View Full Version : Hopes for this weekend?

02-18-2015, 09:18 AM
Anybody have any hopes for this weekend? One day they are calling for 38 degrees but I think the trees need at least a day to thaw out before they will run at all so I might hold out to tap the fallowing weekend... What's your guys thoughts?

02-18-2015, 10:47 AM
I'm planning on tapping next weekend. I'll have all my pumps, etc. in place and the weather pattern looks more conducive to sap flow after that.

Now, getting to the trees will be another issue!

02-18-2015, 11:18 AM
My plan is to wash tanks in this warm spell and maybe start tapping, the week after doesn't look like much sap weather but it takes me a week or better to get tapped in to that's what I hope to do. but time will tell the weather forecast changes daily, a week ago they said this coming weekend was gona be highs in the low teens so go figure!

02-18-2015, 11:33 AM
That's weathermen for you! Can be wrong everyday of their careers and still keep a job!
I'm in the same boat, I'll probably use this weekend to get my tanks and evaporator all clean and set up and then tap this coming week and it will take me two full days of tapping or 4 or 5 half days depending on weather.... Still have hopes to get one more mainline up before tapping but who knows... Gotta wash all the buckets and etc... No matter how much work this is this is still an addiction!!! Wish my real job was the same way....

02-18-2015, 02:14 PM
Not a chance. Pipe dream! Sorry to be a realist.

But seriously, the 6 week weather pattern that we're in is about up. Small signs of the jet stream changing, finally. I'm figuring on the the 1st week of March will be our opening day.

02-18-2015, 03:21 PM
What's the only thing worse than the weatherman being wrong? When he's right. Seeing as how pressure systems of the Pacific can influence weather patterns in the Northeast, we get our panties in a bunch if a storm tracks 50-100 miles off a predicted course?

Seriously, I fully expect to see some sap flow this weekend, but maybe not for a few days after that. Locally (just south of Danbury), we seem to be in a streak where the temps run above expected: Where the sapsuckers have been tap-tap-tapping, the trees ran yesterday and today. Last week, we got into the 40s on three days. So maybe something this weekend, then a bit of cooler weather...

02-18-2015, 03:53 PM
Looking at end of this month or First of March, have a lot of snow on ground and the cold weather has been a real mean weather pattern to us

02-18-2015, 05:06 PM
I would be surprised if much flows this weekend as the trees are froze solid from the subzero temps. Gona take atleast a couple warm sunny days to change that

02-18-2015, 05:46 PM
I'm like right on the Mass border in the eastern corner so temps are staying pretty low, but today it got up to 36 here O.o I just don't want to miss any sap I can get… Hope to run another 400' of 3/4" to add another 150 taps before I put all my taps in

Mike Van
02-18-2015, 08:51 PM
Below 0 [again] for NW corner, Thu & Fri nights. No sap here - March Maybe?

02-18-2015, 09:46 PM
Looks pretty cold still. Sunday is the only day above freezing and then cold again. Next weekend . Maybe!

02-19-2015, 12:57 PM
Looking at next Sunday March 1. The accuweather outlook for March does look pretty good for sap running!

02-20-2015, 05:30 PM
I'm going to start tapping tomorrow to my most productive and early trees so if it does run Sunday I'll get the most out of it and hopefully finish the rest sunday and Wednesday... Looks like the weather is starting to turn boys!

Ski Bum
02-20-2015, 05:48 PM
Have been going on Weather Underground. They have been pretty much on target. It doesn't look good in the near future for any kind of warmth. BUT, you can't just sit and wait forever! I'm going for next Saturday, 5" to 8" expected for 3/1. All ahead full !!!! Warp factor 10 Mr. Solo!!! May the Force be with us all !!! You just got to have some fun in the madness !!!!!

Pauly V
02-21-2015, 03:48 PM
I agree..Next saturday for me as well..ive got 40 taps at home..and 20 on another property.. first season for me. Did a test boil this morning and the Barrel performed well.

Good Luck!

02-23-2015, 07:05 AM
This is the coldest February I've been teaching MS'ing and the latest we've tapped at Brooksvale since I started helping 10+ years ago. If you tap now, you risk splitting the sap wood. If the tree is on its way out, no harm, no foul. If it's a newbie, why risk it especially with how long they take to grow. Looks like March will be Sugaring month for Southern CT and I'm fine with that. Hoping to tap our trees the end of this week if weather begins to warm. Have fun everyone!

02-23-2015, 09:30 AM
Lets not forget that up north places like Bascoms and other large operations already are mostly tapped in. Frozen trees just take a little more care but its pretty hard to split them unless using the big old metal taps with a steep taper. Most of us have went to 5/16 nowdays and they take little more than a light tap to stay in the tree. I plan to start tapping Wednesday. Took the day off from work to get a jump on it as it takes a while on snowshoes. Next week looks like the start so wana be mostly tapped in by then.

02-23-2015, 10:31 AM
Lets not forget that up north places like Bascoms and other large operations already are mostly tapped in. Frozen trees just take a little more care but its pretty hard to split them unless using the big old metal taps with a steep taper. Most of us have went to 5/16 nowdays and they take little more than a light tap to stay in the tree. I plan to start tapping Wednesday. Took the day off from work to get a jump on it as it takes a while on snowshoes. Next week looks like the start so wana be mostly tapped in by then.

If it wasn't for replacing a good chunk of my lines this year, I would have tapped back in January when we had very little snow on the ground. As it is, I'm glad that I finished getting the lines up before the deep snow came. We have about 30-40" here in the woods.

I'm going to start tapping this weekend and then work on getting everything ready in the sugar house for the first good runs. One thing I think I may try is blowing a path on my roads through the woods (something I don't normally do) to minimize the walking I'll need to do in the deep snow. The only problem is that the opening on my snow blower is 30" and I know there are spots around 36" or so based on my yard and there is usually more in the woods. I guess I'll see how that goes!

02-23-2015, 02:11 PM
Thats what i been doing pushing out my roads with the loader to atleast drive the Mule full of tools and supplies close to where we work and minimize walking and needlessly wearing ourselves out

02-24-2015, 05:11 PM
Next week looks like the start! I took a vacation day tomorow so i can get started tapping and hopefuly over the weekend get the rest done

Helicopter Seeds
02-24-2015, 08:52 PM
Looking at end of this month or First of March, have a lot of snow on ground and the cold weather has been a real mean weather pattern to us

Other than being all classic picturesque, (should I get snowshoes and a yoke!!) and a pain to walk through, what is the impact of snow cover on the roots? Does it help it by insulating, or keeping water on-hand?

02-25-2015, 08:36 AM
Other than being all classic picturesque, (should I get snowshoes and a yoke!!) and a pain to walk through, what is the impact of snow cover on the roots? Does it help it by insulating, or keeping water on-hand?

I have observed that years that we have a good snow pack that we have better seasons. I'm not sure if it's because the conditions that bring about the snow pack are conducive to a good season or having a constant supply of water helps.

I've often wondered if there is value in setting up a snow making system in the woods for years when we don't have much snow...lol.

02-25-2015, 02:40 PM
Snowshoes are needed for sure i been tapping today got about 200 taps in so far. Then took some time to shovel out over 3ft of snow to clear my mainline going to the upper woods. Hope to get another 100 taps in by dark.

02-25-2015, 05:54 PM
looking out on the extended weather we might get some good days next week. my partner was going to start tapping this afternoon and finish over the weekend the 155 or so on vaccuum.
i'm planning on tapping all 150 or so buckets early next week. i figure if the buckets start to dry off early because i tapped a bit too soon and we still have favorable weather i can always move them to new trees.
on a side note was up at bascoms the other day picking up some evaporator parts and they had a sign up that they had 65,000 taps in but no syrup yet. hoping everyone has a good productive season

02-26-2015, 05:44 AM
We are tapping today getting ready for the thaw. We have 40 buckets, the traditional spiles, an assortment of Grimm lids and the new hooded ones. We are going to do a few trees we have not done for a bit in a more remote area with tubing into 5 gallon water bottles. The excitement is building in New Haven County about this interesting and sweet "hobby" they see us all doing in our "free" time. If you invite the general public in to your sugar shack be prepared for questions like, "Do you sell Maple Water?", "Are the plastics in your jugs the harmful kind?" and "What's the glycemic index of your syrup?" I tell them they aren't helping the environment by buying sap in plastic and syrup is better, the plastic jugs from Sugarhill are safe and I give them a hand-out about the health facts about syrup we put together from various sources. Everyone have fun with that "free" time you all have!

02-26-2015, 08:47 AM
Nice post Tanta : )

We are tapping today getting ready for the thaw. We have 40 buckets, the traditional spiles, an assortment of Grimm lids and the new hooded ones. We are going to do a few trees we have not done for a bit in a more remote area with tubing into 5 gallon water bottles. The excitement is building in New Haven County about this interesting and sweet "hobby" they see us all doing in our "free" time. If you invite the general public in to your sugar shack be prepared for questions like, "Do you sell Maple Water?", "Are the plastics in your jugs the harmful kind?" and "What's the glycemic index of your syrup?" I tell them they aren't helping the environment by buying sap in plastic and syrup is better, the plastic jugs from Sugarhill are safe and I give them a hand-out about the health facts about syrup we put together from various sources. Everyone have fun with that "free" time you all have!

02-27-2015, 03:24 PM
Intellicast said it was 29 in Norwalk at lunchtime I went out and tapped 5 trees and 2 immediately started flowing. Things are finally looking up!

Noah's Ark
02-28-2015, 03:44 PM
just put in 55 taps today, a few of them had a few drips of sap running but not much. Looks like we might get some sap next week, I cannot wait to fire up the arch and start making syrup.

Pauly V
02-28-2015, 04:22 PM
I put in 50 today..30 were flowing a drip a second...:)...my LARGE trees were dry...:(...

02-28-2015, 09:17 PM
Im up to about 550 taps so far hope to get another 400 in Sunday. A few trees were a little wet but still too cold but want to be ready for the week coming