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View Full Version : Plastic sap buckets

01-13-2015, 10:37 AM
I am adding another 50 taps to my setup this year after getting permission to tap my neighbours woods. I Planning on using regular sap bucktets. Been shopping around and it seems like the plastic buckets are the most affordable. I like the aluminum buckets but getting tired of fixing pin holes in them. Just curious how well the plastic buckets hold up. Will I be replacing them again in a few years?

01-13-2015, 04:26 PM
Clinkis, we have plastic buckets, some are 20+ years old. They can take quite a beating, cant recall any splitting from sap freezing. Plastic is probably the cheapest way to go, but not as esthetic looking as metal.


01-13-2015, 04:55 PM
I use aluminum and have not had many problems with them yet, the only problem i see with plastic is the chance of cracking in cold weather or when stacked in storage or transport. I think new plastic buckets Are rather expensive compared used aluminum buckets.

01-13-2015, 05:32 PM
Thanks for the feedback. The new plastic buckets are $1 to $2 cheaper then any used aluminum buckets I could find. I definitely agree they are not as estaticly pleasing though. I still love the look of the old galvanized buckets. Reminds me of my earliest memories of doing syrup with my grandfather but they are getting harder to find in usable condition. And I am sure all those lead soldered seams aren't good for you anyways!

KV Sappers
01-13-2015, 05:52 PM
I've used the plastic buckets since starting out and never had a problem with them. Easy to clean at the end of the season and once clean I stack them one on top of the other.

01-14-2015, 08:51 AM
where are you getting the plastic buckets from ? I would try some if they are cheaper, I have found used aluminum for $3-$5 each, from private sellers and bascoms.

G&D MapleSurgaring
01-14-2015, 10:59 AM
You could buy 5 gallon buckets and run tubing from the tap into the bucket. I think its cheaper and efficient of holding more sap than buying those regular sap buckets. Just my thoughts.

01-14-2015, 10:36 PM
I've done the 5 gallon bucket thing but for smaller single tap trees they are not really necessary and I find they take longer to collect because you have to fight and pull the lids off. I think they are good in certain situations but for the woods I'm taping I prefer the traditional buckets and lids.

I'm in Ontario and I've shop around a lot both privately and at maple supplies dealers locally and the new plastic buckets are $1 to $2 cheaper then the best deal on aluminum buckets I can find. I'm also sick of fixing pin holes in the aluminum buckets. That's why I asked about plastic.

01-15-2015, 05:19 AM
Last year I used 100 3.5 gallon pails with lids that I hung on the 5/16" tree saver spiles. I cut a hole in the side near the top with a small slit on an angle to allow for sliding over the spile. They worked great and held over 2.5 gallons. You can see pictures of them on the classifieds if you want to see how they were used. We decided to go to vacuum this year so we are selling them, but they did work great. By wire tying the lids on, you don't have to fight with the lids when empting them. Check out the pictures in the classifieds and on ebay of them.