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View Full Version : Evaporator 101

01-23-2007, 02:49 PM
Should be receiving a new 18inx48in evaporator from Maple Guys with flat pans this week and the more I read the forum the more I realize I don't know anything. Have three 'seasons' experience using an old woodstove and propane fryer and bottling has always gone well. What do I need to know when starting my first batch on an evaporator. Particularly interested in the drawoff portion of the process? Thanks

Fred Henderson
01-23-2007, 03:31 PM
Now you will have a much bigger fire so keeping and eye on the level in the pan is very important. I like to make my syrup just a tad heavy in the evap and then dilute in in the canner. I sure don't want to have boil in it.

Russell Lampron
01-23-2007, 06:52 PM
When you first start boiling it will take a while to sweeten the pan(s). As the sugar gets concentrated it gets pushed towards the draw off by the less dense sap that is coming in. By watching the temperature at the draw off and checking the density with a hydrometer you can tell when it is syrup. You can also see the color change as the sap turns to syrup. When the density is correct start drawing off slowly and watch your thermometer. The temp will probably climb alittle them come back down as you get the syrup drawn out.

Follow the manufacturers instructions for sap depth in the pans if it came with any. If not start with a depth of about 1" to 1-1/4" and see how it goes. If you run too shallow you can scorch the pan so go toward the deeper depth first.


01-23-2007, 07:17 PM
maple walnut,
I don't know where in PA you live but this Sat. Jan. 27"th there is Ohio Maple days in Burton Ohio. There will be a topic from Mr. Bradley Gillian from Leader Evaporator company giving a talk on Boiling 101 Evaporator efficiency. He will be discussing the basics of firing an evaporator.
If you would like to attend call Les Ober at (440) 834-4656

01-23-2007, 07:26 PM
1. Have a good accurate thermometer that you calibrate in boiling water (or sap). Your batches to draw off will be small, maybe a cup to several, I think. I assume you will be finishing on the rig? Filter the syrup as it comes out hot.
2. Keep the sap level about 1-1.5 inches deep until you get comfortable with running the rig.
3. Watch it like a hawk.
4. Try to keep a rolling boil going.
5. Have fun and smile a lot. Take some pictures and post them.
6. Have 5 gallons of (emergency) sap setting close buy. Have some defomer of some type. a dot of unsalted butter will work to knock down the boil.
7. Watch your feed inlet this rig will boil a lot faster than you did before.
8. Have more fun, Invite friends over to see the beautiful syrup you made.


01-24-2007, 08:53 AM

If I draw off so little finshed syrup at a time I assume I will have multiple drawoffs during the day? I read people discussing batching it and finishing it later. I was thinking of just putting it in larger gallon jugs and then finishing it and bottling it inside on the stove later in the week. Any problems with that?

Will a deeper depth (say 2 1/2in) hurt anything until I get familiar with eveything, probably just decrease the evaporation rate?

I appreciate all the comments. I keep everyone posted on the adventure!

01-24-2007, 09:13 AM
Does this evaporator have partitions in the pan or just a fully open flat pan?

That will make a difference. Since you really can't draw off a batch if it is one open pan. In that case you'd do more of a batch and you could boil a nights worth and maybe take that the next day and set aside and finish on propane.

If your rig makes a cup or two per batch, with constant fire you can expect that you may do this 1-2 times per hour, maybe slightly more. That is if your pan has partitions in it so you'll have a syrup compartment basically.

You'll find a happy medium with the sap depth, practice with water. It will be harder to boil 2 inches of sap than 1 inch, so you want to be safe, but at some point you'll be working all night to get it to boil. You get the point. 1-1.5 inches should be fine like the others have said. But just be comfortable. You may boil at 2inches for the first few times, then when you have enough beer on hand, start boiling at 1 inch or so. Beer is for the nerves, not entertainment.

I don't know if that rig has a float or not so when you add sap if you have a valve just crack it, so you get a trickle or small stream. THat way you don't kill the boil with a large pulse of sap coming in and you still are covering the evaporation taking place.

01-24-2007, 09:17 AM
Ignore the partition questions, I looked at the mapleguys.com and it does have them, so you should be able to make syrup right on the rig and draw off. The syrup will go towards the drawoff valve.

Just get it dead level.

You may want to bring you syrup to say 217 or so on your evaporator and finish on the propane burner. But no reason why you can't make syrup right on the rig.

01-24-2007, 02:23 PM
Maplehound- thanks for the invite, it sounds like exactly what I need. Unfortunately I am on the east side of the state in the Poconos.

01-24-2007, 05:22 PM
Like was stated there is no reason you can't run 2-2 1/2 inches. Only thing you will get is darker syrup. Which is very good. As far a draw off and how many a night. It will depend on your sugar content of the sap. Sap that test 3% will come to syrup quicker then 1% (TRUST ME I KNOW). As far a getting syrup off your rig compared to finishing it off. I am from the old school. Get it right on the rig then can it.
There is alot to boiling. But with time and a little luck you will get the hang of it. Biggest things to watch are:

1. Sap coming into your rig..
2. Depth of your sap ( better to be deep then shallow)
3. Watch your thermometer. (If you calabrated it it should be very close)
4. After you have draw off a little check it with your hydrometer.

There are alot of guys on here that will help you along the way.

And not to be a downer the first few boilings you might want to be without the kids in the sugar house. You will have enough to watch, and the less destractions the better. Once you get comfortable invite the whole town. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good luck and any questions just ask.

NH Maplemaker
01-24-2007, 08:05 PM
I think the frist thing when you get this new rig, and set it up. Is to make sure it is good and level :!: If you don't have a concrete surface, you will need to check the level of evaporator often :!: This is critical for proper evaporator operation :D It must be level at all times :!: :!: Jim L.