View Full Version : running out of time!!!!
01-17-2015, 06:58 PM
I have 1,000+ taps going in and not enough time to put in the dry line so today I bought 1 1/4'' line hoping that that the will be enough room for the vacuum to reach the end of the line. I have plenty of enough slope and the lines are tight as possible. do you think the vacuum with reach the end of the line taps? The run of mainline is 3/4 or a mile.
maple flats
01-18-2015, 07:43 AM
That's a looong run for 1.25" but the slope my help enough. I'll let others who are more experienced with long runs address this. My longest is only 1600' and I have 1.5" dry over 1.25" wet. Steve Childs Cornell Maple Specialist has a tubing notebook that would help. He has charts that show how much vacuum you can get thru various lengths of each size tubing. An issue that may have a major impact, is whether you have laterals entering the 1.25 directly, or do you have them entering smaller mains that then tie into the 1.25. When you get to add the 1.5" dry line, the laterals should not enter the wet line, but only mainlines should enter a wet line at either a manifold or a whip, or you don't have the ability separate the air (gases) from the sap.
01-18-2015, 08:27 AM
Everyone's situation is different. If you have to set up this bush in a couple of phases over a couple of years, so be it. You can't go wrong running a larger wetline now and you can add the dryline this summer and up production for next year.
01-18-2015, 08:41 AM
Everyone's situation is different. If you have to set up this bush in a couple of phases over a couple of years, so be it. You can't go wrong running a larger wetline now and you can add the dryline this summer and up production for next year.
This year I just plan on getting on vacuum I hope its better than gravity. This summer im going to run my dry line. I have alot of slope I'm just hoping I get some vac at the end of the run. Thoughout the main some laterals will run directly into the main but the majority will be on my branches.
01-18-2015, 02:48 PM
Sounds like you have a good plan the 11/4 for a wet this year and add your dry for next...however, I would highly suggest that you don't tap any last into your dry line....if you have taps that are too far to get into your side lines then run a 1" line between your wet and dry later for are trying to keep as much gas out of the wet line as possible....good luck
Same here mr time is slowly becoming not on my side. I have a vac pump to plumb in and allot of laterals to fix from squirrel and deer damage. Sugarhouse is a mess. And I have to get everything ready to rock before I go on my cruise that my wife decided we had to go on starting feb 22 and returning march2 so needless to say I will be starting late this year for sure. Luckily I have vac this year and have a cold bush as it is!
What you are doing sounds like a good plan for this year where time is starting to go against you. Run the 1-1/4" and see how it performs, it will definitely be way better than gravity, then before next year get another line in and set up for wet/dry system. It is hard to make everything perfect the first year when you are doing it as a sideline hobby and don't have all the time in the world to do it.
01-19-2015, 10:16 AM
You should be close to minimum at that distance.
I too would suggest adding a dry line for next season to get enough vac thru the system and to get the most out of the system production wise.
I have been looking over the long range guess for my area and it is not looking for a good season at this time until March.
I can remember season that were finished on the 15th, like 1981 but others that have gone to mid April like last season and 2012.
Do the best you can, learn from your system and take notes on what to do different for 2016.
We are all learning as we go as to what has the best results for our bushes.
I am tapping out a wind protected section of our main bush that is more difficult to reach but that is where the majority of last seasons sap was harvested and this winter is looking a lot like last winter. A section that is first to catch the wind will be last priority. The weather keeps throwing a curve ball at me. You cant walk in the bush now without yak tracks and you still go down. Ice ladened lines are a pain too.
Just keep working toward the goal and all will work out.
01-19-2015, 10:46 AM
I think there is still time. I think you will find you can get it done if you push through. There will be days without sap. I put in more lines and taps during the season every year. I use a valve on all of my wet lines so I just turn the valve off while I am working and then open it when I am done for the day. Sometimes I add few after work and sometimes a lot more on the weekend.
01-19-2015, 06:46 PM
I have been pushing myself to the limits. I've been long days putting up line and late nights in the shanty building air tight doors for my arch and cleaning everything. It sucks because i'm so busy in spring though fall working long days and weekends as a steamfitter. I barley get enough time in to do wood for my mothers house and sugar wood. And in winter i'm laid off scrambling to get stuff done for maple season lol. If I get all my taps up and finish before season i'll start my dry line and add more taps if possible. I have a feeling that my little 250gph RO will be running around the clock. That is an investment for next year getting a bigger RO. The only one who helps me is a Australian shepherd pup that picks up the ties I drop.:lol:
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