View Full Version : Scale on syrup pan dividers

01-31-2015, 09:20 PM
Just curious what others were doing to get the scale off of the dividers in the syrup pan?? I don't have a problem with getting bottom of pan clean but the scale builds up bad on the dividers.

01-31-2015, 09:40 PM
I have the exact problem. The bottom is beautifully clean and the sides still have scale. I've tried long heated soaks with pan acid cleaner and also vinegar. No luck.


RC Maple
02-01-2015, 09:35 AM
I never could get my pan completely free of scale last year - bottom is fine but some scale on the sides - mostly right near the draw off. I tried soaking in vinegar and scrubbing with scotch brite and then steel wool, bar keepers friend and scrubbing, and then muriatic acid and scrubbing. I couldn't budge it with any of that. That really bugged me since everything has to be just right when I am done. I finally decided I couldn't do any more and there is still a small amount of scale there. I didn't heat anything though and that's the only thing that I can think of I didn't do. I have a heavier gage stainless pan with a mill finish and still try to keep the scratches as minimal and polished out as I can. I can imagine if I had a stainless pan with a mirror finish that I would have been more frantic. I would like to know too how to get rid of what's left of the scale.

02-01-2015, 11:10 AM
I'm amazed the muriatic acid did not work. I consider that the nuclear option and decided to live with the scale. I once used muriatic on steam pans I had down in a block arch. It lifted the scorches right off, but it was very dangerous. I got one whiff of it and it got my head spinning. I'd rather not have to use it again. Thanks for sharing the results.


RC Maple
02-02-2015, 08:18 AM
You sure don't want to hang your head over the pan while the acid is in there. I really thought that out of all those attempts at least one would get that scale off the sides but there is still some there. I am not wanting to grind it off but if I had a high $ pan I may go to more lengths to get it clean. Hoping there is a better way to go and I just haven't heard it yet.

02-02-2015, 10:05 AM
Look into your local sand blasting guy...ask if he does soda blasting where they used baking soda to blast it off...