View Full Version : 3/16th question

Loch Muller
02-01-2015, 05:30 PM
So I'm setting up about 100-120 taps on 3/16th tubing this year. I'm doing this on steep ground just behind where I've tapped before so the vertical drop after the last tap is not a problem. The question I have is about the tubing running past maples on the way to 30 feet of drop after the last tap. Should I connect the 3/16th to these before it gets to the mainline or should I just run some 5/16 to them. Seems kind of strange to run tubing to trees that already have tubing running past them. Does anyone else have a situation like this? How are you dealing with it? Maybe all this cold weather is getting to my head and I'm overlooking something obvious. Thanks.