View Full Version : cheapest source of membranes and pre filters?

01-20-2015, 11:48 AM
Looking for more options in purchasing filters and membranes. Tired of paying through the nose if you know what I mean. Any suppliers you guys recommend for low pricing and quick delivery?

01-20-2015, 12:28 PM
I haven't used American RO myself, I know they cater to the maple industry and several people on this forum use them. Here's a link.http://americanro.com/maple-sap-membrane.html

01-20-2015, 02:39 PM
Ditto. Joe seems quite knowledgable and ships quick.

01-20-2015, 05:19 PM
Joe owns Atlantic RO. I think American RO is his brother. Same prices but I've bought from Joe and he's great to deal with.

maple flats
01-20-2015, 05:57 PM
Here's the Atlantic link http://www.atlanticro.com/

NH Maplemaker
01-20-2015, 06:17 PM
l Luv Joe, great guy!!!!

01-20-2015, 07:46 PM
Joe owns Atlantic RO. I think American RO is his brother. Same prices but I've bought from Joe and he's great to deal with.

Correct...on all accounts. If I recall right he said there is three or four of them that do RO stuff.

01-20-2015, 08:06 PM
Thanks for the replies, looks like Joes the man.

01-20-2015, 08:09 PM
Ditto. Joe seems quite knowledgable and ships quick.

I would agree joe is knowledgeable on ROs, I would not agree Joe is knowledgeable on ROs specific to maple applications

01-21-2015, 05:22 AM
I would agree joe is knowledgeable on ROs, I would not agree Joe is knowledgeable on ROs specific to maple applications

I can agree with this correction. I had to talk him into xle's. He had not sold many for maple and was concerned how they would work with maple. I think they are a great membrane for the price.

01-21-2015, 06:44 AM
Also Membrane Expert Solutions http://www.mapleexperts.com/PriceList.html

01-21-2015, 04:07 PM
Just curious what the feedback is on the MES membranes?? The info on them sounds good and I haven't heard any negative about them. Are they better than most of the other brands on the market??

01-26-2015, 07:56 AM
I tried a couple last year cause I needed some last minute and couldn't wait for shipping. I was impressed on how long they ran without cleaning. Cleaning was a breeze on them. I bought a bunch this year for me and a few other guys. Great prices, shipping to me was free.

I was at his shop a few days ago and grabbed two more for my neighbor. He also has graver prefilters. I was looking at them side by side to the GE and I think the graver will be better. It has more surface area, prefiltration and final filtration, and a plastic core to keep from crushing. I always hated how the GE has fiber hairs cause I found some of those in the head of my membrane once. He told me Bascom bought a whole pallet for their own use. If Bascom uses them they are good enough for me.

I grabbed a 5 gallon pail of soap too for the membranes. It says ultrasil 10 which I think is what the other guys are packaging. This is the interesting part tho. I was using lapierre ultrasil and I got some from mes last year and after I used the soap the wash water looked like I was making tea in it. The water turned all brown and nasty for about 3 days of washing and then got better. My flow rates went up so I am sold on the soap mes has.

01-27-2015, 08:12 AM
I use MES for my small permeate tube membranes and Joe for my large permeate tube membranes. One machine I have both plugs and use MES cause of the lower price and maple experience. End plugs can cost money so I evaluate that when I do purchasing. Hope that helps. I bought a case of prefilters in Verona from MES and I like them better than the GE filters.

02-17-2015, 09:35 PM
I used to buy from Atlantic ro but have sinced gone to mes membranes. The mes membranes are LF membranes. TheLF stands for low fouling. They have longer run times between washing than my xles do. They also clean up better which I am pretty sure is due to the fact that they have 34mm spacers instead of the traditional 28mm spacers. At the end of the season cleaning the mes membranes got back to 98% of new while the xles only got back to 75%. This was on the same machine. Oh and don't forget xles are the same as e8s except for the permeate tube size. Clayton at mes knows more about membranes than joe at Atlantic ever knew. I recommend talking to Clayton you'll learn a lot.