View Full Version : 11/2 line

01-12-2015, 01:37 PM
Was wondering if you guys have any Ideas on hanging 1 1/2 line in this cold weather we need to put out 1200 feet .. its round now need to get it straight before February :o

01-12-2015, 02:39 PM
Use a spooler if you can find one and do it on a sunny day,be surprised how the black will warm ,even in cold temp.also fasten one end .after i rolled it out,hooked my 4 wheeled on it to straighten it out after letting it absorb the sun about 30 min or so.

01-12-2015, 02:55 PM
Use a spooler if you can find one and do it on a sunny day,be surprised how the black will warm ,even in cold temp.also fasten one end .after i rolled it out,hooked my 4 wheeled on it to straighten it out after letting it absorb the sun about 30 min or so.

Bingo. I hung about 1500' of 1" black pipe in December. I unrolled it by hand, cut it to my lengths, and let it sit in the yard for a couple days in the sun. Then dragged it right into the woods. easy peasy all except the unrolling by hand ugh I was sweating a little after that.

01-12-2015, 05:01 PM
A spoiler makes a rough job a walk in the bush dragging a sack of potatoes.

I built a spoiler that fits into the 2" receiver in my cat wheeler. You can roll out 1000' in the time it takes to walk thru the bush. Two radios make it easier to tell the walker to stop near the end of the roll. Last season unrolled 2000' of 1" in the teens. Attach a grip to pull it along its destination and add a grip on the end and attach grip to the end hook and install onto the fitting. Pull tight from other end and secure to end hook. Attach to wire and you are done.

A Simple spoiler can be made from two saw horses, two pallets, sections of 2x4 to hold diameter of the tubing between the two pallets. Drill hole in both pallets to accept an axle of 1 1/4" iron pipe and place on saw horse with two blocks to hold the axle from walking.

Good Luck!

01-12-2015, 07:13 PM
I'm new at lines but an old timer once should me a trick and it works great. I pound a t-post, or any post in the ground or have someone stand in the middle of the roll and pull it. I was told and have only to do it with snow on the ground. But I'll tell ya its so easy to unroll it

01-13-2015, 08:17 AM
If you buy a section of manure bed liner from farmtek you could do that any season. The product is like a Teflon surface. I have some in a fabric form left over from our sawdust trailer...you can let the load freeze in the trailer and when you put up the trailer the entire block comes out of the trailer. Not good for walking on thou.

Glad you posted that old trick. I can put the fabric on a pallet and strap it to a tree with a couple of uprights in the center to hold the roll or just strap the pallet to the tractor forks.

Two spoilers are better than one...when you have helpers.

Slide a piece of tubing over the t post so the main line doesn't get scratched up.

01-13-2015, 05:40 PM
thanks for the replies .I will post how I made out when I put it in ,not tonight though its -11 degrees out ,waiting for a sunny day