View Full Version : gas powered airablo vacuum pump pros an cons
i have a chance to purchase a gas powered airablo 151 vac system.supposed to be good for 1400 taps.currently have no vac now just gravity set just looking for some info as to weather or not this system is worth the investment.i understand of course the fact that i have to redo my lines an such no biggie.just looking for info on the pump part itself.good or bad.any advice at this point im waiting for pics of the pump .no other info i have at this point but price is 2000 but do have to buy a moisture trap.its 2 years old.
Walling's Maple Syrup
01-23-2015, 07:55 AM
I believe a 151 pump head is 30 cfm's? What size gas motor? Does it have a cooler? We have a 151 electric that runs 1900 taps with a cooler and have no problem getting 27". Without a cooler, you will probably get 23-24" depending on how tight your woods is. If it is only 2 years old then it is well worth the 2000 whether it has the cooler or not.
thanks,this helps.the questions you asked im hoping to find out before the end of the weekend.this is all new to me so any an all info is woods for this season if i get the system wont be the best.will work on that aspect of it for next year upgrading mains an taps an woods right now is all half inch mainlines longest being about 150 feet,with star fittings,so just hoping to get some vac out of it for this season then like i say will upgrade next.if it wont work at all on the half inch then i may be forced to quickly redo parts of the system this season maybe.the guy says he will have it serviced before selling.he also said i i needed to buy was a moisture trap wich i priced at about 500 so hopefully everthing else needed is there.
01-23-2015, 08:38 AM
It will work on 1/2" lines of course larger lines would get better vacuum, but 150 feet isn't very far so I doubt you will be over loading the lines unless your woods is very dense. It will be way better than no vacuum and you can get a good idea of what you might want to do in the future. Good luck!
maple flats
01-23-2015, 09:27 AM
Vacuum is well worth the investment. I run 2 gas powered pumps and while they are a pain keeping them fueled, it is far better than gravity. If there is any chance to eventually switching it to electric you will be far better off. On my 2 I pulled the original tanks off and built a tank stand beside the pump to hold a 4.5 gal tank . These tanks hold enough fuel to run one of my pumps about 14 hrs and the other runs about 17 hrs. Luckily, gas is cheaper now that last year, like $1.10-$1.20 less a gal.
thanks all.good info.i like the idea of the larger gas tank .i m too deep in the woods for hydro so not a option .im still waiting on pics hopefully soon so i can make plans for the trip to go pick it up.
ok more has 9 hp motor ,no cooler,no moisture trap,no extractor.was used 2 i guess id like to know if just the pump and the motor are worth the 2000.what would just this much cost new.thanks
Walling's Maple Syrup
01-25-2015, 11:12 AM
ok more has 9 hp motor ,no cooler,no moisture trap,no extractor.was used 2 i guess id like to know if just the pump and the motor are worth the 2000.what would just this much cost new.thanks
Did it have a cooler at one time? normally if it does not have a cooler, it only has a 5.5hp. motor on it. It doesn't have a humidity trap? These units usually come with one of those as well. Is the oil reclaimer with it? How many belts to run it, one or two? This pump can be either 15 or 30 cfm. Is it electric start or manual start? Depending on these answers, a new pump in this category would run between 4400-5200 roughly. I would want to see it run before I purchased it. Make sure none of the vanes are sticking and that it makes 25" of vac. or more when it is deadheaded.
thanks ive asked these questions to the seller an never heard back yet but im thinking its a waste of time for me.i dont want something thats pieced an cobbled together because of where i live its too hard to get parts an pieces.the pics shows only the 9hp motor an pump cant see belts as there a cover over them.there is what looks like a beer can says moose light on it that has a hose going to it i assume thats an oil reserve but not sure.they did say thed have it serviced before selling if thats a help.its over a 7 hr drive for me one way to even go see it so i think i might just quit while im ahead an just get tubing an taps an tap more trees.dont know what a recliamer lokks like but assume none there.manual when you say a pump in this catagory you mean complete with the motor, pump ,moisture trap,cooler,releaser etc... pretty much everything needed to use it
Walling's Maple Syrup
01-25-2015, 02:32 PM
No pump comes with a releaser. For that price, you would not get cooler either. You should however, get an oil reclaimer and humidity trap with it. Oil reclaimer is tallest part of pump system. It would stand approx. 42" tall and hold 5 or 6 gallons of oil. How many taps are you trying to run with this pump? A vacuum would definitely benefit you more than just adding more taps on gravity.
ok. so 2000 gets me the 151 pump and the honda 9hp engine mounted on a frame.the dealer that found me this much will sell me a humidity trap for 475 and is looking for a used releaser for me but may have to buy new also.there is no oil reclaimer .is this something that is only looking at 400-500 taps maximum for the time being but may add 400-500 more max in the next few years.of course this is all depending if i get this system geared still waiting to hear back on some questions that i asked him.i got three pics id like to show them here but cant figure out how
Walling's Maple Syrup
01-26-2015, 05:45 AM
An oil reclaimer is absolutely necessary. This is a flood style pump. The pump draws oil out of the reclaimer(reservoir), circulating through it, then back to the reclaimer.
im starting to think that i was being taken advantage of with the deal here.still never heard back from the guy yet with my last few questions.when i very first asked this company about finding a vac system i asked about a complete system that all i had to do was hook my lines to it an let er rip.they came up with this pump an its been very sketchy since.seems like every time i ask about something its oh yes youlll need one of those an yes you need one of anyway i sent a email saying im gonna pass on it.i think i have another system its a surge pump with a diesel engine good for 3000 taps an only needs a releaser an the system is less money.and closer to just in the planning stages of goin to see it an go from there.
01-26-2015, 07:00 AM
It does seem a little weird because all of the Airablo pumps I am familiar with (electric) come with everything they are one of the few pumps that are a complete package all on a metal skid. I guess it is possible to get one with less options, but seems like the reclaimer wouldn't be optional and they shouldn't sell one without it. Maybe the person who sold it kept stuff off from it.
yeah im a little sketchy on it.i was thinking it might have even been stolen maybe,not sure but either way im passing on it, i mean really a beer can for a oil reserve.
02-04-2015, 07:23 PM
Vacuum is well worth the investment. I run 2 gas powered pumps and while they are a pain keeping them fueled, it is far better than gravity. If there is any chance to eventually switching it to electric you will be far better off. On my 2 I pulled the original tanks off and built a tank stand beside the pump to hold a 4.5 gal tank . These tanks hold enough fuel to run one of my pumps about 14 hrs and the other runs about 17 hrs. Luckily, gas is cheaper now that last year, like $1.10-$1.20 less a gal.
Here is my latest vacuum setup with a single cylinder liquid cooled kubota engine. Should consume approximately a gallon and a half of diesel per 24 hours. Time will tell. Dave, it actually has that Ingersoll rand vacuum pump you offered to take of my hands last year. Works good running 26 in.hg. and 21 cfm
nice unit there, i ordered a complete gas set up for 800 taps with a 1500 tap releaser.hoping to have it in another 2 weeks.just hope this vacumm is all everyone says it is.if nothin else it be a new toy to play with.
03-13-2015, 07:57 PM
What did you end up buying?
I'm currently looking at a Airablo gas unit (brand new) rated for 800 taps and the extractor rated for 1200
The though of having to deal with gas and oil is a bit of a turn off.
I was thinking a sihi liquid ring electric setup. We have hydro and a heated building.
i ended up buying new the airablo gas unit,800 tap model complete with cooling rad.1500 tap bernard horizontal releaser.i have just finished up today building small tarp houses to keep it all under cover.temporary for this season as its hard to build anything in 4 feet of not tapped yet but will after this next storm passes through this weekend an will start plumping a couple lines up next week .im anxious to get it up an running see how it have a tough call,do u give your money to the power corp or to the gas company.i had no choice as im too far from first hurdle next week is raising my mainlines.i was set up gravity to a cage tote now with the releaser setting on top of tank my lines are too low.but i will tackles that next week one line at a time.
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