View Full Version : Tapping 2015

02-03-2015, 07:32 PM
Hey. Anyone started yet. We are probably going to start tapping the last week of February. We will be adding a few hundred trees to our pipeline this year. When are you guys starting?

02-03-2015, 08:38 PM
No where near tapping season here,,,,, snow, freezing, just nasty full on winter.
Sault Ste Marie Ont. One hour north of Mackinaw City Michigan, 4 hours North of Flint Michigan, you get the idea, lol.

Cant run a mainline I want to try this year because I need to find ground first below the snow.

Reading all the posts here is my "Maple Fix" until I can get started, March sometime usually.

Good luck to all.


02-04-2015, 07:18 AM
Same here in Coldwater. I am getting itchy!

My new 3/16 tubing is now installed to create high vacuum without the aid of a pump. I have a 30 foot drop or so leading to my new small sugar shack.
My drop lines are all on but not taped and now just waiting for the nice weather. I will also put around 50 buckets along the snowmobile trail. Much easier to pick up on a packed trail.
So yes I am experimenting this new technology. The cost is only a fraction of buying buckets. My total is 150 bucks for 60 taps. If it works the way it is suppose to do it should be the equivalent of 120 taps on regular buckets.

Quabbin Hill Farms
02-04-2015, 02:58 PM
Eastern Ontario still socked in another 25 cm of snow this week -25 temperature parts of my mainline are buried, long range temperature forecast don't show any relief until late Feb.

02-05-2015, 12:39 AM
Southwestern ontario still cold and tons of snow and forecast has more snow and cold for a bit still. But looking forward to my second season have everything ready to go!! :D

02-05-2015, 08:54 AM
We have a meter of snow in southern NB. temp have been -10 to -28 since Christmas, came up today to zero but supposed to go back into the deep freeze tonight, -20, I will have to dig out the trees if we get much more of the white stuff.

02-23-2015, 08:12 AM
-25 this morning here just north of Barrie, but it looks like I will tap the first weekend of March as it is suppose to start warming up then.

02-23-2015, 11:27 PM
-23 this morning just east of London, suppose to warm up in the next 2 weeks thankfully!!

02-24-2015, 01:08 PM
-27 this morning in Muskoka. Last time I saw 0 was one day a month ago. I have the time this week to get my lines ready for tapping but yesterday was a little to cold. Today a tropical -10 and the winds not bad. Time to snowshoe around the bush.

02-24-2015, 04:17 PM
Maybe taping on Sunday with temps at around -5. I know it will not run but it will be ready to catch the first sap when it gets going.

02-25-2015, 01:03 PM
We might get some taps in on Sunday if it warms up enough. I'm getting worried it will go from too cold to running like crazy in the blink of an eye and we'll miss out on the early runs!

02-25-2015, 07:32 PM
Still too cold here in Grey County. The long range doesn't look promising until the end of the first week of March.

02-25-2015, 11:24 PM
Ok so question seeing it's probably my first official year, I would count my last year.. How cold or warm can it be before I tap? Long range has temps in the -4 to -7 range. I know sap won't run but can I get thing in and ready at those temps?

02-26-2015, 05:22 AM
Yes you can, as long as it is in this range for temps. If too cold you will split the wood and end up with leaking tap holes. I am taping this weekend on Sunday. 100 on tubing and 50 buckets.

02-26-2015, 05:39 AM
Ok sounds good! I don't want to miss any of the beginning runs.

02-26-2015, 05:40 AM
Ok so question seeing it's probably my first official year, I would count my last year.. How cold or warm can it be before I tap? Long range has temps in the -4 to -7 range. I know sap won't run but can I get thing in and ready at those temps?

If 38 taps is all you have why not wait until the day before you know the sap is going to run? Keep your tap holes as fresh as possible.


02-26-2015, 12:36 PM
If 38 taps is all you have why not wait until the day before you know the sap is going to run? Keep your tap holes as fresh as possible.


Agreed. We need to get in 4600 taps so as soon as it's above -5 C we'll start. 38 taps isn't even a 2 beer job! Not mocking you - just saying you don't have to worry about jumping the gun and starting early.

02-26-2015, 05:49 PM
Alright lol, ya 4600 taps is a full time job!

02-26-2015, 06:13 PM
Long range forecast for southeastern ontario is saying 3rd week of March before anything above freezing. Was going to start tapping this weekend but going to hold off for another week at least. I can put in my 150 taps in a day if everything goes well so I don't need to plan too far ahead. Looks like it's going to be another very late season. Also sounds like we are in for a few more dups of snow, making it even more fun to tramp around in the woods. My biggest concern is weather will go from too cold to too warm very quickly and we will end up with a short run. I guess we can't do anything about the weather and, like a typical farmer, we're never happy with it. One good thing with late start is my RO parts still haven't arived yet and I was worried I might have to boil raw sap.

02-26-2015, 09:27 PM
Last year I was worried that it would go from cold to hot and have a short season. Especially here in the banana belt. It turned out to be my second best season behind 2013 by 30 gallons, a fairly good 3 week season. Now last year my season went to almost Easter, April 18 or so. This year Easter is April 5. I hope it goes longer than that. Right now my 2 week forecast is cold. Thinking of starting to tap Monday.

02-27-2015, 02:36 AM
I'm in Cayuga and the Long range forecast doesn't even show us getting close to "0" until March 7th. If you start I'd be interested to know if you get any runs. Best of Luck!

02-27-2015, 04:12 PM
Our first day we might have a run is looking like Friday the 13th hmmm didn't we just have one of those?

02-28-2015, 08:00 AM
I also see some hope in tapping on Friday the 13th. I'm getting restless. I've created a bunch of stats from the 2014 run (sap yield per tree, a map of my sugar bush) and am anxious to see what 2015 has in store for us. The sun feels so nice these days, just a spike in temperature would be nice! I hope we all have a great season!

02-28-2015, 04:26 PM
Taped today here in Coldwater. To my big surprise, 2 taps with buckets had some icicles before I left the bush. It was cold but I guess the sun was strong. I will finish taping tomorrow. We may have some above zero during the week.

02-28-2015, 07:36 PM
My forecast calls for rain on the 9th, which is kinda unbelievable given how cold it has been this winter. I'm at Balsam Lake Provincial Park area. Last year I got only 6 sap running days, which totally sucked. I am hoping to catch the 20 days that's used as a "norm" by many. Today, even though the forecast only called for 18F, my thermo read 30F, and its in a place that the sun doesn't hit...so...sunshine is our friend. I'm tapping next week, on the first sunny day, fingers crossed I don't create any cracks. Since I am using a new vacuum this year, I really want to see if it makes a difference on those days I wouldn't have expected sap last year.

03-01-2015, 07:47 PM
Weather looking up for 2nd week of March, if you put any faith in the long range forecast. I think I'll get my taps in this week.

03-02-2015, 06:39 AM
Not sure what to make of this. I know I don't like the sound of it. Tap today and have the lines get smashed down by freezing rain tomorrow? The western part of the Niagara peninsula is where I am. Something I never seen before that happened this winter was we got a bit of freezing rain when it was -5 C or 23 F.


4:55 AM EST Monday 02 March 2015
Special weather statement in effect for:
•City of Hamilton

A system bringing snow, ice pellets, freezing rain and rain to Southern Ontario Tuesday.

A low pressure system developing over the American plains will be tracking towards Southern Ontario, bringing a wintery mix of precipitation to the region Tuesday.

For Extreme Southwestern Ontario east towards the Niagara Peninsula: precipitation is forecast to begin as snow or ice pellets then transition through a period of freezing rain before temperatures rise above zero and a change to rain occurs. The freezing rain could persist for a few hours and some locales may require a freezing rain warning. Further north, for areas east of Southern Lake Huron to regions north of Lake Ontario including the Greater Toronto Area: precipitation is expected to be predominantly snow, however, it could be mixed with ice pellets and freezing rain at times. General snowfall amounts in the 5 to 10 cm range will be possible with lower amounts in areas that receive more ice pellets or freezing rain.

There is still uncertainty with regards to precipitation type and amount. Environment Canada meteorologists are watching the evolution of this storm closely and will issue further statements or alerts as needed.

03-02-2015, 10:59 PM
Here is a graph of possible interest based on my 2014 season. Maybe it might help in the decision of when to tap. Or maybe it will just amuse you as the seemingly endless wait continues until the start of the 2015 season...

Note: negative sap yield values represent days when I was not able to check my buckets.


03-03-2015, 03:10 PM
Well the freezing rain and ice pellets started at just before 2:30 and it was -6 out. Now its a steady freezing rain with a bit of a wind with it and -4. I can here the ice on the branches. Hopefully we don't get too much.

03-03-2015, 03:52 PM
I work midnights haven't been outside yet, hope it doesn't get to bad. Weather next week looks promising! I'm thinking of tapping Saturday.

03-04-2015, 06:18 AM
It got milder and the build up melted off. Power flickered once. Wife had to travel roads last night and they weren't so nice.

Full tapping ahead. It's a race to get them in now.

03-04-2015, 06:43 AM
looks like warmer weather starting Sunday! My taps are all in and just waiting to see sap running down my lines :). If the weather holds like the predictions here in Coldwater, I may be boiling on Wednesday!

03-04-2015, 07:01 AM
Yup! Weather in woodstock area is suppose to be good. Tapping Saturday and then I'll just have to wait and see how they do! Looking forward to it. Just have a few finishing touchs to do then I'm set.

03-04-2015, 08:32 AM
I have 2 outdoor thermos here, neither In the sun, and one says 32F the other 35F...so, here's hoping. My forecast calls for the temperature to drop from this point through till Sunday.


03-05-2015, 09:17 PM
Wow, the forecast keeps getting better and better for next week! A couple of days ago I was wondering a bit about why everyone was planning on tapping this coming weekend. The temperatures I were seeing were just +1 and maybe +2. But, now I am fully on board too as the forecasted highs keep increasing more and more! Sunday will be the day for me to tap and I am excited to see what happens next week, especially on Tuesday and Wednesday. I hope everyone has a great season. There's not very many feelings better than the start of syrup season!!!

03-06-2015, 06:27 AM
Environment Canada's forecast for Hamilton airport is getting out of hand. +7 Tuesday, +9 Wednesday, +6 Thursday. Of course it's not going to freeze or barely freeze those nights, but what gets me is it's supposed to be mainly clear. Maybe it will knock a bunch of the snow down. It's still a long way out though. -21 C, -6 F here this morning.

Fun tapping in the cold. Don't think it got above -10 C, 14 F yesterday. I let the 175 Massey set for 3 hours yesterday in a fence row, and she barely started at 4:30.

03-06-2015, 10:44 AM
Ya no doubt getting my quad started in the cold is bad enough let alone a desiel in cold weather. Ya I don't think it's suppose to get that warm in woodstock area but maybe close.

Tapping tomorrow my only free day this week, this full time job is getting in the way of my sugaring lol

03-06-2015, 11:29 AM
Bushfrosh-----Great Graph, lots of work. You are definitely HOOKED!!!!

03-06-2015, 01:07 PM
You folks do have your own outdoor thermos, right? I'm above 32F again today, and my forecast calls for such temps from Sunday through Sunday next week. I'm believing its going to happen. I have perfect Hi/Los for a week of sap flow. Maybe its just my area (north side of Balsam Lake), but I bet it isn't just me.

03-06-2015, 06:08 PM
I'm in Southwest NB, ran 3 of my lines today and put in a few buckets on the way. Tomorrow will be drops...should have 65-80 taps in by the end of the weekend with the rest going in next week.

03-16-2015, 03:59 PM
Finished tapping most of our trees today. 118 Buckets. And about another 150 taps on pipeline. Pipeline was running really good. Just running on ground for now to clean out lines.

Loon Lake Louie
03-18-2015, 02:39 PM
No tapping in Central Nova Scotia yet. Monday we had about 14 inches of snow. Then winds and lots of drifting on Tuesday and then today, Wednesday, another 14 inches or so and high gusty winds. You can just about see the tops of the maples in the woods!!!LOL!!! Maybe in another week or two we can attempt to get into the woods. I'd say there is at least 5 feet of snow on the ground. Temps looking good though...