View Full Version : Canada Trip

01-24-2007, 03:01 PM
I have been seeing that some fellow traders might like to see some of the larger Quebec sugaring operations. If things workout right I might put together a 1 or possibly 2 day trip this spring to tour a few of these larger 100,000 tap operations. Typically we have about a week to 2 weeks after most of us are done to go up and catch them still in operation usually the third or fourth week of April. If I were to do this I would rent a van and we could ride together. Are there any of you interested? I am not looking for commitments but just throwing out a feeler.

Fred Henderson
01-24-2007, 03:37 PM
Its just s bit to far from me to you. It does sound like an interesting trip. Take lots of photos. I know of a guy from near here that went to VT a few ago and one place he stopped at he said that there was a 4" pipe coming down the mountain side and it was running a full pipe of sap.

01-24-2007, 05:07 PM
It sounds like a good trip. I might be interested in going if the time was right.Hard to say for sure now. i know Waterloo has a big operation in Canada.I have heard they have 2-3 four inch pipes coming out the mountains.

Keep us posted.


Breezy Lane Sugarworks
01-24-2007, 05:26 PM
Let me know a week or so before you go, and count me in.

01-24-2007, 09:12 PM

I'd take a ride.

Did you ever get ahold of the tin knocker for those items? PM Me when you get a min.

01-24-2007, 11:04 PM
I have been to Lappiere's (Waterloo) it is very impressive, ahuge sugarhouse on one end with 4-6x16 evaporators and 3 _3600 gallon R.O,s and on the other end of the building is a premium living quarters, with miles. One time when I was there they had the whole operation going and the guy that was filling barrels with 6 filter presses going as I remember could hardly keep up. They didn't have auto draw offs but there was a constant finger size stream of syrup coming off al 4 evap's and only being run by 2 guys

Also the owners of CDL have a very classy operation although not as bigwith only 50,000 taps but sure worth the stop.

Homestead Maple
01-26-2007, 08:32 PM
I've been to Lapiere's also and at the time he had 150,000 taps. This was 4 years ago. I know he's added more since. The operation then was just as 802maple described it.When we visited on a tour, he had the previous years syrup sitting there in drums, 700 in all, and that years syrup, 695 drums. Someone in the tour asked Lapiere why he was storing so much syrup and he said that he was waiting for the price to go up. Everyone keeps 1,395 drums of syrup hanging around waiting for the price to go up.... right?

Russell Lampron
01-26-2007, 08:46 PM
I'm interested in going too. I have heard the same thing about Lapierres operation. Must be nice to sit on that much syrup and not need the money. I have to pinch penny's to get what I need with the goal of having all of it set up and paid for before I retire.

Do I need a passport to get into Canada?


Homestead Maple
01-26-2007, 09:02 PM
Ya know, I'm not sure. I have one but I don't remember if I was asked for one. At the time I don't think so because there were about 40 of us and I don't remember everyone being asked for one. Things have changed though since then. I was talking with someone a few weeks ago and I remember them saying that they were questioned about a lot of things at the border before they went across but I don't remember them mentioning a passport. If I find out more I'll let you know.

01-27-2007, 03:52 AM
As far as passports, Right now you only need one if you are flying. They are trying to make anyone crossing the border to get one but havn't made the change yet. I hope it doesn't go through. With living in a border town it would make it a hassle. They are getting pretty paticular with there question. But I don't belive we would have aproblem. As long as we tell them where we have been and for how long, and for what reason, and did we buy anything, did we steal anything, where we were born, what day were we born, was it sun, cloudy the day we were born, our shoe size, our mothers shoe size, and oh are we terrorists. So make sure everyone has done there research on your families history, and there shoud be no problem. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Fred Henderson
01-27-2007, 05:42 AM
You do not need a passport to get into Canada but it sure makes it easier to get back into the US with one. You guys can probably do it without one its just that it may take you 8 hours to clear the customs gate.

01-27-2007, 05:50 AM
yaaaaaa and make sure you leave your firearms at home. the Canadian customs agents arent very fond of guns especially the women agents! ohhhh and pepper spray too.

01-27-2007, 07:39 AM
I sure hope 700 barrels wasn't all they produced last year?? Are those 32 gallon barrels? 8O

01-27-2007, 07:41 AM
The last I heard next year around this time you will need a pasport to cross into canada or mexico no matter what. As it is I'm sure there is a backlog to get one. So if you have a family of 4 and want to go to Niagra falls it will cost you $358 for 2 adults and 2 children.
I will say this much if you plan on needing one I'd do it before the last minute. If they see that you are desperate the cost skyrockets.
I'm not sure what they will do with the people that travel back and forth on a regular basis. If they have to stamp the book every time you will need to get a new one on a regular basis. Maybe they won't require it to be stamped every time.

01-27-2007, 09:16 AM
Westviginiamapler they are all 40 & 55gallon barrels mostly 55's. They don't make as much per tap as we do because their trees are not nearly as big as ours and some of them resemble apple trees more than maple trees because of their size. Also their trees don't appear to be as healthy as ours even trees that are not tapped.

01-27-2007, 09:20 AM
I will look into what we may need to get accross the border. We probably will need a escort by the Canadian mounties to get you across Russell LOL

01-27-2007, 01:44 PM
700 gallons x 40 gallon barrells = 28,000 gallons and 700 gallons x 55 gallon barrels = 38,500. Either way, not bad. I thought they might be 32 gallon barrels, so not nearly as much.

35,000 gallon of syrup in a season, I would think that is great for that size of an operation! :D

Fred Henderson
01-27-2007, 02:06 PM
Each evaporator is probably making a gallon every minute.

01-27-2007, 02:41 PM
When I was there 4 years ago, they had 14 men + 2 cooks working at the sugarhouse. Some of them worked the woods only! We were able to take a tour bus through the sugarbush-- roads as good as any dirt road in Vt. Anybody that can take in this trip really should consider it.

01-27-2007, 02:42 PM
It is only the American customs that require a passport to fly in or out, as far as I know. I think a bigger concern for you guys is to find somebody
that can talk English. I went down ther last year, lots to see, but hard
to ask any questions.My wife can talk french, but she hardly knows the
maple stuff in English, so a lot got lost in translation.

Russell Lampron
01-27-2007, 03:35 PM

With the gang we get together we will be lucky if we won't need an escort by the mounties for the whole van load. 8O


Fred Henderson
01-27-2007, 04:13 PM
You guys will get into Canada with no problems. Just in case you don't get back who wants to will their RO to me. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Russell Lampron
01-27-2007, 04:15 PM
Good one Fred, my son will get mine. :D


01-27-2007, 04:19 PM
Russ I thought I was in the will?

Well I can speak french so we'll be all set. Or in the clink faster than I can remember how to say it in french.

Just might have to lay off the captain if I am going to be doing any debates with the customs officers. Or we'll be on the boiling crew for a few weeks. :lol:

Russell Lampron
01-27-2007, 04:39 PM
Sorry Matt, keeping it in the family name.

Hey aren't you supposed to bricking your arch tonight.

Marty and I had a good time at the NH Maple Producers meeting.

Chris brought my new base stack and stack with him. Chris also won the Carlisle Award for the best syrup in NH for 2006. It is the second time he has won the award.


01-27-2007, 04:59 PM
I've sailed with the captain before in Canada and he knows how to use a good tail wind

01-27-2007, 05:16 PM
Hey Matt
I can also speak french, just 2 words bonjour madamosiele, can't spell it but I can say it. Think that will help?

hard maple
01-27-2007, 05:18 PM
just curious, what kind of evaporator do you have???

01-27-2007, 05:34 PM
Presently we have a 5x14 oilfired Dallaire with crossflow pans, prior to that a 5x12 grimm oilfired with with waterloo crossflows, then a 3x13 waterloo cross flow with the first intens-O-fire arch that we built, before that a 5x14 grimm oilfired with reverse flow pans, and the first evaporator that we had while I have been on this earth was 5x14 king.

hard maple
01-27-2007, 06:00 PM
dallaire makes a really nice rig. That was my second choice. I use a cross flow on my rig too.
The 2x6's seem to be notorious for making syrup in the middle partions on a reverse flow, so I swithed to a cross flow system. years ago I had a 4x12 waterloo reverse.
you built your own intenso-fire?? How did it work?

01-27-2007, 06:06 PM
Not only did I make my own Intens-O-fire., a friend and myself have made just about every one that is out there. There have been a few that were made in Canada either by Maple Pro or Dallaire but the rest have been made by us. I would like to think that they are the best woodfired evaporator out there but I probably am a little prejudiced.

Breezy Lane Sugarworks
01-27-2007, 06:43 PM
I'll let you know how prejudiced you are by the middle of march. LOL.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
01-27-2007, 06:46 PM
First thing firsts- Check with your Mummy and see if you can get permission to go with the guys for the weekend? Yes guys night out remember that way back when??(Before you were hitched).. :lol: :lol:

What is the exact weekend this is going to take place ?... NO i don't need my permission slip signed :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I heard it's next Jan. 1 2008 if traveling by vehicle that you will start to need a Passport for re-entry back into the USA. By air started this Jan. 1...

Funny thing was back in 96' when Colin Christie organized the trip to Lapierre's they(Sugarmakers in canada) were complaining about their land lease price that the Canadian goverment was charging them like $15 a hectar= about 2.5 US acre's probably about a nickle a tap 8O 8O and they were madder then the Devil that they were going to go up to like $18..As like 802maple says you can just about reach out and touch the trees there so close/Not much sugarbush management i'd say. Tree Dia was small.

Got a flyer in the mail today from the USPS so Passport info= usps.com/passport

01-27-2007, 08:03 PM
No passport required by land untill next year, but make sure you have picture ID (driver's licence is fine), and proof of citizenship (birth certificate normally, or immigration papers if you're a landed immigrant, etc.). Like the others said, no weapons, including pepper spray or mace as they are restricted in Canada (check your car over BEFORE you get there if there is a chance of something forgotten under the seat or somewhere). Also, possession of radar detectors is illegal, and you will lose it as well as get a fine of you are caught.

01-27-2007, 08:31 PM

Those are two important words, but there are others that will help for sure.

I'm a little rusty but it usually comes back to me.

I was the hey... tell her this... guy when we use to hit the night clubs in roberval and st. felicien, during our annual fishing trip up there.

I don't think we'd be doing much of that stuff though. :D

01-28-2007, 05:50 AM
You know Ryan, I may have not given up all my secrets.LOL

Maplehill I am going to try to put it in as fast as I can behind our season It will be more of a seat of the pants trip, because I don't know how long we will be sugaring. Even though we are about to melt this earth with global warming some us occassionally still make syrup until the middle to late April. Then we will have about a week to 2 weeks to get it in until they are done. Just have to wait and see. When we have a better idea as what is happening in our season, I will be asking around to see if anybody is still interested.

03-05-2007, 06:28 AM
802 count me in . let me know a week before. there`s always something to learn from those guys, even though their french.