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View Full Version : Evaporator Pan Build Questions

Zucker Lager
02-16-2015, 07:13 PM
Hey Friends:
We are hooked on sugaring after three years of tapping just a few trees and boiling in a turkey fryer. I have some sheets of stainless steel 16 gage 22 by 40 inches and found a good tig welder who is willing to make up a pan for me at a reasonable labor cost. We plan on tapping only about 10 red maples right now but in the very near future maybe more like 15 or 20 But like most things that we do and 50 acres of woods peppered with more maples I'm re thinking the size of the pan that I want to make. Originally I was thinking 24 by 24 inches and 8 inches deep. I could go up to the size of the stainless sheets that I have 22 by 40 but I think that is way too big for my use? I understand that a square foot of pan area will boil off about a gallon of sap an hour? Just for a start what about 20 by 30 inches by 8 deep? So any input on pan sizing would be appreciated. I will boil using wood. Thanks Jay

PS this is the first time I've ever posted "anything anywhere" so I"m open to any help in that respect also.

02-16-2015, 07:37 PM
Welcome to the addiction! My 2 cents. Go with a 2' wide pan, that way you can later upgrade pans by just swapping them out. with a "standard size" flue pan? 18" is also a somewhat "standard" size. You can always use the old pan as a finishing pan when you expand later. Good luck with whatever you decide.

02-16-2015, 07:42 PM
16 gauge stainless is too thick. Ideally the steel should be 22 or 24 gauge. Stainless is a poor heat conductor so thinner is better. 24x36 is a good size to start with. This hobby is addictive so be prepared to expand next year.

Super Sapper
02-17-2015, 05:54 AM
I would agree with going with the 24 inch wide pan. 16 gauge is heavy but will work, mine are 16 gauge and I can have a full boil going in both pans in 10 to 15 minutes at startup. I also boil around 30 to 35 gallons per hour with a 2 x 6 with AUF. Keep it simple and not too expensive to start, after you get fully bitten you will start spending more than you ever thought you would.

02-17-2015, 08:37 AM
Jay - I have a few threads in my signature that may help you making your own pan and moving up to a block arch. Remember - Long and narrow is much more efficient than square. With your 22 x 40 material I would fold 8" up on either end of a 40" length, and make 2 pans both 22x24. With 10-20 trees, boil using one pan, then as you add trees, add a second pan behind for a 24"x44" evaporator good for 30-100+ trees.

16 gauge will work fine. Harder to bend, easier to weld. Not quite as good heat transfer as thinner material, but waaaay better than your turkey frier.

Zucker Lager
02-17-2015, 01:07 PM
Thanks for the info OK on going with the 24 wide pan but after measuring and laying that out on the sheets of stainless that I do have the material will dictate the size to some extent but I will be making it as large as I can with what I have. Thanks Big Eddy for the pictures of your build nice work! I also like the idea of a block arch right now I have to keep this cheap right now to keep the wife happy ha ha. Then if the trees and weather here will cooperate this season I hope to have some pics to post of my first "real" boil thanks again guys Jay