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View Full Version : Removing Shurflo at night,,,,,quick release ???

02-16-2015, 10:20 AM
I am not familiar with what fitting is out there to allow me to take my pump in at night when it is going to freeze. This season, if it ever comes, I will be using 1/2" mainline which should connect right onto my Shurflo pump.

My plan, if possible, is to have gravity empty my mainline when the pump is NOT connected and an easy connection to connect the pump when I want to.
My trees are just in my back yard, so bringing the pump and battery to the backyard daily is not an issue. (Too far to run electricity back there though.)

Do others take your pump in at night and what do you use for an easy disconnect ?



02-16-2015, 11:21 AM
My plan (although using 5/16ths) is to have a straight through shot with a T on either side of the pump, and a valve between the T's. When valve is open, it should work as a normal gravity I hope. When I shut the valve, sap will go through the T's and through the pump. I plan on leaving my pump out all the time with a light bulb to keep the pump head warm. I am also hoping the T's will prevent issues from ice because it should not be able to make the bend in the T.

Sounds good on paper at least. lol

02-16-2015, 11:42 AM
When we ran the sap puller we used the Banjo quick connects. We had a length of pipe which we attached to the mainline and the sap would flow direct to the tank. The Banjo fittings worked great.


Flat Lander Sugaring
02-16-2015, 05:16 PM
When we ran the sap puller we used the Banjo quick connects. We had a length of pipe which we attached to the mainline and the sap would flow direct to the tank. The Banjo fittings worked great.


works awesome keep stuff from being stolen at night

02-16-2015, 05:36 PM
Thanks VT-K9,,,

I Googled banjo fitting and see what they look like,,,but. Is it easy to explain how it works, like how many fittings are needed to join two pieces of poly? Is there a male and female fitting?
If anyone has a picture of a banjo fitting on poly that would help me out too, maybe easier than typing.

Does TSC carry banjo fittings or more of a specialized plumbing store required ?

Thanks everyone.


02-16-2015, 06:34 PM
TSC carries them. Just ask for Cam lock fittings. They may have to order them in for you.

02-16-2015, 10:27 PM

Now for my explaination...I bought some of the quick disconnects from TSC to setup on a small electric pump in the sugar house. I only bought them because I was at TSC and the maple sources for them are much further away..basically convenience. The TSC fittings are miserable to use compared to the Banjos. This is just my opinion based on my experience.

The next lesson I learned that I will pass on is regarding the Banjos using the barbed fittings. It may seem convenient to use the barbed Banjos...DON'T. The barb does not fit the pipe like a regular adapter fitting.

My sap puller is 1 1/4" female on both sides. I ended up putting a quickconnect on the output side because I ran the puller over night several nights last year (read up on what everyone does for regular vacuum and mirror that) and had to replace the diaphragm several times due to use. The first time was a pain to have to unscrew the output side. In your case you may have security concerns so that is another reason to use quick connects on both side.

I would recommend reducing the input side to match your mainline...such as reduce it down to 1" and use 1" banjos. If you have 3/4" then go that route. Then I would have a spare 1" or 3/4" (whatever your mainline is) pipe with a quick connect to run directly into the tank for the over night when you are not running the puller. I ran mine several nights. I have a weather app on my iPad which I found to be pretty darn accurate for my area last year. If the app indicated it would not drop below 30 I left the unit running all night.

You can just make out the "overnight" tube behind the banjo to the mainline.

Good Luck,


Flat Lander Sugaring
02-17-2015, 03:50 AM
if the sap is running so should the pump. If I remember correctly the diaphragms are supposedly only good for like 200,000 cycles.