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01-28-2015, 06:23 PM
anyone with an oil fired 2x8 oil fired? what size gun do you run an whats the gph of oil used? how bout with a max flue pan, did the nozzel size have to be bigger? thanks.

01-29-2015, 05:40 AM
Not an oil guy but now a few people that fire with it. The neighbors 2x6 burns about 3-3.5 GPH, he likes it at 3 because it more predictable for him to run. A 2x8 would be probably in the 4-4.5 ball park, I think Leader has a chart in there catalog giving the exact numbers. Typically with a max flue pan you will need to fire it harder to get the efficientcy out of it so you oil gun might need to be 5-6 gph. Best bet would be to call Leader and ask them what the best combination is.

01-29-2015, 04:56 PM
thanks, not sure if i want to go that route yet but weighing out the options.

01-30-2015, 05:31 PM
Look at one of the reverse fired arches...increases efficiency by like 40%...it's next on my list for next season...with an ro oil cost me about a buck per gal of syrup made...at that price I can't burn wood as cheap...For a 2x8 I would use a carlin 501 or 601 with the appropriate nozzle...nice burners and easy to maintain...should burn about 4 gph I think...