station down the road was 20 last, and 11 this year.


Still have a t least 2 weeks of freezing conditions here. Maybe a couple mid 30's

02-27-2015, 10:41 PM
It's been a cold Feb here in southwestern ontario for sure. As far as I can tell and avg of about -20 lots of extreme cold warning on the weather network. And no weather close to 0 until march 10th here...

02-27-2015, 11:31 PM
Even colder in Northern Ont.

Love winter but ready for spring this year.

Snow on the ground that never left since Nov. 2014.
Enough already.

Good luck to all of us.


Sunday Rock Maple
02-28-2015, 05:57 AM
I have a Noaa MADIS weather station at my horse.

Where would that be located, just above the withers? (sorry couldn't resist) :)

02-28-2015, 08:21 AM
LMAO....Great one SRM!!!!

Or just North of the Pole.

02-28-2015, 09:13 AM
I was listening to CBC last week and they said that this February was the coldest since 1972 but that was on Monday and it was - 34 a couple nights. I thought my thermometer was broken when it stayed at -20 for a few days, but it would drop at night.
Last time we had a day above zero was back in January. when it was 0.
I noticed that someone posted a picture of "this years syrup". I still have over a metre of snow and -20 at night.
Seems to be a repeat of last year.

02-28-2015, 09:17 AM
I go to wunderground regularly and was looking at getting a weather station. What type do have and how do you like it.
The only problem I have is that I'm in Canada and most of the stations are double the price they are in the US, next time I go to the US it something I will look at.

maple flats
02-28-2015, 10:47 AM
I have a Noaa MADIS weather station at my horse. Last years February average was 18.5, and this year 11.0 The station down the road was 20 last, and 11 this year.


Still have a t least 2 weeks of freezing conditions here. Maybe a couple mid 30's
And just consider this, when the wind lets up a little you might be getting a false high reading with heat off the "horse".

02-28-2015, 07:23 PM
Well, I never know where I am, Central Ontario I guess, Balsam Lake provincial park. I still prefer F instead of C...lolz, and its been minus something every night for t
he last 6 weeks. My septic line has frozen, and water lines in my north and east facing outside walls (which are R60), have froze. So its been brutal.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but even if we get a day of, say, +5C, no sap is going to flow until the ground frost cedes? We have 5' of ground frost atm.

I have an old farmer friend who claims we're going to see sap in 2 weeks...but personally, I think he's losing some of his grey cells. I predict a very short season, like last year, and one that doesn't give me a dribble (even on vacuum) until the beginning of April. But, I am going to tap next week and have the vac up and running by next weekend...in the hopes that...some miracle occurs.

03-04-2015, 08:13 AM
Well, not entirely. The smaller trees will probably run. (12`). but you are correct that the big ones will take more time to run.