View Full Version : Smokey Lake is costing me sleep

02-16-2015, 08:26 PM
I've been looking at the Smokey Lake Hybrid for a few weeks now, so I called today. Sure seem to be a good bunch of folks. Last year I was at 30 taps. This year I plan to be 50 then next year I may be done with softball, so maybe more. I'm just trying to decide if I want to spend the cash for a 2x4 now or go with my 2x3 flat pan for another year. This maple thing has cost me many nights sleep!

02-16-2015, 08:30 PM
Ask yourself how big you plan on getting in the next couple of years. If u think over 100 taps get a decent 2x6

02-17-2015, 05:51 AM
Just my 2 cent if you can afford bigger go bigger. I boil on a smokey lake pan and I love it as with any manufacture there is always little things that could be better.


02-17-2015, 07:20 AM
I'm just trying to decide if I want to spend the cash for a 2x4 now or go with my 2x3 flat pan for another year. This maple thing has cost me many nights sleep!

Congratulations, you have officially been sucked into the gravitational field of the maple syrup black hole from which there is little hope of escape. Your wife doesn't need any more jewelry :mad:, your kids don't need any more toys....let them stack wood and haul buckets for fun :o ....The general rule is that ALL of your income must go towards building and expanding your maple empire. ;)

Seriously though...try to look 1-2 steps ahead. If you can skip an intermediate step, you might save money by leap-frogging a bit. Alternatively, plan to trade up each couple of years by selling your old equipment. Might cost a little more, but sometimes is more manageable. Have a great season.

02-17-2015, 07:29 AM
I was where you are a few months ago. Flat, flues, drop tubes.....what size do I go to. and yes I lost sleep too. Funny how that doesn't happen for work related things so much.....but maple syrup and fishing trips will make me an insomniac!

I chatted with a few members here and searched the forums for what seemed like forever. In the end, I considered the # of taps I will have 50 was what I thought I would have this spring....looks like I will max out a package of 100 when I start making holes in trees but that wasn;t part of my thought process at the time. SO, I looked at the price of a 2'X4' hybrid vs a 2X5 hybrid and decided to go with the 5 as I do plan to do more taps in the future and the difference in price was relatively small. my concern today is will I have enough sap for the 5 but with 50+ taps I should.

In your case, I say go with what you can afford and you can always add more taps ;-)


02-17-2015, 07:52 AM
8 years ago i had a small flat pan and barrel stove. I wanted something just a touch faster like a 2x4 but got a deal i couldnt pass up on a 2x8 that was way bigger than i needed. 4 years ago i added an ro to be able to keep up with the sap from over 1000 taps. Same thing with the 300 gal dairy tank i bought cause it was only 50 bucks even tho it was way too big for the sap storage i needed. I still use it but now my main storage is a 1650 gal tank off a milk truck. My point is you will grow so dont be afraid to make the leap.

02-17-2015, 08:30 AM
3 years ago i was building an arch for a pan i got in trade, thinking i would use it abit, next thing i know im selling that rig and spending a boat load of money on nice used equipment. just like others, i tryed it, like it, and then wanted to make the process more efficient and as other have also found out faster/ easier does cost more money. just keep looking into the future when buying anything and think about what your plan is ??? 5 gals for personal use or 132 gals to sell it makes huge difference when justifying the cost of equipment and good luck with the sleep thing soon enough it will be the most forgot about item !!!!

02-17-2015, 08:49 AM
My thoughts are if you have the trees to tap on your property, you will want to tap them, its an addiction that cant be cured, lol. Your record shows going from 30 to 50 in one year, next year 50 will go to ???. If you stay at 50 taps this season, just collect a bit more before you boil once you buy the 2 x 4 !! :cool: Or tap a few more trees this year.

2 x 4 is very saleable if it turns out to be too big, not gonna happen though !!

Good luck.


02-17-2015, 01:51 PM
Well, I went walk about today checking trees. Here on our place, I can get 50-75. If I go more, I'll have to find another property, which will require a different mode of transportation. Now I'm using a UTV.

02-17-2015, 02:19 PM
let's face it, the search for "one more tree" never ends

Pete S
02-17-2015, 03:11 PM
We JUST bought the 2 x 4 Badgerland from Jim at Smoky Lake. I am fighting cold, and just being tired getting the arch insulated.

Jim the owner is a good guy with great products. We don't have a NEED now for more capacity BUT we intend to grow, and after watching our 2 x 3 with a preheater boil at best of about 8-9 gph,..............25-30 gph got my attention.

Yes it costs money to grow, but do you work to make money just to pay bills? I figure this will pay better than fishing, but not as good as a second job although it (maple syrupin') takes about as much time.

I was looking at the hybrid but liked the ability to disconnect the syrup pan with the Badgerland.

As in my past purchases with stringed instruments: The cheapest ones will cost more in the end. You always want to upgrade.

Started on a lasagna pan 7 years ago, then to our 2 x 3 over an oil barrel,..............now this.

NO I have NOT been sleeping at night.

lakeview maple
02-17-2015, 03:41 PM
Dr Tim the "Black hole of Maple syrup " is the best , it is an addiction that is so incurable , you start with the best of intentions just to make some syrup for the family , then family and friends ,and then a few Christmas presents ..........it never ends. Its a great passion to have good clean fun. Once you start all kinds of people want to stop by and help , so when you are thinking of this purchase just figure in what you will need to jump from 50 taps to a rough estimate of 6000 and youll be fine , just like the rest of us Maple addicts.

02-17-2015, 06:28 PM
Tell me about your new 2x4 that will evaporate 25-30 gph! I have never heard of badgerland pans? Is this a new line? Got any pics? How many flues and what is the length of the syrup pan vs the flue pan?

Pete S
02-17-2015, 07:56 PM
Oooooppppsss! 2 x 6!!!! ropped flue, etc. Sorry!


We bought right in Hilbert, WI!

Paul VT
02-17-2015, 08:34 PM
Same story here. Started with a 2 X 3 for a few years. Found a great deal on a 2 X 4. Was in the process of setting the arch when I found a great deal on a 2 X 6. Yup just make some syrup for self and a few friends and family. Now worry about will we make enough syrup this year for our demand. It is a terrible addiction.

02-17-2015, 08:35 PM
Oooooppppsss! 2 x 6!!!! ropped flue, etc. Sorry!


We bought right in Hilbert, WI!

Thanks, according to the ad its 2500 bucks ( buying through ebay ) or 2100 bucks going around ebay by contacting the manufacture by email as the ad states. Does it cost that much to sell stuff on ebay?

Pete S
02-17-2015, 08:43 PM
My understanding is that Ebay charges a percentage of shipping costs too. SO,...............it costs a ton to ship according to Jim.

Go to his site or call him.

I just used the Ebay link as it was easy.

02-17-2015, 08:51 PM
Does it cost that much to sell stuff on ebay? ebay takes 10% !!!!! WHAT BURNS MY BACKSIDE IS THAT THEY CHARGE 10% ON THE SHIPPING CHARGES! Money the seller never gets! I was shocked how much I was paying them a while back when I sold quite a few things.

02-17-2015, 09:06 PM
I've been looking at the Smokey Lake Hybrid for a few weeks now, so I called today. I got the 2X4 Hybrid last year, and this year expanded my 2X4 arch to 2X6, and added a Smokey Lake 2X2 three compartment finishing pan up front. Good news is, I cannot fit anything longer in my mini sugarhouse, so I will not expand next year. NO... I will not expand my sugarhouse!

You will love the Smokey Lake pan! Go For It! You will make up the sleep with less boiling time.

02-24-2015, 02:31 PM
Well, it is ordered! Also got the feeder pan, stack & 25 of his taps.

02-24-2015, 05:01 PM
May I jump in here and ask the more experienced Smoky Lake Hybrid operators what their thoughts are on adding a divider to the flue section? I couldn't sell enough needless things to justify the "pro package" but I have a few small sheets of stainless hanging around. I thought that I could fabricate and clamp one in place as a temporary divider. I ask this as I am also making a float box and I would prefer not to punch connection holes in the pan twice if I divide the flue properly later.

Also, what connection do you use between the float box and pan?....I was thinking a weldless bulkhead connector in stainless or a stainless nipple with 2 sets of nuts, washers and high temp silicone O-rings. the nipple would allow me to adjust for any gaps between the pan and the box whereas the bulkhead would essentially bolt the two together. I will have a hanger on the box as well.

Thanks for any input and Feathercast hopefully this will help us both ;-)


Flat Lander Sugaring
02-25-2015, 05:16 AM
Just order a Leader Revolution and stop loosing sleep you will be farther ahead!

02-28-2015, 03:35 PM
I just received my new SL....I now see the error in my last post. It comes with an inlet connection pre-installed at the back end. I'll run'er as is this year and see if a mod will help next year.

02-28-2015, 04:11 PM
I have a 2x4 flat with no divider and 2x2 flat with 4 channels hooked together, I had the same question, it really seems to work fine. I would not worry about a divider.

You would be surprised if you fire consistently how well just a valve works to control level. I very seldom touch a half inch ball valve for the sap feed once I get going. I do have an external site glass and fire with a timer.

03-07-2015, 09:00 PM
Picked up my pan & stack today. Wow, what a georgous piece! The pan, stack & taps are really works of art.

03-07-2015, 09:06 PM
It really is, isn't it!

03-08-2015, 06:49 AM
I bought a 2x4 hybrid pan from Jim, what a great person and a super product. Everything is of the highest standard, but he should include a hoodie when you buy a pan! Just saying it is good advertisement.

Pete S
03-08-2015, 07:24 AM
I AGREE! A "hoodie" should be part of the deal.

When we put our stuff together yesterday, I hadn't see it in a while as it was wrapped in quilts.

WOW!,................there is a small part of me that doesn't want to use it as it is just toooo purty!