View Full Version : End of line, sap going into barrel question-Gravity only

01-29-2015, 07:28 PM
Each day a new thought hits me and today this is it.

I am asking if the end of a gravity line can enter the 55 gallon barrel from the bottom spout ?
I have a few 55 gallon barrels for collection with a spigot at the bottom. Any size fitting can be installed on the spigot so any line I use can work.
Usually I have the end of the line empting into the top of the barrel but that cost me height = slope. If the sap can enter from the bottom I gain 35" drop. Each inch the sap fills I lose an inch drop, I get that.

Only once filled will the sap be at the height of where it usually starts from the end of the line.

Now the real question is,,,Will the sap fill the barrel from bottom up or will pressure or back pressure or something stop it ??

Understanding the barrel,s top will be lower than the line feeding the barrel. The bottom of the barrel will be really lower than the line feeding it.

I hope I make sense.



01-29-2015, 07:48 PM
Just yacked with my brother and he asked if I was "just plain stupid", lol. It wont work. Sap woud have to be under good pressure to fill the barrel from the bottom up.

Hope I am not the first person to answer their own post,,,,geesh !!


01-29-2015, 08:05 PM
Lay the barrel on its side and use the top bung to run your line into it. Then your line is only 24" up from the bottom of the barrel and you can put your spigot in the bottom bung to draw off the sap.



Super Sapper
01-30-2015, 07:20 AM
Laying on the side would be the best option. As far as filling from the bottom it would back up in the line to the same elevation as what is in the barrel but would fill just fine. Just make sure your lowest tap is higher than the top of the barrel.

01-30-2015, 07:28 AM
No, you were correct in the original post. Liquid always seeks its own level.
Yes, sap will back up in the lateral, but only as high as the level in the barrel. As the barrel gets fuller, sap will back up more. When you pump out the barrel, the back up of sap will drain out of your line. (Liquid seeking its own level)
This is assuming both liquids are under equal atmospheric pressure. I mean the barrel must be vented.

01-30-2015, 11:37 AM
I am going to just let the sap drip in from the top, it was a kooky thought I was having, lol. I will just dig down through the snow to get the barrel as low as possible in a low laying area in my back area.

I am excited to try a mainline with laterals this year, even one 50ft-100ft run has to save me from going from tree to tree.

Thanks for the suggestions here.
