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01-24-2015, 06:54 AM
What is the opinion on 2015 season? To me its gonna be a short season due to lack of snow on the ground. We may have 6" of snow on the ground but has been very cold. Hoping its nothing like last year for me, Nights last season were to cold would dip down in to low single digits and not get about 25 during the day. Now this year no snow yet and cold go figure if its not one thing its another. Just asking what others think. but time will tell early yet.

01-24-2015, 07:37 AM
one of the best yrs i had ,had no snow till march,1 storm early in march,made syrup till 2nd week in april.There seems to be a lot of moister in the ground,a little frost.Keep records for 45 yrs and every year we had a bad one,a good or above average yr followed.Happy Surg'in

Bentley Wood Maple
01-30-2015, 08:02 AM
Hope for the best but lack of snow cover makes me think frost went deep again. Think that was factor in last yrs poor production.
Not much over 6 inches snow in the woods

02-09-2015, 04:19 AM
SNOW!!!!!!!!!! we have enough now lol but this year is a bust for myself. All was good up till two weeks ago when work put us on 5/10's so that leaves little time for boiling. Looking like I will be boiling off from 150 taps this season due to work. I'm down about it but work calls and that's sure money in the pocket. Hope everyone else has a great season now what to do thinking I'm gonna use my oversized vac pump on the 150 taps at the house so I can still boil and make some syrup with the kids. Best of luck to all and let your sap run high.

02-09-2015, 09:27 PM
Yeah we have snow now mr. Was walkin the lines over the weekend had to use the snowshoes and that was before this last 12" snowfall. Hope for a great season for everyone!

Flat Lander Sugaring
02-10-2015, 03:51 AM
SNOW!!!!!!!!!! we have enough now lol but this year is a bust for myself. All was good up till two weeks ago when work put us on 5/10's so that leaves little time for boiling. Looking like I will be boiling off from 150 taps this season due to work. I'm down about it but work calls and that's sure money in the pocket. Hope everyone else has a great season now what to do thinking I'm gonna use my oversized vac pump on the 150 taps at the house so I can still boil and make some syrup with the kids. Best of luck to all and let your sap run high.

good luck to you CP have a great year. If i work in Burlington this spring Ill look over towards the Ads. look for all your steam:o

maple flats
02-10-2015, 11:31 AM
We were short on snow until mid/late Jan. but it sure has caught up since. Last Sat. we could not bust trail with the ATV wearing super lug tires, and the trail model snowmobile kept getting buried breaking new trail, then to top it off we had 14-16 inches more since Sun afternoon. It can quit now!

Loch Muller
02-10-2015, 07:09 PM
Yeah we were low on snow, but I've measured 15.1 inches since febuary 1st. Seems like that should help the sugaring season somehow, maybe make it last longer than it would with less snow because of more soil moisture and cold soil temps. That's a bummer you won't be able to run your full setup cpmaple. I keep my operation small because I have to work a job for steady money too. At least you'll be able to make a little syrup with the kids. good luck.

Michael Greer
02-16-2015, 10:56 AM
The village workers were out on my street last week digging to fix a broken water line. The earth was frozen solid all the way down to the pipes at 48 inches. I'm sure it's not so deep in the woods where there's cover, but I wonder how deep the frost line is this year. Anyone out there digging lately?

Loch Muller
02-19-2015, 04:33 PM
Cold, cold, cold! Seems like it's never gonna break up. At least it gives more time to get my operation together for the year. Hard to get much done today with the wind though.

I think this will be similar to last year where it took 4 consecutive days of above freezing to really get anything going since it is so cold. Hopefully that happens before April this time.

02-20-2015, 07:31 AM
Recently shoveled the boiling shed roof and ended up with a mountain of snow. I used our tractor snowblower to clean it up. Several places I peeled the grass and sod and blew it up in the trees.


whitetail farms
02-21-2015, 01:08 PM
just have to get the vacuum systems all set next week then ill start drilling holes next weekend,then just get a few things done in the sugar house and everything will be set!!

brass maple
02-22-2015, 03:19 PM
The village workers were out on my street last week digging to fix a broken water line. The earth was frozen solid all the way down to the pipes at 48 inches. I'm sure it's not so deep in the woods where there's cover, but I wonder how deep the frost line is this year. Anyone out there digging lately?

Was talking with rotor ruter guys at work the other day up here in northern new York near the border And they were saying that they have had to thaw more out door pipes this year than they have had to in the last decade. Was telling me they have been finding frost in the ground at between 4 and 5 feet. Yikes!!!

02-23-2015, 05:14 PM
I was in the bush all weekend clearing the sugar bush road with the tractor,and the snow is 4 and a half feet and the spots I hit the ground have only an inch or so of frost. Its been 25 below here a lot this month.

03-01-2015, 07:13 AM
Worked all day yesterday on the tractor clearing roads,going back up today and spend the day finishing. We are going to tap next weekend and get the sugar house ready.

Loch Muller
03-04-2015, 05:36 AM
Cut my hand pretty bad on Monday night and ended up in the ER to get 8 stitches. The doctor said to stat away from work till Thursday. That might push my tapping back to a week from tomorrow since I still have a few odds and ends to do around the sugar house and about 15 lateral lines to run. Guess that's the price I pay for not having every thing setup ahead of time.

Michael Greer
03-11-2015, 06:11 AM
You won't have missed much this week. Even yesterday at nearly 50 degrees, I found only about half of the new holes running. Tomorrow we'll have a deep freeze, and then perhaps get a real start next week.

03-12-2015, 04:05 PM
The boys and I are going to put the taps in this weekend. Still plenty of cold weather up here. Im two weeks away from getting sap

03-12-2015, 06:11 PM
Pacman you are right about that one still a lot of cold here also in crown point ny. Gonna finish up tapping in this weekend and then let the sap run. I missed this past week but by the sounds of it I missed nothing with the low sugar %.

Loch Muller
03-12-2015, 07:42 PM
It didn't seem like I was missing much so I didn't push my hand too hard. It did get warm enough to pack the snow down, but there is tons left. I've got 85 taps in as of today and only the 3/16ths lines seemed to be doing anything on Wednesday. I let that sap go on the ground to clean the lines out a bit. Everything was frozen stiff today, but I managed to get more ready so I should be close to having all the taps in by the end of this weekend.

03-15-2015, 05:39 AM
Got in 91 taps yesterday to bring my total to 352. Would have gotten more done but went on leak hunt and had a lot of leakers from critter damage. Think I got one main 100% and half of another two more mains to go today. But first I need to fix the releaser horrible leak on the dump door gasket dry rotted only pulling 16.5-17 hgs. Not happy with that since last season I was pulling 21-23 most days. Gonna hit it again this morning and try to tap in last of taps before tomorrow's weather and hook up second tank. 34 degrees here is morning but with the wind its feels a lot colder out so no run today. But got time to get last of taps in for sure. then off to the sugarhouse to set pans up.

03-15-2015, 09:21 AM
Yeah we have snow now mr. Was walkin the lines over the weekend had to use the snowshoes and that was before this last 12" snowfall. Hope for a great season for everyone!

Anything running yet? I am in Lake Placid. 200 taps vacuum. I haven't tapped yet. Lots of snow here 24"and deeeeep frost. Good luck

03-15-2015, 10:00 AM
Anything running yet? I am in Lake Placid. 200 taps vacuum. I haven't tapped yet. Lots of snow here 24"and deeeeep frost. Good luck

Hilltopmale here in Crown Point NY its starting to run a little. From 9pm lastnight to this morning I had 150 gallons in the tank from gravity over night. Tapped in the section main today and dumped the tanks. Still coming in 34degrees out. Hoping tomorrow is like they say and sunny .

Loch Muller
03-16-2015, 07:55 PM
I don't think your missing a whole lot yet hilltop maple. I'm outside of Schroon Lake, a little colder than the village is, and it's just getting started. About 42 degrees for a high today, not much sun though. I've got 25 trees with good sun and vacuum on them and they gave me about 1/2 gallon sap per tap today, the rest are in the woods facing north and west and were just getting going when I got home from work at 4:00 today. It's been a good opportunity to start catching up and work out some of the kinks in my operation at least. Hopefully it will start after this next bit of cold weather.

lakeview maple
03-16-2015, 08:09 PM
I had a great day at the sugarhouse, started with 400 plus gallons boiled it all off and cleaned tank, got the pans all sweetened and ended the day with 400 gallons again, AWESOME way to end the day. If we get round two tomorrow Ill be boiling again.

03-17-2015, 03:37 AM
Was a great day yesterday but when I let for work pump was running and everything was fine when I got back at 5pm releaser stuck open and no sap. Fixed the problem and on came the sap at 10pm still running strong. check the tanks this morning before going to work hoping they are full if so I may return home and call in sick to haul sap home and start boiling. Hoping for round two also today but never got below freezing last night so who know we shall see what mother nature does. let you sap run 3% and be careful

Loch Muller
03-18-2015, 07:36 PM
Finally started for me up here late Monday and into Tuesday. Ran about 1/2 gallon per tap, but now it's freezing. I put the sap in my bulk tank and let it freeze there. I'll deal with it once spring comes back. Looks like my new 3/16th lines are going to work good. Still not sure about my shurflo vacuum pump setup, but it seems to be helping. Also very nice not to have to haul all that sap out of buckets and into the truck then down to the sugarhouse. Can't believe I waited this long to start using tubing!

03-21-2015, 12:39 PM
Headed to sugar bush to tap we've had below 0 nights this week hoping sap will cut loose this week looks like a warmer week coming next week. good luck Chuck

03-13-2022, 12:48 AM
Been a long time since I post on this thread. Life has changed two grandchildren now new job. Still at it just alot smaller running a 2x6 drop flue with 300+/- taps mix of buckets an gravity lines. Slow start to the 2022 season hoping this coming week is good to us. 7 gallons so far to date for the yr. Well hope you all have warm days an cool nights sugar on cpmaple

03-13-2022, 06:52 AM
It does feel like it has been a slow start to the season. Going to be busy this week though.

02-25-2024, 04:57 AM
Pans are sweeten an made 4 gallons yesterday. Syrup ended up cloudy for some reason that has me up in the air never before in 15yrs has this happen. I'm out of the game this yr just supervisoring my son law due to shoulder surgery a week an half ago. Go back to doctors tomorrow see how long I will be down.plus side still making liq gold with the family an 2 yr old grandson helping his father.

Michael Greer
05-02-2024, 09:46 AM
I'm looking for a St Lawrence, or Jefferson County producer who's working with buckets and firewood. I've done it for years, but I've worn out my back, and have to give up the heavy labor part. I'd be interested in a couple barrels per year to fill a niche market next season.

02-14-2025, 04:19 AM
Looking at the weather pattern past few days an I'm gonna pull the trigger an start tapping this coming week..We are gonna push for 600 taps this season that will double what we had last yr. Have 10 cord of wood put up an dry in the process of building a two post ro an just converted front of arch to airtight. Let the season begin