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View Full Version : Anybody seen or tried a set up like this???

01-16-2015, 11:05 PM
Wanted to know how this set up with putting 3 or 4 steam table pans on would compare to a 275 gallon fuel oil tank evaporator. Let me know what you think the pros and cons of both set ups are. Also which on would be more efficient both having four steam table pans, either this double 5454 gallon drum set up or a 275 gallon oil tank.

01-17-2015, 12:33 AM
Looks pretty scary to me. When I started I used an oil tank which I know you can find one for free on Craig's list. I used 3 deep stainless hotel pans I got at a great price at a restaurant supply store that were used. That barrel set up looks like more trouble than it's worth

Russell Lampron
01-17-2015, 06:13 PM
You want to use the oil tank arch. With the barrel set up pictured you won't have flames directly under the upper pans. For better efficiency you want flames under all of the pans.

01-18-2015, 11:04 AM
I built mine with the drums welded flush together. I used a barrel stove kit for the door and stack, and built a simple frame to fit 5 steam pans. I ramped under the back three pans. The frame is skinned like a traditional arch down the outside diameter of the drums. All bricked and ceramiced. Also have a Air coming in from the rear under the cast fire grate. Haven't done a test boil yet, my shop burned down around it the day after i finished it. Hopefully get to try it out next year! Use what you have and learn from the great folks on this site.